Nomus Unleashed!

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Dr. Garaki desperately tries to flee from the Heroes but trips on Eraser Head's capturing tape he uses his Erasure on him. Kyan was there supporting the heroes while Akari and Tsuyoi stayed behind to help out the students.

Aizawa: You're not going anywhere.

Endeavor notices him growing older realizing that he is not actually Quirkless, and Naomasa theorizing it is the secret behind All For One's longevity.

Kyan: So he isn't quitkless. There are many of the related Quirks they have seen, such as super regeneration seem "rare", and perhaps those Quirks were either replicated or created artificially to help All For One.

Present Mic: And this bastard is the one who turned Oboro into Kurogiri and torturing my kids?!

From the database and evidence Mizuki found earlier. Kyan solemnly nodded.

Present Mic flips Kyudai over onto his back, angrily demanding he answer.

Present Mic: Why are you using your powers for evil? What good comes from harming students and turning them into mindless creatures?!

Two doctors, who were watching, come in and push Present Mic away, wanting to know what it is he's done wrong.

Doctor #1: Stop it! Why are you attacking Dr. Kyudai?!

Doctor #2: Aren't you supposed to be heroes?! What did he do wrong?!

Present Mic: *Serious* Stay out of this conversation. This doesn't concern any of you.

The two doctors flinched at the killer intent Present Mic was giving up notifying that neither of them had ever seen the goofy loud hero as such a thing.

Naomasa: Someone get these two out to here!

Mizuki and another Hero escort the two doctors away as Mandalay informs them they have evacuated everyone from the Hospital and are ready to fight.

Mirko, who's making her way to the morgue, suggests they could secure the place without a fight since the Nomu move on command and they have captured the one giving the commands.

Aizawa: Mic...Do you know where Geysis went...

Present Mic:....He says he had to take care of a little business...the little listeners are watching just in case...

Aizawa: Hmm...


Yuiga: So you're coming with us...?

Geysis: Yes. I know exactly what you kids are going to do?

Stacy: And why should we trust you?

Hakuto: This could be just another ploy to try and make us bait for the PSC.

Geysis: Actually. Yes and no.

Hakuto: Eh?

Kaisen: Eh? What do you mean...?


Geysis did something that the former students were not expecting. He got down on his knees and pressed his head to the ground in front of them.

Vigilantes: ?!!!

Geysis: This is my way of apologizing for all I've done. After realizing how much you all went through and why I allowed it. I know this doesn't make up for what I've done. But I'm willing to atone for my actions.


The elf man gets up at his feet. A perculiar gaze from him meet their eyes.

Geysis: Trust me. You're not the only ones who lost someone to the PSC!

The former students gasped at that...did that mean...all this time...they had Geysis wrong?

Geysis: *Sighs*....Let's go. We have a long road ahead of us.

Vigilantes:...Yes Sir...

Still feeling wary about trusting Geysis or not, they reluctantly followed him to the PSC.

Geysis: (They won't get away with this anymore...isn't that right...Father?)


Eraser Head tells Kyudai that they will take away everything from him just like how he took so many innocent lives away with his experiments.


Present Mic delivered a DJ punch straight to the man's face causing him to fall backwards and become heavily distroted.

Present Mic: When this is all over. I'll make sure scumbags like you will never see the light of day ever again.

Kyudai continues to plea innocence as Mirko tells Endeavor the Nomu are mobilizing.

Endeavor: WHAT?! Destroy them! Hurry!

Kyudai: *Smiles* Too Late...

Present Mic: Eh?!


Suddenly, several Nomus tear through the floor, with one of them with drill arms tearing into Kyudai's arm. Kyudai starts melting, revealing himself to be a Double clone created by Twice, and that if they knew about his replication skills, they should have taken more precautions.

Present Mic: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!

Aizawa: (Shit! This wasn't how things were supposed to go!)

The real Kyudai is in his laboratory watching Tomura's process as he starts gathering as many supplies as he can, thinking about his life's work and how many Quirks he has cultivated, before telling "Johnny" prepare to warp him and Tomura away.

But just then, Mirko charges in, knocking over a door that falls on Johnny and crushes him. Mirko asks if he is the real deal to which he reacts with horror.

Kyudai: (Johnny...)

Kyudai fondly thinks back to all the good times he had with Johnny, saying that his insatiable curiosity and inquisitive nature was his source of strength, and he thanks him from the bottom of his heart as he watches the rest of his lab getting torn apart.

He then remembered one Nomu that was killed so many months ago. To think...even after this time...he would end up thinking about him...

Kyudai: (Tsu...basa...)


Fumiko: Mirko. Status Report. How are things looking from there?

Mirko: Got Kyudai on the ropes! Prepare for real with the rest of Nomus!

Fumiko: Understood.

Mirko reports to the Heroes that she has located Kyudai and several tough-looking Nomu, as Endeavor, Yuki-Onna, and their group continue to deal with the onslaught on Nomus in the rest of the hospital.


Several heroes, including Crust, try to make it to Mirko's location, but are also halted by Nomu getting in the way.

Endeavor: Damn!

Fumiko: Looks like we have no choice to but to take them on.

Fumiko powers up some frost abilities before charging with Sub-Zero freezing one of the Nomus before destroying them.

Meanwhile, Mirko charges for Kyudai, ready to kick him to see if he's the real deal, leading him to panic and remember the High-End Nomu he had created. He believes activating them now would be a bad idea due to still being in the testing phase, as even Hood took 10 hours to fully stabilize, but with no other option, he pulls out a device ready to activate the High-Ends.

Just before Mirko's leg makes contact with Kyudai's arm, she gets pushed out of the way by another smaller Nomu, named Mocha, who uses the Double Quirk to create a clone of Kyudai that Mirko kicks away.


Mirko: Tsk!

The distraction lasts long enough for Kyudai to activate the 5 remaining High-Ends, while also praising Mocha for using its Quirk without him telling it to.

Kyudai: High-Ends!!!! Destroy the Heroes!!!

One of them comes out and slams Mirko into a large tanker. As the High-Ends prepare to go wild and destroy all the Heroes, Crust finally arrives at the lab.

One of the High-Ends recognizes him and prepares to fight him, while Mirko, who survived the attack, chuckles crazily.

Mirko: I'm just getting warmed up. (Whether I die here! It won't be all for nothing! As a hero! I have no regrets!

She prepares to fight them all once more!

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