Play Date

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Request: Play Date

Description: Hello Yukimura-kun. This is Celestin. On case your reading this. I have a small request for you. Could you watch Ruby & Sapphire for a bit? I would watch them or have Tohru-san do it but I need to get ready to have an urgent meeting with to help out the new recruits that will be hired for your mother's agency.

Plus, Tohru-san is now busy with doing small part time jobs along with helping out crafting weapons and all. I hope you don't mind if I dump the twins on you for a few hours? Plus, I heard some other kids are coming to see your classmates. So I guess this could count as a play date for them. Ruby and Sapphire are still young so it would be nice for them to hang around kids that are close to their age. Be careful, they're still an handful. But they usually behave when they're around you. So it shouldn't be all that bad. I hope. 

Client - Celestin

Payment - 20,000 yen

Rank: 4

-Plus Ultra-

After reading the request, Mikoto heard the knock at the dormitory's door knowing exactly who it was.

Mikoto: Wow. They came quick. Though I shouldn't be surprised for this little arrangement.

It was great to have the kids comes over to their dormitory, which was now, cleaned up from their last recent "visitors".

Class 1-C offered to babysit the kids that were coming over for a few hours. Most of them, even the Jacksquad, were excited to see Sora, Tomie, & Inari again because it's been such a long time.

Ruby & Sapphire too even though they only saw each other like a month ago. He just hopes Ruby will get along with Sylvia now and not try to pick fights with her.

He also wanted to introduce Hinako to all of them. She maybe a doll, but in retrospect, she was still a child. I mean she was only alive for a couple of weeks. Mikoto thought it would be nice if she experience first hand on how to act her age and take time to be young while hanging out around other children.

Such a shame he couldn't invite Kota-kun to come along because he wanted to see Izuku instead. Eri-chan too because Aizawa-Sensei is starting her training.

Katsuma-kun and Mahoro-chan are still on Nabu Island. So he has no chance with them.

He opened the door and let the guests in.


Mikoto: Whoa! Sora!

The little angel boy squealed in excitement, small white wings flapping rapidly, prior meeting his favorite hero again while hugging his leg.

Tomie: It's been such a long time, Mr. Snowball!

Mikoto: Ha ha! It has Tomie! And hello to you two Inari.

Inari shyly waved before the twins ended up revealing themselves.

Ruby: Aw man! Why did Celestin have to leave us here instead of letting us attend the meeting?!

Sapphire: Weren't you the one complaining earlier that meetings were boring.

Ruby: Well...I...crap! I know! I just I hate being treated like a kid!

Sapphire: True...But I'm glad we get to see Big Brother.

Ruby: Yeah! Anyway! Hey Big Bro!

Mikoto: Hey to you guys two! How everything at the Crown Tundra?

Sapphire: Meh...Busy....

Mikoto: I can imagine. (Celestin did mention that both my parents are busy. Due to the fact that the war will take place soon, it's understandable that they're all preparing.)

Ruby: Yeah! That sucks! Everyone is so gloomy of what's about to take place! I want to sing my songs and lift up everyone spirits! Can't have no one being mopey!

Mikoto: True True. (Maybe a song or two could probably lift my spirits up. Because right now, it's my duty to save the original Class 1-C)

???: Onii-chan.

Everyone turned their heads to see a familiar doll with black and white hair wearing a traditional gothic lolita yukata in a maid-like manner.

Ruby: Kawaii!

Tomie: Who is she?! She's so adorable!

Sapphire: She looks like a doll...cute...

Mikoto: Guys. This is Hinako. How to put it...she is a doll. She's currently living with us until we can resolve her issue.

Hinako looked around at the children while hiding behind Mikoto observing them.

Sora: Hello! I'm Sora!

The little boy with angel wings spoke to her first.

Inari: I-Inari...

Then the shy little fox boy.

Tomie: I'm Tomie!

The optimistic little witch girl whose quirk revolves around Halloween standards.

Ruby: I'm Ruby! She's Sapphire! We're the idol twins!

Sapphire: We can make crystals from our songs.

Finally, the twin girls who seemed to be a bit older than the rest of the children. Hinako looked at Mikoto who shared her glance.

Mikoto: They're here to have a little play date. You wouldn't mind, right?

Hinako: I...well...

Mikoto: Hinako, don't worry. They're all good kids. Give them a chance. Who knows. You all could become friends.

Hinako: Okay...

Ruby: Yeah! Let's be the best of friends~!

Sora: The more the merrier~!

Tomie: Yippee~!

Mikoto: Until the others show up. How about I make you guys some cookies. Hein already prepared tea for you guys!

Sapphire: I would like that, Big Bro.

Sora: Same here! What cookies we having, Mr. Snowball?! Chocolate Chip? Raisins? M&M?!!

Mikoto: They're ice cream cookies made by me!


Inari: Mr. Snowball's ice cream cookies are really delicious.

Sora: Aw man?! Am I the only one who have never tried them?! Now I'm very excited! I want some! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

Tomie: Sora-kun! Say please!

Sora: Fiiiiine. Please Mr. Snowball! May I have some too?

Hinako: I would like to try some too! I've never had ice cream cookies before.

Mikoto: Of course Sora. Hinako. I'll be in the kitchen for a half of an hour. Stay here in the living room. You can all play with some of the toys and coloring books Present Mic left for you guys!

Children: HAI!

Mikoto went in the kitchen as the children begin to play. The other Class 1-C members shown up and started to play with them as well.

The Jacksquad focused on Sora & Inari.

Sylvia ended up a small squabble with Ruby whom once again seems to enjoy butting heads with her. Sapphire watches with dismay while shaking her head at her sister's antics.

Others mostly Oka, Souta, & Yin played with Tomie & Hinako.

Samuel: Hey! Hey! Who wants a piggyback ride!

Sora: I do! I do!

Maria: Then hop aboard little ones!

Maria transform into a grappling horse as Sora and Tomie hopped onto her cheering with excitement!

Maria: Here we go!

Sora: Woohoo!

Tomie: This is my first time on a horse! Amazing!

Riku: Just don't break anything, Maria!

Maria: Yeah Yeah! Let me have my fun with the kids!

Hein: Again. Don't break anything and be careful with the kids! They're fragile!

Maria: Alright already...Killjoys!

Destiny: Hey Inari-kun! Can you make a mystical fire just like me and Sylvia?

Inari: I sure can. Mr. Snowball says I have what it takes to be a hero! I will master my quirk and become a great hero!

Mio: *Smiles* I'm glad you will. Never go back on that word. Create your own picture of you own heroism.

Samuel: That's right. Big Brother right here believes in you.

Luna: Yeah! We know you can do it!

Inari: *Joyful* You got it~!

Jack: Hey! So you girls can sing lots of songs?!

Ruby: Hehehe! That's right!

Sapphire: We are the idol twins. There's no song we can't master.

Jack: Cool! Maybe someday we can do a duet together~? What do you guys say?

Ruby: Sorry. I prefer sticking with Sapphire.

Sapphire: ...I prefer sticking with Ruby.

Jack: Ouch! Rejected! Hit and a miss! Your loss!

Souta: Pfft!

Jack: *Glares* Got something to say?

Souta: Puh-lease. With these two in the way, you'll never become a successful singer. Your popularity will go down the drain the moment these two hit the public.

Jack: Shut up!

Ruby: They're strange...

Sapphire: Really strange...

Eito: Hey Girls! Want to me to teach a little something about love advice~? For when you get older, you might a meet a special someone.

Ruby: Ewww...

Sapphire: Get Lost Creep.

Twins: Go Die.

Eito: *Shock* Ah?!

Kenji: *Laughing* HAHAHAHAHA!

Lilac: Need some ointment for that burn, Eito?

Eito: Shut up!

Kenji: Pffft!

Kelly: *Chuckles*...

Oka: Hinako-chan...Would you like to be a part of my doll collection?

Hinako: Umm-?

Haru: Do not say yes. It's for your own good.

Hinako: Okay?

Oka: *Pouts* So close...Why you do that Mistuo-kun?

Haru: No offense, Kuroha-chan. But whenever you ask someone to be a part of your doll collection, things end badly.

Oka:....Fair Enough.

Yin: She'll never change...

Hein walked into the kitchen to see Mikoto and Riku talking.

Hein: Isn't this cute?

Mikoto: You mean the little play date we arranged. Yeah. I think it was a great idea.

Riku: It's also nice to take your mind off of things. To help ease the burden of your shoulders.

Mikoto: Yeah...I'm just glad the kids are getting along with our classmates.. Especially Hinako.

Mikoto looked outside from the kitchen to see Hinako playing with the kids. She had a happy smile on her face.

Mikoto: She's still a mystery I want the find out more about. She was created by our senpai Misachiko. It still makes me wonder how she was able to bring a doll to life and still standing despite her master being gone.

Hein: We will find out more about Hinako's origins another day. Right now. Let's let her have this moment.

Hinako looked at Mikoto as she waved at him. He waved back with a smile.

Mikoto: Yeah. She deserved this. She deserves to live a happy childhood. Something that Misachiko...probably never got the chance to experience.


Mikoto: Anyway. Enough bringing each other down. We're all here to have fun with the kids. In the meantime....

He opened the oven and pulled out the fresh baked cookies that were coated with ice cream and chocolate filling.

Mikoto: Whose ready for ice cream cookies?!!!

Kids: MEEEEEE!!!

Sora: OMG! I can't wait to try them!

Tomie: My tummy is growling.

Inari: Mine too...

Ruby & Sapphire: So are we!

Hinako: Cookies~!

Jack: Hey Class Rep! I want some!

Luna: Umm...Jack. I believe he made those cookies for the kids.

Jack: What?! Aw man?! No fair!

Souta: What are you, five?! If you want cookies. Bake them yourself!

Jack: Shut up, Nightmare Freak!

Souta: You shut up, Loudmouth!

Hein: No fighting around the kids!

Sora: Your classmates are weird, Mr. Snowball!

Ruby: Enough clowning around! I want some ice cream cookies!

Sapphire: So do I, Big Bro.

Mikoto: Haha! Okay! One at a time! One at a time! The ice cream cookies! Get them while they're fresh!

Kids: YAAAAAAY!!!!

Class 1-C spend the rest of the day playing with the kids and eating ice cream cookies together. Sora, Tomie, Inari, Ruby, Sapphire, & Hinako will remember this day as a pleasant yet happy experience~!

Hinako: *Eating one of the cookies*...Mmm...Delicious~~~!

Request: Play Date

Description: Hello Yukimura-kun. This is Celestin. On case your reading this. I have a small request for you. Could you watch Ruby & Sapphire for a bit? I would watch them or have Tohru-san do it but I need to get ready to have an urgent meeting with to help out the new recruits that will be hired for your mother's agency.

Plus, Tohru-san is now busy with doing small part time jobs along with helping out crafting weapons and all. I hope you don't mind if I dump the twins on you for a few hours? Plus, I heard some other kids are coming to see your classmates. So I guess this could count as a play date for them. Ruby and Sapphire are still young so it would be nice for them to hang around kids that are close to their age. Be careful, they're still an handful. But they usually behave when they're around you. So it shouldn't be all that bad. I hope. 

Client - Celestin

Payment - 20,000 yen

Rank: 4

Status: Complete

Class Reputation: A -

Present Mic: You're doing great, little listeners! You have exceeded my expectations! Someday, you'll be the heroes of tomorrow~!

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