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Tomura was now determined to subdue Gigantomachia. Niko wanted to see how everything will be played out for now so he and the others of course, join in on the action.

From Tomura's declaration, aughing, Daruma responds that it's a childish dream but is impressed by how serious Tomura is in his dream. Daruma agrees nonetheless. Mr. Compress notes how easy it was to convince the doctor while Himiko Toga questions Tomura.

Toga: Are you going to destroy everything includes what I love?

Tomura replies that they should get what they want as well which gives the other members relief.

Toga: Yay!

Juurou/Miyumi: Phew...

Remy: At least that's taken care off...

Teddy: Yeah. No more doubting each other...I can't wait to kick some ass!

Doctor Daruma admits that the plan was to always help but he wanted to see Tomura's development.

He then looked at Niko. Something about the boy doesn't sit right with him.

Luckily for him, Niko didn't catch his stare thanks to the darkness but little did he know. The boy can tell he was watching him but pretended not too.

Doctor: I'm afraid I also have to admit that I cannot help you all until you get Gigantomachia to submit.

Dabi interrupts saying he will not go back to fight Gigantomachia; plus he has a good potential ally waiting.

Daruma interjects that Dabi can stay back to help him test out his High-End Nomus. Juurou also wishes to stay which made the doctor nodded in agreement.

Daruma sends the remaining League of Villain members back to Gigantomachia at Tomura's request using Johnny.


Miyumi: Aww man. It's such a shame Juuoru decided to stay behind.

Niko: I'm sure he has a reason too.

Miyumi: Yes. The quirk erasing bullet. He once used it earlier. Now with the doctor's help, he's trying to use the drug to amplified it for the upcoming war.

Niko: *Smirks* Hehehe~! Pretty smart~!

Miyumi: Pretty smart indeed. That's my boyfriend. Always one step ahead of things.

Niko: I wonder what kind of faces the heroes will make once they lose their quirks...FOREVER~!

He turned to a resolved Tomura proclaims to Gigantomachia that the future king has returned.

Intrigued, Gigantomachia replies that a king should inspire dread, be admired, and be strong.

With that, the second confrontation starts as the League Of Villains charged at him from above!

Over a month and a half after making contact with Doctor Daruma, Niko, Tomura, and the others have been fighting Gigantomachia all along.

Almost like it was target practice. The members take turns assisting Tomura in battle.

Niko sharpens his black shadow claws.

Juurou summons massive guns and fire multiple bullets.

Miyumi, unable to use her quirk, just yet would help Toga face the giant in a knife combat.

Remy uses his cards and other voodoo acts. Mr. Compress helps him out due to treating him like an apprentice.

Teddy transforms into a powerful voodoo monster to deliver the most powerful blows at the giant.

Tomura, being All For One's successor, is Gigantomachia's main target and doesn't care that when the other members wander off.

However, this all of these attacks proves to be futile as Gigantomachia is able to fight for 48 hours and 44 minutes straight without end and his body grows in size during battle.

Giantomachima sleeps for three hours before resuming. He reveals to the League of Villains that he has a heightened sense of hearing and smell.

This makes it difficult to attack Gigantomachia even in his sleep. Keeping his word, Daruma refuses to fully help the League until Gigantomachia submits. He gives them a one-time meager allowance.

Teddy: Man! That sucks! I want my money!

Remy: I agree. I want to go purchase lots of things at the voodoo shop!

Juurou: Stop your whining you too.

Tomura, Twice, and Mr. Compress try to ambush Gigantomachia in the air, but Gigantomachia counters with a powerful shockwave that sends them reeling back. Tomura and the others survive the onslaught and Gigantomachia eventually falls asleep again.

On their way to meet with the other members, Spinner reflects on how the League no longer aligns with Stain's ideals. He questions Himiko on why she is still with the League. She responds that she still loves Stain, Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka too and that she wants to 'become' them.

Niko: I want Miko-chan!

Niko exclaims he wants Mikoto Yukimura all to himself...along with a little touch of Sylvia Akuma. I never thought he admit it but he also seems to like the demon girl as well. Back during the camping trip, she had put up a good fight. So both Mikoto and Sylvia were very interesting to him~!

Niko: I want to hug them...squeeze them forever...and have their blood and kill them~! XD

Toga: I know how that feels~~~! I swear we must be siblings from another life or something!

Niko: Heck Yeah! You and me both! Let's fight for the ones we love and paint these days in blood!

Toga: Yeah!

Both: *Giggles Happily*

Juurou/Miyumi: *Sweatdrops*...

Remy: Wow...

Teddy: I'm not even surprised anymore..

Spinner notes how carefree they is. They all soon come across Tomura, Twice and Mr. Compress ragged but resting.

Himiko and Miyumi both checks on Tomura's condition and their leader rests with a wicked smile on his face.

Shigaraki: Gigantomachia has gotten much more slower since when they first fought and truly believes he's closer to getting him to submit.

Spinner: Tomura's eyes still possessed the look of a determined boy chasing after his dreams'.

Niko: Frisson~~~!


Then everything leads up to now...During their confrontation with Giantomachima...which is out on short hold for now since they all learned Giran has been taken by the Meta Liberation Army and are prepared to fight them.

The news they saw earlier talks about the mysterious appearance of five severed fingers of a hand and five pieces of clothing in five different location: Central Fukuoka, the Central High, the Shie Hassaikai Compound, Hosu City Terminal, and at Ground Zero in Kamino Ward. Mr. Compress notes that all the locations are where the League has been.

The voice on the phone introduces itself as the Grand Commander of the Meta Liberation Army.

Niko: Re-Destro.

Re-Destro: Ah. I see. So you all are aware of who I am. I've give you pointers for that.

Tomura: Is your group are another retro freak organization that wants to make a comeback and ride the League's popularity?

He questions if it is because of the book.

Re-Destro replies that it is the Army that initiated the League's popularity wave.

Miyumi: What do you want with us?

Niko: What have you done to Giran?

Twice: Yeah! I second that!

Twice asked again what Re-Destro has done with Giran and what does he want. Re-Destro answers that Giran is alive.

He informs the League that Meta Liberation Army seeks to free all Meta-Humans by dismantling the current framework of society and rebuild it so that all Meta-Humans 'can be themselves and use their abilities as they see fit'.

Niko: Tsk. Bullshit.

Teddy: Yeah. That about sums it up! Here we are with another asshole trying to control us!

Remy: How annoying...

Mr. Compress comments that he doesn't see why they should oppose the Army.

Himiko: Are we going to help the Army like they helped the Yakuza?

Tomura answers that Re-Destro should 'liberate the broker' and call back because he's busy.


Niko doesn't seem keen on that answer but doesn't say a word.

Re-Destro continues with that he won't let the broker go because he's allowed them to gain valuable information of the League. Re-Destro commends Giran for his resistance, destroying his client list and refusing to talk or emit emotion even while they chopped off his fingers.

However, the Army was able to recover the deleted list. Re-Destro explains that his Army has waited patiently for generations while spreading its roots far and wide and amassing over 100,000 ready-to-act liberation warriors.

Some members of the Army include Tomoyasu Chikazoku, a board member of leading information technology company, Feel Good, Koku Hanabata, leader of the Hearts and Mind party, and Chitose Kizuki, Publishing Executive Director of Shoowaysha along...many other members who are dying to meet the League Of Villains~!

Spinner is shocked by Re-Destro's claims and thinks he is just bluffing.

Remy: Spinner...He isn't bluffing.


Like Remy said, Re-Destro immediately informs them that he knows they are deep in Niigata mountainside.

Twice becomes alarmed and throws his phone, but Re-Destro proclaims that it's too late.

Re-Destro: My satellites have already locked on your location and will track them no matter where they go. He warns that all the heroes will be on them with a simple phone call.

Tomura thanks Re-Destro for the warning and asks what he wants.

To which the other man replied...

Re-Destro: I wants the revolution to be led by the Meta Liberation Army but the League's popularity is interfering.

He then proclaims that the League's destruction at the hands of the Meta Liberation Army will make the second coming of the Army official. That is why he challenges them to go to Deika City and Aichi Prefecture if they wants to get Giran back.

Niko: We should do it...

Juurou: Niko!

Niko: *Unhinged* I'm not going to let him harm Giran.

Miyumi: Niko?


The League was surprised by the uncharacteristic yet vexed rage Niko held in his tone which brought shivers down in all their spines. Even Shigaraki, was trying his best not to let fear get to him.

To become provoked so easily. They're never seen him act like this before.

Shigaraki: (Who does Giran mean to you, Niko?)

Re-Destro ends the conversation, giving Tomura two choices.

Re-Destro: Stand against the Army and be destroyed or do nothing and be captured by the heroes.

Shigaraki smirked evilly knowing what that means.

A Declaration Of War.

Shigaraki: If it's a war you want. It's a war you'll get~!

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