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A/N: A bit of a short chapter because I'm tired from work. My new job at Kroger is driving me crazy all week. I swear my supervisors are trying to kill me or make me collapse from mental exhaustion before COVID even does! Anyway...Enjoy...

*Third's Pov*

Present Mic: No Way...

Yuiga: H-Hi...Present Mic Sensei...It's been a while....

When Geysis had called him saying he wanted to show him something. He did not expect for this type of surprise.

In front of him was someone he never thought he see again. Someone who he had thought had died so long ago...even if was just for a year.

Present Mic: Yuiga...? Are you really Yuiga-kun...? From last year...?

The boy only nodded solemnly...he didn't do anything as he let the distressed teacher pulled him into a hug. He didn't even move away from the hug.

Present Mic: You're...really here...alive...I thought...I never see you again..

Yuiga could almost hear the loud man almost breakdown from seeing one of his former students.

Present Mic: I don't is this possible...I could've swore...

Yuiga: It's a lot to talk about sir...

Present Mic: Please tell me...What happened to you? What happened to the others?

Yuiga: Ask him...

He pointed to Geysis who didn't say a word. He just turned his head the other way, a guilty look sparrowed on his face. Erasherhead, who was also in the room, gave him a glare.

Aizawa: Geysis...Explain yourself. What is going on here...

Geysis:...The Public Safety Commission...

Both teachers in the room's eyes grew wide. That's all they needed to know.

Present Mic: So you mean to tell me that all this time...

Yuiga: Yes...They're to blame for what happened to us.

Erasherhead swore underneath his breath as guilt started to pile up inside of him.

Aizawa: *Angry* I knew it...I knew we can't trust them.

Present Mic: *Rage* I'll never forgive them. Never. First they pin everything on us for the League Of Villains' attack, now this....Yuiga-kun...Is it only just you...or are the others...?

Yuiga:...Hatsuki...Misachiko...Tsuyoi...Most of them are dead...the others turned to villainy and went missing. Like Pans...we couldn't find them.



Present Mic: Who still around...?

Yuiga: Stacy...Kaisen...Hakuto...and I are the only ones left. But we're still being tracked down.

Aizawa: Fuck. That bad huh.

Present Mic: Yuiga...I won't let them harm you again. You and other three can stay here.

Yuiga: But...we'll put you at risk.

Present Mic: So what?! I haven't forgiven myself for what happened to you guys! No way I'm letting this happen again!

Yuiga: Present Mic-Sensei...

Present Mic: Is there...another reason why you're here...?

Yuiga: Yes...You need to look at this....

He pulled out a file from his jacket and shown it to the two concerned teachers. They both quickly scanned through the file as their faces turn to horror.

Present Mic: O...M...G...

So this is what evidence Mizuki Ashikaga had found...

A furious face came onto Erasherhead as he glared at Geysis.

Aizawa: How could you allow this to happen?!

Geysis:....I have no words.

Erasherhead: Tsk! Mic...

Present Mic: Yeah?

Erasherhead: Hurry and go check on those kids! I'll get All Might and Nedzu! Yuiga...Stay here and call the other three. For now on, you four are under our protection.

Yuiga: Understood Erasherhead-Sensei.

Geysis:...What about me?

Both teachers and former student glared at him.

Erasherhead: When this is all over. You owe us an loooong explaination of why you're work for the PSC and why you allow them to "rehabilitate" Class 1-C.

Present Mic: Just so you know...when this is all over, Geysis. Expect to go lose your ear drums! Cause you're going DEAF when I'm done with you!!!


Yuiga: (Ha! Serves you right, you lousy elf!)


Razor and her team of assassins which consists of four started infiltrating the Class 1-C dormitory.

Razor: Where the hell are those brats...? They should be here...? (Let's just hurry and get rid of them.)

It's amazing that her bosses want them to kill Class 1-C due to being posed as a threat because of quirk exposure.

Then again...It's the teachers fault here at U.A. Like, there are multiple quirks in 1-A that could be catastrophic if handled incautiously...some don't have the body fat for Creation, the medical brace for Navel Laser, or the practiced discipline for Dark Shadow and even if UA is terrible at it. They really should have an obligation to prevent permanent harm.

Then if you look at Class 1-C. Most of them have powerful quirks. Such as Kenji Kyuuketsu. He literally had to suffer the downsides of being U.A's only Vampire due to being experiment from quirk mutation (Vlad King doesn't count). Hein Viamel's quirks are a dual factor that doesn't make any sense. Sylvia Akuma is a literal demon. Souta's quirk allows him to manifest nightmares. Oka Kuroha can turn people into puppets. Haru's quirk is overwhelming. And the list goes on from there...

Razor: (See any targets yet?)

Assassin #1: No sign of them anywhere, Razor. Not even in their rooms.

Razor: (Where the hell are they?! They should be here. Targets were precisely in these dorms. Unless...)

They looked around for see or feel any movement.

Suddenly one of them hear something.

Assassin #2: (Someone is nearby.)

Razor: (Excellent.)

Her hands turned to two large blades. If she put them together. They would look like scissors.

Razor: (The weapon of advocate isn't the dagger of assassin but it is the sword. Life will never be free without violence and madness.)

She saw the shadowy figure moving.

Target Spotted.

Ready to go for the kill.

Razor: (I feel sorry for whoever I'm about to kill. Be thankful that it's a quick death. A sweet release from this hellish society that invested in only quirks.)

She charged. Fast.


Razor: (DEATH.)


No scream. No Pain. A Quick Death.

Razor: (It's Over-?!!!)

Her eyes went wide looking further at the supposed corpse...

Only it was no corpse.

It was...a doll.


A note was nearby the doll.




Razor was not amused.

Razor: (Are you fucking pulling my leg?)

???: GET THEM.

Razor: Wha..?!

Suddenly, all the lights came on and five figures appeared as they attacked her team. They had a music quirk, a fire quirk, animal quirk, a snow quirk, and a paint quirk.

They were Class 1-C

The female assassin swore underneath her breath.

She had a feeling. She could've saw this coming.

Mikoto: Don't Underestimate Class 1-C!

It was a TRAP.

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