Rise Of The Villains

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A/N: Thus before the Paranormal Liberation Front. There will be a mystery arc for Class 1-C made by yours truly. Until then, the next couple of chapters will focus on the villains.

Niko watches with amusement as Shigaraki is going through a painful operation inside the mysterious doctor's laboratory.

Two months ago...according to Shigaraki, this mysterious man is the supposed to be All For One's doctor.

Niko: (Garaki Kyūdai)

He also go by the name, Daruma Ujiiko.

He is supposed to be a faithful servant to AFO then later Shigaraki. Kyudai is a fairly old man of short stature. He is completely bald and has a very large, bushy mustache. What's more interesting about is his quirk, Life Force which makes him younger than what he's supposed to be...for indication, it's possible he's almost the around the same age as AFO.

Without this Quirk, he has many more wrinkles and his eyes are sunken.

Niko: (Gross.)

However, despite being a willing pawn. He refused to see Shigaraki as his new master unless does one little test that involves him and the rest of the League Of Villains.

They had to defeat Giantomachima.

Back then, Shigaraki had to be proven worthy of succeeding All For One, but due to a compromise he made with his former master, he is willing to give Tomura the chance to prove him wrong. 

But now...two months later. He proved it.

Niko smirked seeing how things are going to be played out. So they have find  Shouldn't be too hard since that thing is fucking big...and loud.

Then they also had to deal with the Meta Liberation Army.

Unlike most of the villains here, Niko himself was always one step ahead. He looked over to the creations that Kyudai made.

Niko:...The Nomus...

Kyudai is very prideful of his Nomu creations, referring to them as "children" and regarding the High-End ones as "masterpieces." He treats Nomus as offerings for All For One, although he has allowed some of them to be used by Tomura under his former master's wishes.

Niko wanted to know his secret...how does he create such creatures. How can only one man able to turn a human into a hellish being.

But he probably get anything out of the man. Kyudai is overly cautious and secretive about any information pertaining to his person, preferring to stay in anonymity and avoiding close contact with anyone (except All For One) under the threat of death. 

Niko: Man! No Fun!

Kyudai: What are you doing here?! Get out!

Niko: Hey! Come on Gramps! Don't be like that! I just want to play in laboratory a little! Oh! What this button do? What this do?! What this do?!

Kyudai: Cut it out! You're getting your filthy hands all over my research! I need to focus, so young Shigaraki can exceed my expectations more.

Niko: Awwwww~!

Niko made a fake pouting look like a child.

As much as Kyudai wanted to kick him out or threaten him. He had a feeling that probably won't be a good idea.

Unknown to most people, besides AFO and him.


Was a whole new level of villainy.

Kyudai saw what the boy did to others.

Just thinking about it made him shiver.

Doing all that...because he was bored.

His motives of being a villain had a lot of impact because he had no limit. The boy got punched, stabbed, and chopped up by others multiple times only to get back up standing and grinning like nothing happend.

Not only that, but Niko had shown off his own personality, drive, and goals, slowly building himself up in the minds of heroes as a truly terrifying force.

Back at the mall, even All Might couldn't stop him...the boy played all his efforts like some joke.

Of course, not every villain will work the same way.

His likes. Watching the world burn.

His dislikes. Anything that he viewed as boring. (Watch out, this boy sometime kills the things that bore him.)

What he think about heroes. He thinks they're lame and needs to be destroyed. The same goes for villains that annoyed him or liable enough to put him in a rage.

Niko wants to see heroes fall like every other villain. But not only that, but he is more than willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve that goal...

Niko acts like a happy go lucky child. But that personality of his is fake and everyone knows it.

Hell...even his "villain" laugh is fake.

He is cunning, manipulative, and downright intimidating.

He likes pushing people over their limits.

He likes messing with their mentally and poke fun at them.

He mocks their strengths and weaknesses...then turns it against them.

He also somehow has the power to brainwash those to do his bidding. Which is what happened to that Pansa kid.

A/N: Like Niko, you can write villains to have their own nuance and unique aspects.

Niko: Gramps~! What this button do?


Kyudai: Cut it out! Are you bored and just here to annoy me?!

Niko: Yes~! :D

Kyudai: *Groans*

Niko: Can I play with your experiments?

Kyudai: Knock yourself out.

Saying no to Niko is like a death sentence.

Niko: Yay~!!!

Kyudai watched the boy leave. He shuddered at the thought of the serial killer.

Kyudai: Shigaraki may be one thing...but that boy...

Niko...just may be the END to all heroes and villains everywhere.


Niko hummed a bit while skipping down the hall like a plucky child running through a meldow field.

He looked back at the Laboratory and then at the research he held within his hand. A sinister smile came into his features.

Niko: Man. Everything is a trend. A cliche. Heroes. Villains. Self-Actualization. Esteem Needs. Belongings. Safety Needs. Goals. Ideals.

He wanted to laugh like a monkey.

Niko: It's all the same. How desires between heroes and villains could be so alike yet so different. How their desires are what drives them to the internal beings they so wish to be. But then again. Reality is never fair now is it~!

Niko always did love jolting down the things hero and villains have that makes them real for their desires. All things that interest him...

What are their likes and dislikes?What are their key personality traits, both positive and negative?
What is their biggest vice?
What would another person admire about them?
What do they love and hate?
What do they fear?
What is their deepest desire, even if it’s only subconscious?
What is their deepest darkest secrets?

He couldn't help but giggled as he looked into the mirror of his bathroom.

Niko: Just like how the desires of one person can literally be the answer of what could destroy this world and sent it into ruins...Am I right...?

Tsume Yamikage.

OMAKE: Non-binary

Niko: *Digging through Miyumi's clothes* La la la la~!

Miyumi: *Enraged* HEY! HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GET OUT!!!

Niko: Awww what's wrong Mask Girl? Jealous that your top fits me~? I'm gonna look my best when Miko-chan see me in action~!

Miyumi grew more angry until she looked at the shirt Niko was wearing.

Miyumi: Ummm...Niko...That top doesn't belonged to me...

Niko: *Confused*....What? Then how the hell was it in your closet?

Miyumi: *Shrugs*....

Niko: What do you mean you don't know?! Then whose top is this...? *Looks at the name tag*



That explains a lot...since Pansa likes to be preferred as they/them so...

Niko: *Rage* God help him if I get his blood on my boots when I'm through with him...

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