Secret Meeting...

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Request: Secret Meeting

Description: Hello Class 1-C. You don't know who I am. But that's not important right now. I heard you're looking for information about the former 1-C students. If you want the information. Meet me at the Kiyashi Mall at 3:00 p.m. Don't worry. I am your ally. 

Client - Anonymous.

Payment - ???

Rank: ???

Mikoto and the others stared at the request in beweilderment. They couldn't believe their eyes.

Souta: This has to be a trap.

Sylvia: My thoughts exactly. If anything. This could be Mr. V.

Kenji: Yeah but what would Mr. V gain from trying to attack us?

Luna: S-So...should we meet up with them or...?

Destiny: I don't know. This don't seem like a good idea. It would be too much of a risk if all of us go to meet one person. It would be suspecious to the teachers.

Haru: T-Then maybe some of us should to just in case while the rest of us stay behind.

Mikoto: That's not a bad idea Haru. Riku?

The analysing quirk user nodded. He activated his quirk and opened up his digital computer to provide support. He then transferred some of his quirk usage to Jack, who begin to glow.

Jack: Oh?

Riku: Using Jack's amplifying sound waves, I will provide communication through everyone from my analysis so we can hear your conversation with this person. But like Kobayashi said...this could be a trap.

Hein: Yes. But we wouldn't know unless we give it a try. But yes. Some of us should go and provide safety in numbers.

Mikoto: I'll go.

Sylvia: If you're going. I'll go too.

Haru: *Nods*

Kenji: I'll watch from afar. 

Souta: We'll be backup.

Chassy: Okay. That's five people. Then the rest of us will stay here.

Jack: Aw man...I really wanted to go undercover.

Souta: Pfft. With your loud mouth, you'll blow our cover and get us in trouble.

Jack: Shut up, Nightmare Freak.

Hein: Do not start. Both of you. Now is not the time for this. Please be serious about that.

Souta: Fiiiiine.

Jack: Hey! We are being serious about this.

Chassy: Guys. Please calm down. Hein-chan is right. This person is going to give us the information that could be a lead on what happened to the former Class 1-C. If we don't take drastic measures, we could lose this information and go back to running in circles.

Oka: Then we gotta deal with more unnecessary drama.

Mio: Something I wouldn't want to paint.

Riku: Now then. Does anyone got anything to say before we start this request?

No one dared spoke a word. They're not letting this opportunity go to waste.

Riku: Good. Alright then. Mikoto-kun...As our Class Rep. You're taking the lead.

Mikoto: Yes. Sylvia. Haru. Kenji. Souta. Let's go to the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall.


One hour later by taking the train. The five students made it to the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall. Along with Riku using analysis to hack into the security cameras. They were not wearing their school uniform. Instead they were wearing regular clothes to blind in with the crowd so no one would suspect they were students of U.A.

Though they're familiarize with the fact that someone would probably spot them and know they went to U.A. But they had no choice but to meet up with this anonymous individual of theirs.

Sylvia: Man....It's been a while since we been here...since the incident...

Haru: Yeah...

The incident where Shigaraki, Niko, and the other two villains, Juurou and Miyumi, had invaded the Shopping Ward.

A few people were injured like Samuel and Akira.

Though Deku, Mikoto, Jack, Eito, Luna, Hein, and Lilac all almost had an near death experience that day. Thankfully no one died due to All Might showing up. Even if he was a little late...annoyingly.

Kenji: Looks like the repairs are already finished.

He pointed to the wall where Juurou and Miyumi made their first appearance.

It was now boarded up and fixed.

Souta: Yeah...when those two villains broke into the mall. They sure did made an entrance.

Mikoto: Alright. Riku-kun. We made it.

Riku: Good. What's the status report?

The five students looked around but they didn't see anyone suspicious yet.

Mikoto: It's almost three. About two minutes. We don't see anyone yet.

Hein: Come on lookout. They could be anyone.

Souta: This still could be a trap.

Kenji: Don't worry. My bats are all keeping lookout from the shadows as well. If anything goes wrong, they will report back to me.

Sylvia: That's pretty useful.

Kenji: Thank you.

Haru: Guys...

Mikoto: Yeah.

Haru: It's three o clock now. 


???: Pzzt...Hey.

Students: ?!!

They heard a small voice coming from the shadowy corner. The voice sounded male but could be female.. They turned their heads to see a person concealing themselves in a black hoodie to which they couldn't see their face.

Mikoto: It's them.

Riku: Be on guard.

Hein: (We're all watching.)

Jack: (Be careful guys. If anything, he could have a quirk that could rip your faces off.)

Haru: (I-I don't think they would take the risk to do something like that in a crowded place.)

Souta: (Yeah. They have to be really stupid to do that.)

Hein: (Some villains like the attention. Don't keep them waiting. Go speak to them.)

Mikoto and the other four students walked up to the mysterious person. As soon as they were all out of sight from other people. They all begin to ask questions.

Mikoto: Who are you?

Person: That's not important right now. So...You guys are the new Class 1-C.

Sylvia: Yes....That would be us...

Person:....Hmm...I see...You guys hold a lot of potential. I can respect you all for that...And BTW...I know you guys are making sure all of this conversation is being recorded.

Students: ?!!!

Person: How do I know...because I'm aware one of you uses a sound wave quirk that resides with music and another one uses analysis to listen to conversations with the other's quirk.


Jack: Damn...

Hein: They're good...


Kenji: So...You're not going to attack us even though you're aware we have the upperhand?

Person: Yes. Although I would say that even though my "quirk" is useless against you guys. I do have tech support and the skills to help me escape. Plus, I believe I can trust you kids. Because...I know you guys don't trust the hero government.

Kenji:....What happened to the original Class 1-C?

Person:....It's all the Hero Public Safety Commission's fault.

Students: ?!!!

Kenji: (I knew it...)

Souta: What did the Hero Public Safety Commission do...?

Person: Last year...The Hero Public Safety Commission had found out the students of the Class 1-C had discovered information about them that they whether keep disclosed from the public. So in turn, they forced them to keep quiet.

Mio:....(Why? Why are they doing this...?)

Akira: (I thought the Hero Public Safety Commission were supposed to protect us...)

Person: You kids shouldn't trust the Hero Public Safety Commission. They don't care about their heroes or what they do. The same thing goes for Hawks.

Kenji: Hawks? What does he have to do with this?

Person: He works for them. However, to the top leaders, he's nothing more but an mere tool for their disposal. The President of the Commission always treated their workers as disposable assets, primarily using people from the underside of society to do their dirty work.

Souta: Like Pansa...what about those who committed crimes...?

Person: Good question. However, when Pro Heroes committing crimes increased and became more organized, the Commission was no longer able to deal with them, and so, turned to recruiting and using Pro Heroes so that they could freely move when going against other Heroes in public.


Chassy: So in the end, the villain Pansa was just an disposable tool.

Samuel: OMG...

Eito: The hell? What the freak happend last year?!

Mikoto: So back with the Number Two Hero Hawks. Why is he working for them?

Person: He is implied to have taken part in some of these immoral actions for the sake of the organization that raised him, though for some reason, he remains conflicted about it.

Sylvia: Conflicted?

Person: He used to be trained by a specific individual who also worked for the Public Safety Commission but was groomed into being an assassin.


Person:.....Lady Nagant.

A wave of horror and confusion came upon the Class 1-C. Some of them knew the woman. Some of them don't.

Mikoto: So....The Hero Public Safety Commission got rid of her?

Person: That's for me to know and for you to find out. Like Stain, Lady Nagant became an assassin to kill corrupted heroes. However, her mental health begin to worsen overtime. When she questioned about the morality of these actions and suggested being transparent, the previous President threatened to silence her, resulting in his death, which was then covered up.

Haru: So...would that mean...the Original Class 1-C students...they had discovered some of this information and were forced to keep quiet.

What the shadowy person said next brought a chill down their spines.

Person: True however...some of them were killed by said government for knowing too much or others had their families threatened to be killed. They learned the hard way...


Luna: *Crying*....

Destiny: OMG...

Mio: I...I feel sick....

Akira/Lilac: Same....

Person: This is what happened to the Original Class 1-C. Due to their findings, they were forced to go into hiding. However, the Public Safety Commission found Pansa and forced him to become a villain in exchange of protecting his family.

Souta: So they're pointing guns to their heads if he don't do as they say.

Person: Yes. However, after your meeting on Nabu Island. The villain Pansa had disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

Souta: What???

Kenji: Huh?!

Haru: Where did he go?

The person shrugged. He did not have that information.

Person: Who knows. But it's a possibility he's been kidnapped and possibly brainwashed.

Mikoto: Kidnapped? Brainwashed?

Sylvia: What the hell?

Person: Their research became unethical at best.

The Public Safety Commission...
performing and committing crimes against humanity. They can no longer stand idly by and let this happen.

Like what they did to Class 1-C, they altered the consciousness of innocent people's minds and sick experiments.

Forced of indoctrination.

Grooming and Blackmail.

Psychological Slavery and Sexual Assault.

The Public Safety Commission only view others as beneath them and didn't see them as victims nor sympathized with them. To them, heroes are nothing but tools that must be exploited.

If a tool can't do their job...Well, you wouldn't want to know what happens to them...

Person: There's a lot to this hero society that you kids need to know. Because if anything, you probably are protecting the wrong people.

Riku: Eh...?

Person: A person of interest will like to discuss your potential options with everyone so we're all on the same page. Don't worry. He's an ally of mine. Someone you can trust and you'll be familiarize with. Right now, we can't stress enough every action on our part from here on must be careful, deliberate, and calculated or we risk the worst...because...they're watching every move...Any mistake could be your last Class 1-C...


Person: I was never here...

They then disappeared into the shadows...

Hein: Protecting...

Chassy:...the wrong people...?



Oka: This...I can't...I...what...?

None of the student spoke a word from the information they were given. Because this newfound horror...was only the beginning.

Mikoto: W-What...Who are we fighting for anymore...?



Person: Now they know mostly the truth of this society...but there's still a lot of them to learn. But then again...I wonder...

The person took off his hood revealing they really are.

Hakuto: Luckily my steam release helped covered my face in the hood.  What will you do for now on, my predecessors...

He looked at his phone where one of his former classmates left a message.

Hakuto: It's your turn now, Yuiga. Show them on the right path.

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