She's Gone...

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Class 1-C had received the horrible news about the Number 1 American Hero, Star and Stripes.

Riku had explained everything to Class 1-C about Star and Stripes.

Her name is revealed to be Cathleen Bate or Cassie for short.

Cassie's Quirk is revealed to be "New Order", allowing her to declare a new rule of up to two things that she touches and says the name of.

A rule supposedly can't arbitrarily involve things she hasn't touched.The Quirk is most effective on nonliving objects, as it only requires Star and Stripe's one-sided understanding of the target's name, whereas for living beings, the target must also recognize themselves as that name.Star and Stripe and the rest of her associates switch to using pure brawn to defeat

"Tomura" after their initial plan fails.

She used her Super Moves "Fist Bump to the Earth" and "Keraunos" to pin him down, while also calling for a fleet of missiles from America known as "Tiamat" to take down "Tomura" for good.

She was saved by All Might at a young age when he was in America, which inspired her to be a hero.

Riku: She was...a very brilliant hero.

Class 1-C:.....

Riku: But despite her best attempts at facing the Symbol Of Fear. Not even the American Number One Hero could stop him...In the end, she lost her life.

Luna: No...

Akira/Lilac/Haru/Mio: *Whimpers*

Jack: I...I can't believe she's gone. I...looked to her when I was a kid. She was so cool. I...wanted to be a hero just like her.

Samuel: Jack...

Hein: Her death not only brought fear to America and Japan.

Chassy: But to the whole world.

Mikoto: This proves one thing. Shigaraki and Niko are becoming more dangerous.

Remembering Tsume's words about Niko. Mikoto felt fear swelled through him.

He has to face off against someone like that?!

Akira: What about Tomura Shigaraki...?

Riku: From what I've learned from the news. Tomura and All For One have seemed begun to fuse into a new being, with it nearly complete due to Tomura's extreme hatred speeding up the process. Three of All For One/Tomura's Quirks are revealed: Heavy Payload, Reflect, and Scatter.

Sylvia: What about Niko?

Riku: Niko is a loose cannon in my opinion. Due to the despair that spreads across the world. That's where he's getting his power from as well. Niko's quirks had multipled. Shadow Claws, Shadow Manipulation, Corrupted Influence, And Steal Claw. Corrupted Influence turns people into their own darkest sides while steal claw allows Niko to take any quirk from others after slashing them.  

Mio: Didn't he stole a few quirks from the original Class 1-C.

Riku: Yes. If I remember correctly, he stole Pansa's, Chenya's, Gyaku's, and Roi's quirks before brainwashing them.

Souta: The same could be said for Shigaraki...

Everyone looked at him as he continued.

Souta: Didn't he steal New Order, and begins to Decay Star and Stripe?

Riku: Yes but with her quirk she was able to delay its effects due to reaching the peak of her physical power.

Kenji: Before he can use New Order during the battle that you shown us from your analysis. "Tomura" suddenly begins to explode from inside. What happend there?

Maria: Yeah. I was confused, nya.

Eito: Did Shigaraki's body start to disintegrate or was there something else.

Mikoto:....I think it has something to do with Star and Stripes' quirk, right?

Riku: Indeed. Here's my theory. Before New Order could be stolen, Star and Stripe must've imposed a rule that it will attack other Quirks located in the user's body. With that, Star and Stripe's vestige starts destroying Tomura and All For One from within, as well as the other rampaging Quirks.

Mikoto: So "Tomura"'s Reflect Quirk is destroyed, which gives the fighter squad the opportunity to fire on him and finally finish him off.

Hein: With her vestige and Quirk within "Tomura"'s body, Star and Stripe's body decays as well...

Mikoto: Well...Sicne it is revealed that while All For One can take and give Quirks away. But we have an answer that I need to tell Izuku.

Haru: Which is.

Mikoto: All For One can't dispose of one quirk himself. He can take and steal but can't dispose of it. So...Maybe Niko can't do the exact same thing.

Jack: But how will that work as a weakness against him?

Mikoto:....Good question. We need all the answers we can get.

Riku: I'll see what I can do.

Hein: I'll also help.

Lilac: We can also try to see what we can do to take down the League. We can't just leave all the heavy lifting to Class 1-A.

Eito: They do have their hands full with Shigaraki and All For One.

Yin: But we will be facing Niko...very soon.

Mikoto:......(One For All Wielders...I might need your help on this one...Can you please tell me...How can we defeat Niko.)

He was expecting to be met with silence. However...

Yoichi: (Meet with us, tonight...In your dreams...)


Kieran: With the help of the nations of the world withdraw their plans to aid Japan after hearing about Star and Stripe's death. We too will have no choice but provide help to them as well. We will also send out best heroes of Egypt to help out Japan. I just hope we're making the right choice.

Spy: Your Majesty.. The pilots provide data recorded during Star's battle against "Tomura", revealing some of his bio-signature and Quirks.

Kieran: I've spoken to Mikoto, Hein, and Riku. We don't have much time until the PLAN is revealed.  Until Tomura is completed, with the extra time being Star and Stripe's parting gift. Followed by Niko's destruction coming around every corner. We're basically walking on eggshells.

These remaining threats include: Niko, Tomura, All For One, Dabi, Himiko Toga, the six Near High-End Nomu, the remnants of the Paranormal Liberation Front, and the remaining escaped convicts, as well as any additional allies the Villains may amass.

Niko may still have allies running around.

The world won't be in peace until they are taken down.

So Class 1-C and Class 1-A would have no choice but to prepare for War. Again.

Spy: Your Majesty. We been doing a little investigation regarding U.A.

Kieran looked at his spy with interest.

Kieran: What information have you found. Anything would do.

Spy: It appears that there is a mole in U.A.

Kieran raised an eyebrow.

Kieran: You mean Yin? The school already had that case settled.

Spy: No. It seems like there's another but this one is not for the Shadow Slasher...This one is working for All For One.

Kieran's eyes went wide in horror.

There is another traitor at U.A.

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