Shigaraki's Plan...

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Shigaraki had radio the doctor who picks up the call from his lab.

Shigaraki: I need you to do something for us.

Doctor: What can I do for you, young Shigaraki?

Daruma then comments how the League is stirring up bygone groups like the Army.

Mr. Compress: Is it okay if you can send a High-End Nomu?

Miyumi: Yeah. That would help...

Doctor: I'm afraid not...

But the doctor responds that it's not possible because they are not ready yet.

Teddy: Seriously?! What an rip-off.

Remy: Teddy. Let him finish.  I'm sure Shigaraki going to explain his plan.

Shigaraki nods at them and tells him that he had no intention of using them, and asks how long before Gigantomachia wakes up.

Mr. Compress answers: two hours and thirty-five minutes.

Miyumi asks the location of Juurou and Dabi from the doctor in which he responds that both of them is on the border between Mie and Shiga prefectures. Tomura requests that the doctor warp them to Aichi.

Doctor: Eh?!!

Remy: What?! Shigaraki-kun, are you insane?!

Miyumi: Isn't that where those guys in the Meta Liberation at?!

Niko: Yes...that means going to Aichi and be live bait.

Alarmed by this, Spinner questions if they are really going into the Army's trap.

Shigaraki: After more than a month fighting I learned that Gigantomachia isn't invincible, just highly powered, and I formulated my plan to kill two birds with one stone.

Niko smiled devilishly.

Niko: I see where you're going with this. We'll attack Deika City, the base of the MLA, to rescue Giran, and attract Gigantomachia to you after he wakes up from one of his naps.

Shigaraki: You got it.

This sets their two opponents against each other and lets the Army weaken Gigantomachia while the latter destroys the former.

Remy: Very clever plan. But still utterly reckless.

Spinner: I second that. (This might end up being a bad idea...)

Doctor: Shigaraki!!!

The doctor yells how underhanded Tomura is being and wonders if Re-Destro was bluffing.

Tomura replies he just doesn't care.

Spinner is concerned that they're charging into a trap but Tomura plans on using the liberation army's numbers to wear down
Gigantomachia's insane stamina.

Shigaraki: The Liberation Army will never know what hit them~!


A few minutes had passed, the entire League of Villains, including Juurou and Dabi, meet up atop a hill overlooking Deika City. Since there is still an hour and fourty minutes until Gigantomachia wake up.

Mr. Compress: We're are going to have to fight and the task will not be easy.

Dabi is annoyed they dragged him into their rescue mission and this angers Twice.

Toga: Guys...Look. Someone's coming!

Toga notices someone approaching the group and everybody gets ready to attack. It turns out to be an escort, the Pro Hero Slidin' Go.

Slidin Go: Hello League Of Villains?

Villains: Da Fuck?

Slidin Go: I mean no harm! I'm here to guide all into town and meet with Re-Destro.

Niko: This is a trap isn't it?

Juurou: Let's just play along. We didn't came all this way for nothing.

Teddy: Don't try anything, hero!

Slidin Go: Don't worry. I will not.

Villains: (Liar.)

As they walk through the city, the League notes how empty the town is, except for an occasional pro Hero watching them.

Niko: (I knew it...this is a trap.)

Tomura also realizes what is happening.

Before leaving, Slidin' Go states that the town isn't his usual location but today is a big exception.

The group is greeted by a trumpet and are curious.

Koku Hanabata, the Leader of Hearts and Mind Party confirms the Deika City is a liberated district where the majority of residents, including heroes, align themselves with the Liberation Army.

Koku: People are not inherently weak! We all have power within us! And what we hope to demonstrate with our revival party... is that the good people and their meta abilities can triumph over evil!! Through their innate power, life will prevail!! We call for the dissolution of your league! Now, my fine people, liberate them!! Combine your powers and open a path to the coming era!! Show the world that, yes, everyone is a hero! And that at the same time... no one is!!

There it was...Then he announces the start of the Meta Liberation Army's Revival Celebration.

Everyone: YEAAAAAH!!!!

Suddenly, dozens of citizens acting as warriors for liberation ambush the eleven League of Villains members. 


Teddy: Hehehehe. Looks like we're not too late for the party.

Remy: There's so many of them...

Miyumi: I'm not going down without a fight.

Juurou: *Pulled out his guns* Niko! You ready for this?

Niko giggled manically. His hands transformed into his shadow claws and his blue eyes turned to slits.

Niko: Let's Kill Them All~!

The villains then attacked the citizens. It became a full-scale war as quirks came everywhere. With that, the Revival Celebration Begins.


Re-Destro smirks as he called out backup.

Re-Destro: Be ready to fight three. Make sure you break them.

???: Yes sir.

Three figures in the darkness leaves to join in on the fight.

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