Spy On Geysis

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Request: Let's Track Down Geysis!

Description: Hey Guys. Remember when Yuiga-Senpai told us about the whole situation with Geysis-Sensei. Well, based on what he said. Our gym teacher has been acting a little strange lately. Recently, I've been seeing him leaving U.A to tend to a graveyard. I'm not sure what's going on but it could give us some info on what's going on. I'll pay whoever comes and spies on him. Anyone brave enough to do it?

Client - Yin Hamada

Payment - 10,000 yen

Rank: 3

Jack: Holy Shit...

Destiny: Yeah...Since when do Geysis-Sensei start going to graveyards.

Chassy: Maybe he lost someone close to him, I mean...you never know. Plus, it could be personal.

Souta: Sadly...personal or not. If we don't figure out what he's up too. We'll still be in a bind to whether or not to trust him.

Samuel: Exactly. Doing what you believe to be correct is definitely important. But there’s a flaw in living only by that belief. In the end, it leads to using violence to solve problems, and silencing all that prove to be flaws. It’s merely an endless cycle. Like what the PSC is trying to do to us.

Zoe: Yeah. Good call, big brother of Class 1-C.

Samuel blushed at the nickname.

Mikoto: Alright then. Since Samuel has a point. Whose brave enough to go join Yin and spy on Geysis.


Kelly: Oh...Ummm...

Akira: About that...

Eito: Nope. Not happening.

Souta: Cowards.

Sylvia: Shut Up You.

Chassy: Sorry. As much I want to find out what's going on with Geysis-Sensei. I don't think I have the guts to do it.

Lilac: Me too...I'm afraid of getting and having more extreme training.

Everyone shuddered at that. Geysis' training excerises have reach God-Tier Mode.

Riku: All jokes aside. Some of us are going to have to do it.

Souta: Tsk. Are you all going to be a bunch of babies?

Jack: So you want to take the risk of getting double training by Geysis-Sensei, Nightmare Freak?

Souta: It's better than sitting around listening to you, Loudmouth.


Oka: Hehehehe~! Spooky Graveyards~! Perfect place for a goth girl like me to spend the afternoon! Sign me up!

Luna: *Whispers* (Of course she would like that...)

Zoe: (Be quiet before she hears you...)

Mikoto: I guess I'll go. I want to know if we can actually trust Geysis-Sensei or not. Regardless of Yuiga-Senpai's words.

Sylvia: I'll guess I'll go too. Better safety than numbers, I suppose.

Jack: You're not leaving me out of this! I'm going too!

Souta: Just don't be too loud.

Jack: Shut up!

Mikoto: Okay so me, Souta, Jack, Oka, Sylvia, and Yin are going? Anybody else?

The entire class shook their heads no.

Riku: Here...It's the wireless headgear from earlier. That way since Jack is with you. We can be able to hear your conversations.

Sylvia: Alright then! What are we waiting for then?!

Jack: Let's Go~~~!

Kenji: Good Luck Guys...

Haru: B-Be careful!

Mikoto: We will...Alright Yin...Lead The Way...


Yin: I saw Geysis-Sensei leaving this afternoon on the same path towards the grave site.

Oka:... Isn't this the path you take to go see your mother...?

Yin: *Sorrowful* Yes...

Everyone: Oh....

Jack: Well this is awkward.

Souta: Urusai. You're making it worst.

Mikoto: Please do not fight.

Sylvia: Exactly. Please don't. Just continue leading the way Yin...? Are you sure this is where Geysis headed?

Yin: Yes. I know the way. My memory is a steel trap. So I should know.

Mikoto: Okay. We trust your guidance.

Jack: Hey Guys! Wait a minute! I hear footsteps!

Mikoto: Hide!

They all quickly hid in the bushes as the footsteps continued down the meldow path. Yin took a quick peek to see that a familiar elder elf walking down the lane.

Yin: (Guys. I saw Geysis-Sensei...)

Mikoto: (So he is here...)

Sylvia: (Alright Yin. Since we going on the request to track down Geysis-Sensei. Lead the way and be brave!)

Yin nodded as they all leave the bushes to follow Geysis.

Let's see what they can find out...


Later, the teens arrived at the cemetery where they saw their gym teacher walking through the opened gate door.

Yin: (That's strange...)

Mikoto: (What is Yin?)

Yin: (Visiting Hours in the cemetery don't start til later in the evening today...)

Jack: (If that's true...then how is our gym teacher able to get inside even though it's the afternoon...)

Mikoto: (Maybe he has his own key to get inside....)

Sylvia: (We'll worried about that for later...Let's follow him inside...)

The teens followed Geysis inside the cemetery and looked around for him until Yin spotted him not too far away looking down at a couple of graves.

Jack: (What's he doing...?)

Oka: (Is he...praying for lost souls that are among the living...?)

Sylvia: (Girl...enough with the cult bullshit. That's rude in a place like this.)

Oka: (Like you're the one to talk.)

Mikoto: (Guys. Enough. Yin...what is this place...I mean...I know it's a cemetery and all but it looks like we're further deeper inside..)

Yin: (If you're asking where we at...this is what the cemetery would call ruins...Which is also makes up as a burial ground for many heroes who gave their lives up to protect the citizens of our nation. According to the years on these grave sights, they go way back even before All Might became a hero.)

Jack/Mikoto: (Whoa...)

Souta: (Intriguing...)

Oka: (It looks like it had seen better days...)

Sylvia: (So does that mean Geysis is here to mourn someone he lost...?)

Mikoto: (If that's the case then we truly are intruding...)

Some guilt swelled up in the students. If this is where Geysis had a reason to come here. Then they have no right to spy on him. But then again, he's still on the clipping block to which the 22 students all have mixed feelings about him.

Mikoto: (Geysis works for the hero government. The exact same people who get rid of Class 1-C...Should we...really trust him..?)

Sylvia: (Shh...Hold on...He's saying something...)

Everyone turned to Geysis who even though it looked like he was talking to himself...instead he was speaking towards the graves.

Mikoto: (Is someone...actually there...?)

Geysis: I've came back for you guys... It's not even a day goes by I can't stop thinking about you all...I don't know if this is a way to redeem myself from my sins. But hell...it gets worst everyday. When the memories keep coming back. Everytime I think about at least one of you when I looked at them...I feel the need to drown myself in misery.

Students: (Eh...?)

Geysis: I know this isn't your grave sight...

Souta: (Hah?)

Jack: (What is...all this...? What is he saying...?)

Mikoto: (If no one is there...then who is he...talking too?)

What's gotten into their usually sadistic gym teacher...? He's showing emotions that are strange and confusing that were never shown to them.

Geysis: But then again...nowhere is...I...mm...How I truly explain this. This knowing feeling called guilt.

Sylvia: (Is he talking about...the old Class 1-C...?)

Mikoto: (It's possible...Look! He's leaving!)

Souta: (This is our chance! Let's go check out those graves!)

*Step* *Step* *Step*

The students walked over to empty caskets containing the names of people they knew.

Jack: O...M...G...

1. Shoko Yurei

2. Tsuyoi Amane

3. Hatsuki Himesaki

4. Kim Seyeon

5. Wil Belrose

6. Karou Hosho

7. Riko Miki

8. Rin Fujiwara

Mikoto: These...are the names of the old Class 1-C...

Sylvia: The ones from last year...

Oka: According to the writing on this graves...they died in a heroic sacrifice fighting a villain last year or so they say...

Yin: How disgusting...There's no way that's happend....

Jack: Guys...Look...There's another empty grave...

Oka: This one...looks like it's been recent...

9. Misachiko

Mikoto: *Solemn* No.....(Hinako's creator...So we are too late...)

Jack: Holy Fuck...

Sylvia: What the hell did we stumbled upon?

Mikoto pulled out a camera and begin to take pictures.

Mikoto: Riku. Are you getting all this?

Riku: Yes. Hearing all of this is raising enough red flags as it is. Quickly, report back to the dormitory before Geysis or anyone sees you.

Mikoto: Copy that.

Suddenly, the kids heard Geysis' voice called out.

Geysis: Whose there?! Is someone else here?!

Jack: (Shit! Class Rep! He knows we're here!)

Sylvia: (Let's get out of here!)

Mikoto: (Samuel! If you're listening! Use your portals!)

Samuel: (On it!)

On cue, the portals created by Samuel teleports the students back to the dormitory before Geysis could catch them.


Souta: *Pant* *Pant*...That was close.

Jack: Too Close...

Mio: D-Did Geysis-Sensei made those graves...?

Hein: Maybe. If I remember correctly, those graves were empty according to him.

Oka: Nine are dead. Besides Yuiga-Senpai, the other ten are still missing.

Luna: But then...where are the bodies of the ones who died last year along with Misachiko-chan's...

Mikoto looked at his phone with the ID caller, Mizuki Ashikaga on the line.

Mikoto: Only one way to find out...

Request: Let's Track Down Geysis!

Description: Hey Guys. Remember when Yuiga-Senpai told us about the whole situation with Geysis-Sensei. Well, based on what he said. Our gym teacher has been acting a little strange lately. Recently, I've been seeing him leaving U.A to tend to a graveyard. I'm not sure what's going on but it could give us some info on what's going on. I'll pay whoever comes and spies on him. Anyone brave enough to do it?

Statue: Finished.

Client - Yin Hamada

Payment - 10,000 yen

Rank: 3

Class Reputation: B+

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