Villain Alliance

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After Shigaraki had defeated Re-Destro, a new alliance had been formed between the two villainous groups.

Afterwards, the news of the attack on the city is covered up by Meta Liberation Army.

Skeptic and his puppets were editing and manipulating the footage of the battle and destruction of Deika City to make it look like a terrorist attack perpetrated by a group of twenty villains with a "grudge against heroes", with the inhabitants of the city fighting against them.

The reports detail that all of the terrorists and many civilians lost their lives including Shoowaysha executive, Chitose Kizuki, while Detnerat president and CEO,

Rikiya Yotsubashi, lost both his legs. The public is divided over the actions of the civilians, some applauding them for taking action while others insisting that their actions led to more deaths. An investigation continues regarding the incident and the probable connection between Detnerat and Shoowaysha.

While Re-Destro speaks to the joint forces of their new alliance. Meanwhile, one week after the battle, the League of Villains recover from their injuries in the Army's
 headquarters, they were dining on sushi while awaiting for a meeting.

Juurou: OMG! I cannot believe this is happening!

Miyumi: Yeah! We did it! We actually defeated the Meta Liberation Army!


Remy: Not so loud Teddy but yes...With Re-Destro's connections and the League Of Villains now growing huge in numbers. We will now be the most feared group of villiains across the country...that is if we already weren't.

Juurou: Oh I think we were...Now we have more freedom to do what we want without no one trying to control us anymore.

Miyumi: Yeah. Who would've thought.  The villains who used to hide in the slums now become one of the most powerful groups.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

Villains: Eh?

The villains turned to Twice who had a small ceremony with a picture of bleeding Toga Himiko.

Twice: Toga-chan. Please forgive me. But if you haven't shared your blood with Toga-chan...right now the other Toga-chan would be...

Toga: Would you please stop that babbling at that pic?

Toga Himiko was fine now in a small sofa eating sushi even thought Twice thinks she's dead. Right now she was wearing an eye patch and a few bandages due to the injuries she suffered.

Toga: I'll still alive ya know and you're creeping me out.

Teddy: Hey. Can't blame a middle age man for having a crush on ya.

Toga: That's gross and creepy too.

Twice: Oh sure! Let's do things that other people don't like!/Don't kick without my permission!/I was a bad boy! Don't hit me!/Wait What? What did you just say me?

Teddy: Hahahaha! I swear this guy is so iconic! The way he acts makes me laugh so hard! Hahahaha!

Remy: You really need to work on your issues and trauma, Twice. If there a therapist in this place?

Dabi: Who cares? No one wants to sign up for some person who don't know who doesn't really care about how you're feeling. If you want someone to talk too, get a dog.

Teddy: Shut it burntface. No one was asking you.

Dabi clicked in annoyance. He then noticed another person was missing.

Dabi: BTW? Have any one of you seen that crazy nutjob in the cat hoodie?

Juurou: Oh well...

In another place underground, Niko was giggling manically while pretending he was playing doctor while wearing a labcoat. He now had half of members of the original Class 1-C.

Pansa, Arun, Chenya, Rika, and Roi. Five members of the Class 1-C. Niko couldn't believe how easily it was to get them and not just them. They're quirks as well. He found their quirks more interesting.

Niko: Hmmm...Patients had been diagnosed with the possiblity of breaking down the self, introducing the possibility of salvation, and rebuilding the self. Now we must perform the operation~!

No one could the screams of five people as Niko started guffawing.


Dabi: Ah...I see....

Spinner: I swear that friend of yours...What is he trying to do...

Juurou: He's doing something with the original Class 1-C. Which means whatever plans he has with the Class 1-C would also mean...

"He's after all of the originals for a specific make them all fall"


Dabi: How crazy...But I really don't care. I also learned that "Pillar Of Humanity" you were talking that was his twin brother?

Juurou: Yep. It surprised us that Niko had a brother and we knew him for five years.

Miyumi: Like Twice, we were also taken in by Giran underneath his wing. So the three of us became friends.

Spinner: And your sure he's not just using you both?

That made Juurou rolled his eyes. If Niko was using them. Then they would use him. Plain and simple.

Juurou: So what? If that was the case, then we're getting something out of it was well.

Like they care if he's taking advantage of them. They would do the same. The three of them knew each other for five years. They would've caught on by now if they knew if Niko, who plays like some happy go lucky plucky boy, who in reality was a toxic psychopathic asshole that wants to bend people to his will.

Niko didn't just hate heroes. He only wants to watch the world burn just to cure his boredom...

Dabi: Brothers huh....

Dabi was a bit surprised to learn Niko had a brother. For a moment, it made Dabi begin to think about family...

Just a thought....

Just the thought of family was starting to make him go crazy himself.

Dabi: Heh...

Niko: *Appears* HELLO~~~~!!!

Spinner: Wah?! Where you come from?!

Niko: The basement ya dumb lizard. Anyway. Got someone for yours guys to meet~! It took a lot of convincing but here he is.

Standing before the villains was Niko's twin brother, Hikari Shirogami, the priest and pillar of humanity that belongs to the church of heroes in Deika City.

Niko: This boring guy is my older twin bro by an hour, Hikari~! He'll be joining as an overseerer in our group for now on.


Villains: (That's all he got to say?)

Even though they met the guy, like with Juurou and Miyumi, they can feel the dangerous aura the guy was giving off.

Niko: Meh. Don't worry about him guys. He's harmless as long as you don't provoke him. Boring as he is. He's also dumb and brainwashed.

Juurou: Does this have something to do with you?

Niko: Nope. Not my doing. The church did all that to him~! Isn't that just tittering~?


Niko: So yep! Hikari-Nii is joining us! I'm so happy! Aren't you happy Hikari-Nii! The two of us can now play together as long as we can~! I've...dream of this moment ever since the day we separated. It makes me so happy~~~!


Niko: SIKE! I almost forgot how boring you are! I just want to murder you already! Hahahahahahaha!

Everyone watched as Niko used his shadow claws to try and murder Hikari in front of them only for the young priest to dodge every attack effortlessly without even using his own quirk.

Niko: Hold still, damnit! Kehahahaha!

Hikari: Your efforts are meaningless as always. You forget you need me. Little Brother.

Those words sounded so empty it almost made everyone besides Niko in the room shudder.

Niko: Hmph! You're no fun! You never let me have any fun! Just die already brother! Go preach to your fucking God already! Like anyone likes you here anyway! You make me feel so inferior it pisses me off!

Hikari: You're the one who invited me. Also language, Tsume.

Berserk Button.

That made the younger twin growled in rage before turning to his brother with a dark expression filled with bloodlust and murder.

Niko: Don't fucking call me that! I abandoned that name once upon a time! Just like how you did left me to follow that stupid church's orders. Stupid Older Brothers like you need to STFU!

Hikari: Stupid? You need to go get a dictionary because that doesn't exist in my vocabulary. I prefer words I'm God's name.

Niko: *Calm* ANY-WAY!

Remy: (Whoa...Their relationship is so bad...)

Miyumi: (Wow...How are they twins again? They don't even look alike. Fraternal Twins...?)

Teddy: (I would never think of treating my big bro that way....)

Juurou: (So Toxic...)

Toga: (I wonder what he looks like when he bleeds~?)

Twice: (What a weirdo!)

Mr. Compress: *Sighs* (How does Kurogiri deal with all this? I miss him already...)

Dabi: (So annoying...we're dealing with another nutjob.)

Spinner: (Can I go home already?)

Before Niko could say anything else.
Skeptic and Trumpet enter to lead to the League to the fourth level of the headquarters' basement.

Skeptic is annoyed at the League's slow response and complains that it was the Meta Liberation Army's money that paid for the sushi, medical treatments, doctored videos.

Trumpet: Skeptic. Stop. They're now they are their allies.

Skeptic: We're only allies because Re-Destro said so! I'll never forgive them for killing Curious!

Niko: Ehhhh? What about the other three who were leading groups?

Skeptic: You mean the ones that you're experimenting on? Who cares about them? They're only lackeys anyway.

Niko: Ouch! That would hurt~!

Skeptic: Like you care about the definition of hurt, you psycho brat!

Niko: *Shrugs* Meh~!


They wait on stage before a crowd. Seeing a hand on his face, Himiko wonders how Tomura still has a hand. Spinner responds that one of them survived.

On stage, Re-Destro addresses the crowd of Liberation warriors and League affiliates. He states that the Army will be reborn and that he was mistaken about Tomura.

Re-Destro enthusiastically persuades the crowd that in his attempt, in their attempt, to seek Destro's will they did not see that Tomura embodied the very freedom that Destro spoke of. He further tells the crowd that he will give his position of Grand Commander to Tomura Shigaraki and that the Army and the League will join forces to seek "a more profound path to liberation".

The Paranormal Liberation Front is formed.

Tomura introduces the joint venture as the Paranormal Liberation Front He states the fifteen members (Re-Destro, Trumpet, Skeptic, Geten, Spinner, Niko, Juurou, Miyumi, Remy, Teddy, Hikari, Twice, Himiko, Dabi,  Mr. Compress) on stage will be the Front's lieutenants and will be forming teams to achieve their needs. The crowd cheers.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the crowd, Hawks onsiders the gravity of the situation.

He wishes the League had been dealt with sooner for the sake of the innocent civilians.

Hawks: *Realization* (Damn...Looks like I was too late...)

After Shigaraki gave the speech. The League Of Villains (besides Hikari and Dabi for obvious reasons) had cheered for their success. The Paranormal Liberation Front has been formed.

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