Volatile Times...

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Sima Qian is an ally of Yuiga. She was strong. Dependable. He didn't take anyone shit. He was another zero below zero wielder.

Infilitrating the PSC along with Yuiga's friends felt nothing more but short of an adventure. Hinamori...she can agree with him when they both stormed into the PSC and started taking out the soldiers.

The soldiers now visible for Sima and Co to see. Sima raised his weapon up and began opening fire upon many white armored soldiers and machines.

A quick view of planes and drones could be seen, entering a dog fight after that. As explosions randomly occur from bombs, and missiles began encasing the area in smoke around the soldier.

All the while bullets and debris rushed at the soldier at rapid speeds, it was barely missing her but hitting some of her comrades, some were lucky to only die by a shot in the head by either him, Hinamori, or Yuiga, while others had chucks of their body blown off slowly by Kaisen, Hakuto, and Stacy, making them bleeding to death as the other soldiers and assassins could do nothing but watch in horror.

Solider: You'll pay for this!

Stacy: Just try and stop us!

Stacy used her venom to subdued the soldiers.

Without a choice, the soldier did the only thing he could do and jumped behind a stone wall with his two other allies.

However, it would only bring a little safety as more bullets from Yuiga and Sima Qian began hitting the wall the two soldiers were taking refuge slowly but surely began breaking apart.

Hakuto used his steam release to create a sneak attack. When the assassins and solfiers couldn't see where they were looking. Hinamori appeared and slashed them down with their blades.

Hinamori: Targets have been subdued.

Yuiga: Good work Hinamori.

Hinamori nodded before she begin opening up the door nearby as Kyan, Akari, and Tsuyoi went up ahead to go look for the child soldiers that are being held captive.

Stacy: Just a little more...

Hakuto: That's right...This place will soon fall.

Kaisen: *Grimly Nods* We will soon avenge our classmates.

They followed their senpais inside another room containing multiple test tubes full of experimentation.

Sima Qian shuddered at the sight.

Sima: So this is where they're keeping their secrets at...

Yuiga: That's right. This horrible place is going to be taken down.

Sima: Well fucking finally. These brainless fucks had been tearing friends, loved ones, and families apart for years. It's about time they get what they deserve!

Yuiga wholeheartedly agreed. But they still needed time. After the detective Mizuki had learned from their story. He became their ally and helping them take down the PSC when they had no one else to go too.

It was thanks to him that now...they had help. Something that the organization had isolated Class 1-C from. Separate them and turning them all into slaves and experiments (Nomus) for the government's sick plans for society.

Well enough was enough.

Sima: So tell me...once the PSC is taken down and the war is over...what are you guys going to do after that...Will you stay with Class 1-C? Go back into hiding? Or...will you come back with us...? With the other zero below zero wielders?

Yuiga:....I....I don't know...

He frowned at his answer...

Sima: Yuiga...

Yuiga:....Just give me time...


A few minutes later...Kyan and Akari found the secret base that were containing most of the child soldiers being held captive. Tsuyoi used Forge to craft a large blade before slashing the door open slicing it in half.

There before them, in the room they saw over at least hundreds of kids all around the ages 3-17.

Tsuyoi: Goodness...they all look so...small...

Akari: Geysis! We found them!

Geysis: Gather all of them and get them out of there.

Mizuki: Careful, some of them would probably try and put up a fight.

Kyan: Understood.

Like Geysis had said, some of the child soldiers looked up at the three young heroes before some of them raised their weapons.

Being arm and brainwashed with no sense of recollection of who they are, they attack the secret three. Akari, with no other option but to defend herself used Sparks to strike them down.

The children let out a couple of yelps before Tsuyoi slashes their weapons, careful enough not to harm them and Kyan binds them before sending them into his portals.

Kyan: Let's get the rest of them...

Akari and Tsuyoi nodded. One room down. A couple of more to go. Goodness, how many kids had the PSC had abducted and "Re-Educated" over the years. And how many...all already lost their lives due to that Re-Education?


Skimming through the files and learning more about the Public Safety Commission had made them lose pointers from Haru and the others.

Haru: Wow...The Public Safety Commission is just...awful...

Destiny: That's putting it mildly. They're the worst. Hell, they're more worst than villains.

Samuel: Not just that. They're another why villains exists...

With help from the four original Class 1-C students, Geysis and Mizuki. Haru, Destiny, Kelly, and Samuel had learned much about how the PSC had ties to Hawks' past.

It surprised them to learned how much the Number Two Pro-Hero had such a secretive dark history.

First starting with they learned his father is the infamous Takami The Thief. Whom been arrested by Endeavor when Hawks was only five years old.

Next. His real name is Takami Keigo, to which he had no memory of...due to the Brainwashing and Re-Educating of the PSC.

Then sometime when his father was arrested by Endeavor...he ended being delivered to the PSC..leading up to everything the hero is now. Giving him the mission to infiltrate the Paranormal Liberation Front, the Safety Commission seemingly wanted him to outright eliminate any threats rather than operate as a usual hero would.

Kelly: This no doubt would make them even shadier...

Haru: Not just Hawks... There's Lady Nagant...and so many others had fallen victim to them...

Destiny: Yeah...That assassin Razor...and...our Senpais...


Remembering that they're vampire classmate was another victim due to the experimentation he went through from his childhood.

There were so many loopholes about their classmates that they're not sure that Kyuuketsu would even know about himself.

Destiny: Kenji once mentioned that his parents gave him up to the facility that was governed by the Public Safety Commission, right?


Kelly: So that would mean...they have other organizations out there that's just like the PSC...some work for them...some are allies with them...well the rest could be just business partners through trade...another full example of how terrible this place is...

Haru: *Realization* Oh God...You're right...

Destiny: This...this is all just twisted and insane...

Samuel: What's more horrible is how the Public Safety Commission. It seems like the Safety Commission was more concerned with keeping the status quo by killing off defected Heroes as opposed to finding an overall solution to the Villain problem...So they "recruit" people into their ranks, turning them into soldiers. Big Brother does not like this at all...

Kelly: The same situation is with Kenji...If Vlad King haven't found him or Kiyoshi...

Destiny: Then their fates would've changed. Like Hawks, Razor, Geysis-Sensei, and Lady Nagant, they would've been turned into mindless soldiers.


Samuel: Haru. Try looking up more files about Kenji. We might learn more about him.

Haru nodded before looking up more info about their vampire classmate on the abandoned computer.

Experiment #666

Age: 6

Quirk: Vampirism

Race: Mutant

Destiny: Wait...Kenji is a mutant?

Samuel: That...explains a lot.

Kelly: Same...I thought it was just his quirk.

Samuel: That would mean his quirk wasn't given to him. Kenji was born a mutant with his quirk.

Haru: Kiyoshi on the other hand though...

Destiny: Poor Kid...I can't imagine how painful it must've been for him...

Haru: Hey...what's this...?

Samuel: What is it?

Haru: There's no information about Kenji's parents.

Destiny: The PSC must've wiped their database from history after getting rid of them. Vlad King did once mentioned he had trouble looking for Kenji's parents.

Haru: Well there's one thing they made a mistake on...

Haru showed a picture of a boy who had a striking similarity to Kenji but older.

"Chitose Chiiketsu"

Destiny: What the...?

Samuel: Why does he...look like Kenji...?

Haru: Guys...I think Kenji has a older biological brother...somewhere in this facility....


Kelly: Oh fuck...

Destiny: Does Vlad King know...?

Samuel: If he did, he would've been found him by now...so...I don't think so. If anything, this was kept from him...

Haru: That...would explain why the PSC didn't bother trying to get Kenji nor Kiyoshi back. Because they already had a mutant guinea pig to experiment on...

Destiny: Because Vlad King would've know no doubt track him down. Oh dear, poor Kenji. He's not going to like this...

Kelly: Maybe we can find this Chitose fella. According to his profile, he's around our age...but older.

Samuel: Hmmm...That's not all guys...I been looking at all the files...the whole entire class 1-C is in this...Look.

Destiny: What did you find...?

Samuel: It's...about Yin...

They didn't like the sound of that either...

Destiny: Go On...

Samuel: *Solemn* It's...more or less about his Auntie Jade...guys...Yin's Auntie is ****....

The moment the words slipped through his mouth...the four students felt sick to their stomach...

Both Haru and Destiny were close to tears while Kelly stayed silent. Samuel clenched his fists.

They were too late....

Why...? Why did have to happen?


How could they have failed their classmate again?

How...How are they going to explain this to Yin?



Mizuki Ashikaga needed a drink...

Geysis had asked him to join in our their little discovery of the PSC...

From his findings and reports of the Commission. He wanted to rip them a new one. From the recent findings he learned about Hawks' situation...

Hawks' real name was Takami Keigo...son of the Takami Thief, Shinyo Keigo whom Endeavor has been tracking down for over five years.

A/N: Yeah. I went there. I prefer the oc Shinyo Takami over Hawks' canon father from the manga. Let's just imagine that scumbag is Hawks' step-dad or something who claimed to be the Takami Thief in this book.

After Endeavor arrested Shinyo and had him accountable for robbery, theft, and manslaughter. Takami Keigo was given up to the PSC.

Hawks had forgotten everything about those memories including his real name...

All he could learned about was probably memory alteration, he understood that. And the more Geysis had told him about what the commission was actually doing begin others back, the more anger he felt inside.

Mizuki: (Those assholes...didn't they have enough covering abusive pros who murdered their children? Now they also brainwash little kids to make them child soldiers?!! Unbelievable!!!)

Haru: Ashikaga-san...?

Mizuki: Hmm...Oh. I'm fine kiddo. I'm just peeved. That's all...

Yuiga: I don't blame you...

Mizuki: No. It's more like I can't blame you kids either. All of this...this is...just too much for even a detective like me to stomach all of this information...


Mizuki: So...sorry to bring up any unnecessary details, but...I'm guess in this room...is where your friends had suffered their fates...


There was a laboratory that had contained a very heavy body odor consisting of multiple experiments. Some of them had kids locked up in test tubes and cages. Mizuki had ordered Kyan, Akari, and Tsuyoi free them all while Haru, Destiny, Samuel, and Kelly keep watch of Geysis...just in case the hero would try something...unheroic...

Mizuki: Oh Fuck...this...all of this...this is just sick....

He can't even imagine what would happen if the public were to find out about all of this...

All he knows that no one is going to sit this one down. It's bad enough people are starting lose trust in heroes...if they found out about all this and what the PSC is doing behind their backs.

The trust the people have for this society will be shattered...

Broken beyond repair...

Mizuki: (FYI...No one likes to deal with an angry mob.)

He felt bad for the heroes but they more of less, will have to take responsibility for all of this.

Mizuki: (I'm so glad I decided to do a turn over on my career choice when I was younger...but then again being a detective was also as dangerous as a hero job is.)

Destiny: So...can we burn this building down after everything is over?

Stacy: I second that!

Geysis: Not yet. But they must have the information to give me back what they took, so no burning them until then...

Mizuki: Lame Excuse Geysis. Even you can come up with something better. What happened to all that sadistic smugness behavior you used to have. Right now, you're acting like a meek child caught in the act of lying by his parents.

Geysis huffed and looked away. Mizuki had him on his shit-list. He won't let the hero get away with everything. Especially with all this that's been going on...and judging from the angry looks that both former and latter students had held against the gym teacher. They are more than likely thinking the same thing.

Mizuki: Tell me Geysis...did you ever trafficked children into the Commission like you did to Class 1-C?

Geysis: No...I'm not like Endeavor who willingly handed those children like Hawks over to the PSC. I am not that bad.


Geysis: In a pamphlet the Commission gave to us. Back then, we went on about a program they had to relocate villain´s children in safer environments through some orphanages they work with or even some. We only had to take the children we found with villain adults to them after arrest...

Kelly: But that was all a lie wasn't it...?

Samuel: Just so the PSC could look good in the public eye...while they were actually abusing children and turning them into emotionless soldiers.

Yuiga: Yep...That about sums it up...

Mizuki: I take it you seen the videos too, Geysis...


The gym teacher didn't say a word but he knew what Mizuki was talking about. The videos containing the evidence of the "Re-Education" of Class 1-C.

Stacy: They hurt us, Geysis.

Geysis: I know.

Stacy: You hurt us!

Geysis:...I know.

Stacy: Then why won't you take responsibility?

Geysis: I will.


Kaisen: Stacy! Calm down!

Stacy:....Calm down! I don't wanna calm down!

Mizuki: Oi. Listen girl. You can kill your former gym teacher later. Whoever wants dibs on beating him up first will have to wait. There's still key evidence that needs to be found in these files.

Stacy: Tut. Fine.

Yuiga: (Dang it. I guess Sima Qian, Hinamori, and the others will have to wait on tearing down the building.)

Mizuki scanned through the files searching once more but it couldn't find much. Sure, it found the same evidence as usual. Blackmail, child soldiers, experimentation...same things as usual.

However...he felt like there was more than meets the eye.

However, he stopped when he noticed something in a file.

Mizuki: What the...? No...This can't be....

Samuel: Mizuki-san...?

Kelly: What's wrong?

Mizuki stayed quiet for a moment or two before going up to Geysis, grabbing him by his shirt.


Mizuki: This file...Geysis. You're gonna tell me right here and now.

He spoke the words with rage which shocked everyone in the room because they were under the assumption that Mikoto's uncle was a more calm down to earth kind of detective. Whatever file he had in his hand had somehow riled him up.

What he said next horrified them all.

Mizuki: Tell me Geysis...Why is my brother's name, Tohru Ashikaga, written among these files?!!

File: Experimentation.

Name: Tohru Yukimura Ashikaga.

Age: 18

Quirk: Ninja-to (Craft Ninja Weapons)

Haru: *Gasp*

Destiny: No Way...Mikoto's father?!

Samuel: Are you serious?!

Kelly: W-What?




Hakuto: (What is going on here...?)

Geysis:....Eh? What? No. There's gotta some misunderstanding...they would never harm Tohru...I...don't understand...what...

Judging from his reaction, he doesn't knew either...He looked really loss. Did the leader of the commission kept this behind his back as well? Then again, he wouldn't put it pass her. The president of the commission always was a shady bitch.

Mizuki groaned feeling really pissed.

What did the PSC do to his little brother...?

Unless...it had something to do with...the day Tohru had lost his quirk...

Mizuki:....(Whatever those bastards did...they're going to fucking pay. There's too many broken families they tore apart!)

*Ring Ring*

Mizuki looked at his phone before looking back at Geysis.

Mizuki: I'll deal with you later...

Mizuki picked up his phone.

Mizuki: Hello? Oh. Tsukachi. What is it?!

Tsukachi: Ashikaga! We got trouble! there are problems in Tartarus! Best Apparently Shigaraki Tomura appeared there in an effort to recover the operatives the League lost in the war!

Mizuki: Wait...are you saying that...He's going to break everyone in that facility out of prison?!!!

Kelly: *Gasp*

Haru: No...No...

Yuiga: OMG...

Destiny: Are you serious?!

Samuel: This can't be happening....

Kaisen: Oh... It's happening...

Stacy: Let's go warn Kyan-Senpai and the others...

Yuiga: Damnit! We just separated from Sima Qian and Hinamori! I better call them and the group!

Hakuto: Tell them to gather as many allies as possible! Any potential zero above zero wielders who know S-CRAFTS moves as well!

Tsukachi: In a nutshell...Yes...be prepared...this is going to be one full-scale war...no one will ever forget...


No one is going to escape this war... unscratched...


Mizuki Ashikaga needs a drink...

He needs a fucking drink after this!!!

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