A New Beginning

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Here's Akira's picture guys.  Alright onto the story.

A/N: A New Beginning For Class 1-C.

Who appeared at the door was the last person they least expected.

Mikoto: T-TSUME?!!!

Tsume Yamikage...the human version of Niko. But more or less...the real one. 

Tsume: Yo....

Everyone was surprised to see Tsume (The Real Niko or the human version. Take your pick).

He was no longer wearing his cat hoodie.

He now sports the U.A Uniform.

Niko: I don't like being stared at.

The class erupted into chaos?!


Destiny: No Way! Babysitting him in the dorms is one thing! Now we have to be classmates with him?!

Tsume: Did you bastards forget I'm in rehab?

Eito: What's that got to do with you being our classmate?!

Present Mic: Please calm down, Little Listeners. Getting upset about a former villain in rehab being your classmate is understandable. But we don't have much of a choice here. Remember, he is the key to taking down Niko, his alter ego.

Tsume: Heh. I'm a celebrity.

Yin: I still don't trust you.

Tsume: Ohhhhh~! Someone's mad because I gave them trauma.


Tsume: And who was the one who didn't hesitate to betray his classmates just to save the only family that's been dead for a long time.

A touchy subject. Yin, whom once netural expression was gone. Now he was seething in rage.

Present Mic: Hamada-kun. Please...

Tsume: Ohhhhh~! You're in trouble~~~!

Yin: *Angry*...

Mio: Ignore him, Yin.

Souta: Yeah. The bastard is just trying to get under your skin.

Akira: J-Just don't listen to him...

Yin: I know! It's just...

Mikoto: It's okay, Yin. Remember. We've already forgiven you. You had no choice. Anyone would've done the same thing in your shoes. You're still out friend and always will be.

Yin:....I can't say the same for Aoyama.

Class 1-C:.....

Tsume: Ohhhhhhh~!

Sylvia: SHUT UP!

Tsume: *WHEEZE*

Present Mic: I'll see you all soon, Little Listeners. In the meantime, I'm going to the hospital to visit Aizawa. 

Present Mic leaves the room as everyone turned their attention to Tsume.


Luna: Are you just here to rub it in?

Samuel: To poor more salt on the wound, Big Brother don't take kindly to that.

Chassy: Since you are the key to defeating Niko. Surely you must know his weakness.

Tsume: I've already told you idiots already. You can't beat that guy. He's a monster. Created from the manifestion of my hatred for heroes.

Souta: Don't give us that bullcrap. You must know something.

Mikoto: Could you at least give us a hint.

Tsume stayed quiet for a moment before looking up at them.

Tsume: Corruption.

Kenji: Huh?

Lilac: What?

Tsume: Corruption... that's his power...his quirk. It spreads everywhere as it feeds off the negativity of others.

Dishonesty, dishonest dealings, unscrupulousness, deceit, deception, duplicity, double-dealing, fraud, fraudulence, misconduct, lawbreaking, crime, criminality, delinquency, wrongdoing, villainy, bribery, bribing, subornation, venality, graft, extortion, jobbery, profiteering, payola, crookedness, shadiness, sleaze, palm-greasing, malfeasance, misfeasance, knavery, malversation.

Tsume: For example. The Hero Society is corrupted to begin with. It is corrupt because a lot of professional heroes do their work for profit, fame and endorsement...

Kenji:...So as long as evil resides in the world. It would take more than a miracle to stop him.

Class 1-C:....

Tsume: That's the point. Heh. Good luck...

Luna: Wait...You're not going to help us?!

Mio: Come on man, have a heart! This is an disaster for an artist!

Tsume: Have a heart? Why should I care? I've never wanted to be a hero. If you got any complaints, take it to All Might.

Mikoto: But...Tsume!

Tsume: Yukimura...

Mikoto flinched. No Miko-chan. Even if that name brought shivers down his spine and not the good kind.

Tsme: The Law exist for a reason. The law is there to punish villains. Like heroes are supposed to do. But at the exact same time, it tries to rehabilitation the criminals. Like me. But think about it. Is that really fair for the victims?

Sylvia:...What do you mean by that?

Tsume: People want me DEAD.

Class 1-C: ?!!!

Tsume: I've killed a lot of people as Niko. Even if I am rehab. What good will that be? If a villain were to go back to being a functional member of society someday. But from the victim's perspective. It's not fair. It's not justice. It almost like the law is protecting me. They will be angry. They will riot. They would want revenge.

Class 1-C:....

Tsume: Even if the criminal or villain regrets their actions, feel remorseful for their crimes. Maybe rehab will work. But some people out there...just don't care...THE WORLD IS FULL OF SHITTY PEOPLE. 


Tsume: What then?! How are the victims supposed to move on with their lives? Heroes had already failed them. Killing the people responsible...is the only way to make things right. 

Class 1-C:...

Mikoto: So...you dying would probably make everyone feel better, is that what you're saying?

Tsume: Well Duh. Stop being sympathetic already. Unless you're ready to get hated by the world for protecting the one of the most wanted villains in the Hero Society.

Haru: B-But you and Niko are separated!

Tsume: It wouldn't matter. Stop wasting your time and do what you're supposed to do heroes.

Mikoto: But you must know! We still don't know how to beat Niko! 

Tsume: That's just not my problem~! Knowledge is valuable~! Figure it out yourself.

So he does know. He just won't tell them. 

Tsume sat down in the empty seat before playing his video games and puts on headphones.

Souta: Well, he's no help...

Oka: Definitely not.

Mikoto: Corruption...

Haru: Mikoto?

Mikoto: Yeah...

Haru: Do you have any idea on what he meant?

Mikoto: Maybe....one of my quirks cna help.

Hein: Elaborate...

Mikoto: My quirks revolve around snow, engage, image breaker, zero above zero, & luminous light. So... what if I combine them together...would they be a way to defeat Niko?

Riku: You don't sound too sure...

Mikoto:...Guess that means I still have to train with Yuiga-Senpai in order to find the truth...(I still need to find out the other quirks that could be unlocked...)

Sylvia: Don't worry Mikoto. I'm sure the answer will come... eventually.

Mikoto: I know but it's not going to fall in my lap. In order to defeat Niko, we need to harden our skills and combined our strengths.

Kenji: So far, the only we can beat him at the moment is that we can restore  humanity back in people.

Akira: T-That's gonna be hard... Especially since people nowadays focus on the negative.

Destiny: True... It's like people just enjoy being an asshole.

Luna: Why do people enjoy being mean?

Mio: I think it's like drowning in self hatred, misery, and living in a constant pity party...What an horrible painting to make...

Souta: I know...The once mean, angry person I showed to anyone who looked at me the wrong way all because of my quirk isn't who I am. I truly don't believe anyone is inherently mean or intend to be...It just they oushed too far...like I was.

Mikoto: Souta...

Souta: I believe what fueled my cruelty was the sense of control I felt in those seconds that I shot someone down and put them through my nightmare quirk. It's a weird power moment you get. Even if we all don't want to admit that we enjoy having control.

Riku: So...the main thing to do is learn that control and power isn't everything.

Souta: Yes. You don't need and shouldn't want to control people. I look back at those days and hate myself for it. I hate the person I was. But it allowed me to grow into the person I am.

Jack: Awww Sou-Sou.

Souta: Don't you dare call me that. (Don't bring up the nickname Nii-san gave me!!!)

Hein: In order to do whatever it takes to take the Shadow Slasher down.

Eito: So we can't do no wishful thinking...

Luna: With the war coming up, anyone of us could die...

None of them liked the sound of that. Especially since...out of all of them...

Mikoto was the only one who was "KILLED".

Mikoto: (It was only thanks to Hinako that I've came back. But now that the doll is no longer around...I don't got anymore second chances.)

Riku: In the meantime everyone. Let's just focus on the request board. After all, people will still need our help...

The world isn't giving them a choice anymore.

Be heroes or die trying...

There's no regret in being theirselves. It's on them.

As the whole class muttered to themselves. They had a lot to prepare for.

The final battle against the League Of Villains.

Their final battle against Niko.

Mikoto looked at the request board. Still searching for an answer.

Mikoto: (No matter what guys. I'll do what I can...to save us all. For you all, I'll never give up!!!)

In the meantime, as everyone prepared for what about to come. Mikoto needed to go visit a certain someone.

QOTD: You guys got any requests for the request board?

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