Group Chat

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A/N: Remember the silliness known as Class 1-C group chat?

*Snow Ninja invites Class 1-C into group chat*

*Crimson Crown (Sylvia) Enters The Chat*

*Golden Mist (Haru) Enters The Chat*

*Fangs (Kenji) Enters The Chat*

*Souta Enters The Chat*

CrimsonCrown: S'up Mikoto!

Golden Mist: Another group chat? It's been awhile since we did any of that.

Fangs: We have been busy with the wars, hero training, and other things.

Souta: Seriously. Another group chat?

Snow Ninja: Well...Facebook is no longer an option due to what Geysis did a few months ago and I think we need to take a break from Discord.

Fangs: What happened with Discord?

Mikoto: Two Words. Outage Detections...

Everyone: Ohhhh...

Crimson Crown: Again? Man, Discord needs to fix their problems.

*MusicLover345 (Jack) Enters The Chat*

*Aquamarine (Luna) Enters The Chat*

*LoverBoi69 (Eito) Enters The Chat*

*Big Brother (Samuel)  Enters The Chat*

*Sunny (Destiny) Enters The Chat*

Snow Ninja: Hey Guys!

Sunny: S'up Class Rep! 


Fangs: No. 

LoverBoi69: (;___;)

Crimson Crown: Some things never change...

Aquamarine: Looks like he'll NEVER catch a break.

Fangs: *Sighs* Eito. We're just gonna stay friends. That's it.

LoverBoi69:....I know...


Sunny: You both are worrying me...

Golden Mist: Where are the others?

Big Brother: Busy as usual. 

Snow Ninja: Any word of Tsume...?


Snow Ninja: That bad, huh...?

MusicLover345: Yep. Sorry Class Rep. That dude refuses to talk to anyone!

Aquamarine: True dat. He is as stubborn as a yak!

Loverboi69: Maybe we should just give up on him.

Snow Ninja: Eito! 

LoverBoi69: What?!

Snow Ninja: Gomen but I'm not giving up on him! 

Crimson Crown: Exactly. Did we ever gave up on you after you turned your back on us?

LoverBoi69:....No...even though you had every right too.

Golden Mist: Then we're not giving up on Tsume. 

Fangs: Even if he doesn't admit it. He need us...

Snow Ninja: been quiet for a while. What is your opinion on this?

Souta:....Well...I will be honest. As much I don't like him. I don't think he deserves to suffer. But I do know who should.

MusicLover345: If you say me, so help me-?!

Souta: No idiot! I'm talking about Niko!

MusicLover345: Ohhhhhh. Right. 

*Souta Changes MusicLover345's name to Idiot*

Idiot: RUDE!

*Idiot Changes Souta's name to Bitch*

Sunny: Oh here we go again. 

Bitch: Do you want to fucking fight right now?

Big Brother: Oh here we go...

Idiot: Yeah! How about we get physical! You've been getting on my nerves!

Golden Mist: Hey come on! Let's not fight!

Fangs: Just get it go Haru. You know they're not going to listen. 

Crimson Crown: Seriously...They argue like a couple of children. 

Sunny: Girl. No offense but you have no room to talk.

Crimson Crown: Huh? What do you mean?

GothicGirl90: *Jumpscare* SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER!!!

Aquamarine: *Screams* AHHHHHHHH!!!! OKA?!

Snow Ninja: Again Oka?! Stop scaring people!

GothicGirl90: Where is the fun in that?

Big Brother: Where did you even come from? How did your username not get announced...AGAIN?!

*GothicGirl90 changes Crimson Crown's name to hypocrite*

Hypocrite: GRRRRRR. 

*Hypocrite changes GothicGirl90's name To Tramp*

Big Brother: Oh great...we're being notified of their bullshit as well....


Hypocrite: GOTH SLUT!


Hypocrite: EMO TRAMP!

Snow Ninja: ....What is all this buncombe (nonsense)...

*Vice Rep (Hein) comes into the chat*

Vice Rep: What did I miss?

Snow Ninja: Jack, Souta, Sylvia and Oka are arguing again. The fights were unneeded and unnecessary.

Bitch: WTF did you just say to me?!

Idiot: You are in my SPACE! Your quirk is GAY just like your FACE!

Sunny: XD....Sorry I may have cackled...



Bitch: *Rolls his eyes* Good Comeback... Hint: Sarcasm.

Snow Ninja:...Really? This is starting to turn into a one-sided fight...






Vice Rep: That's what I thought.

Everyone: 👏👏👏👏👏👏

Vice Rep: O-Oh...Ummm...Thank You! 

Aquamarine: Thank you so much!

Snow Ninja: Good job Hein. 

Sunny: Nice going, Vice Rep! 

Vice Rep: *Blushes*....

*Aquamarine changes Vice Rep to Girlboss*

Snow Ninja: Lilac will be so proud. Speaking of which, where is Lilac?

Girlboss: Helping Recovery Girl in the infirmary.

Golden Mist: That's good. I heard Akira's training in Ground Gamma with Kelly, Yin, Mio, & Maria. 

Fangs: F for them if Geysis is the one being their handler.

Idiot: F

Hypocrite: F

Bitch: F

Snow Ninja: Oh let me fix that for you guys.

*Snow Ninja changes Idiot's name to Headphones*

*Snow Ninja Changes Bitch's name to Night Terror*

*Snow Ninja Changes Hypocrite's name to Crimson Rose*

*Snow Ninja Changes Tramp's name to Sweet Specter*

Headphones: Wow! I like it!

Night Terror: Hmm...Not bad. 

Sweet Specter: That fits my style~! Kukuku!

Crimson Rose: Thanks Mikoto!

Snow Ninja: You're welcome!

Girlboss: Alright! Now that's taken care of....Does anything they like to say?

Golden Mist:....

Snow Ninja:...Well Haru did mentioned something he needs to share....

Golden Mist:....I....

Fangs: Haru?

Night Terror: What's wrong?

Crimson Rose: Haru...You need to tell them...We all made a promise. No more secrets. Remember. We need to be up and truthful with each other for now on. 

Golden Mist:...Yeah. 

Headphones: Uhh...Can someone tell me what the heck is going on?


Golden Mist: Okay...I tell you guys. I believe there is a way to defeat Niko. 

Everyone excluding Snow Ninja & Crimson Crown: O_O?!

Big Brother: Oh. Well that's great news right?

Golden Mist:.....

Big Brother:..... That's great news, right?

Golden Mist: It's Wild Card. 

Night Terror: Wild Card? You mean from one of your abilities.

Golden Mist: My quirk which copys others can also emits an aura that can cause things around him to go wrong. From quirks and abilities becoming weak and falling apart...

Girlboss: So...I see it working as an Emitter type Quirk that activates whenever the user comes in contact with any kind of playing card. After doing so, the user has complete control over this playing card, able to telekinetically manipulate it within a medium radius of themselves. 

Snow Ninja: So...While Haru annot exert much force through the cards, it is more than made up for it in finesse, able to finely manipulate the cards. 

Vice Rep: Yes. His control on the cards would be so great that the he even has some minor control over some of the properties of the cards, specifically increasing their density to the point they can pierce wood and block small arms fire. 

Golden Mist: That would make me a versatile combatant, able to reliably cover ground in most fights. I can block attacks, launch playing cards at enemies, briefly levitate with them, from them into shapes, or always win a game of cards. 

LoverBoi69: Like almost the same as the Eldest Voodoo Brother, Remy when he was using his cards. 

Everyone grimaced at the thought of the Voodoo Brothers especially Kenji, who remembered he got his ass handed to him by Teddy who brutalized him. 

Vice Rep: Besides being limited to playing cards and the user's own attention, the user can only have fifty two cards under their control at any time. And even when the user improves them, the cards are still not perfect, and can't resist stronger attacks and cut tougher materials. A possible name for the Quirk could be "Wild Card".

Headphones: Sorry if I'm slow on this but why does that sound like a bad thing?

Golden Mist: There's always going to be a drawback to these things. If I lose it wrongly or if Niko were able to find out my plan....I could die...

Aquamarine: Haru-kun....😥


Girlboss: I will speak with Riku and Present Mic of these crucial details.

Snow Ninja: Haru...We will make sure that won't happen.


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