Indonesia's Hero School AU

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A/N: You could be a hero if you do what's right. But the question is....what is right and what is wrong?

After getting off the plane is where Remy & Teddy begin their plan.

Teddy: So what's the plan, brother?

Remy: We're going to shake society upside down. Something that AFO had failed to do.

Teddy: Really? But I thought he was the big boss?

Remy rolled his eyes but not at his brother. 

Remy: No. The thing is...AFO is an idiot.

Teddy: He is?

Remy: That AFO does not live up to his mastermind status as I thought he does, due to a combination of his plans being stupid and doomed to fail, as well as him experiencing some sort of delusion or "cope" of all things going according to his plan. No wonder All Might is always beating his ass.

The cards around Remy begin to form. He begins to look into the future. 

The future of the Hero Society. 

Remy: It should be obvious why AFO went with his body hijacking plan--to finally steal One For All.

Teddy: You mean that one quirk that got away? 

Remy: That's right. The quirk that holds a piece of his brother. The quirk that will make him a true Demon Lord. For generations, AFO has tried and realized that he was truly incapable of taking it. Because it now belongs to All Might's successor. Which is why he's using a body-stealing technique. Vessels you may call it.

Teddy: From Shigaraki's body. He does sound pretty stupid...

Remy: Mhm. But that's where we come in. The heroes had to practically begging other countries for help. 

Teddy: Because of we're ruining the hero society and crushing  it?

Remy: Most of it was done by AFO by yes us too. He was mostly successful in staving off that possibility of overseas heroes. And of course his stirring up trouble delayed foreign outreach and put them dead in the water. So now we're going to take advantage of it...

Teddy: Oho~! I'm getting excited~! What are we going to do?

The cards froze around him as they started oozing out black slug. Spells begin to show and starts casting out an misama.

A person who was walking by was suddenly hit by the misama. He dropped the ground and started screaming. His eyes soon turned soulless before his body went limp.

He looked dead...but he suddenly got up and begin moving... Like a puppet on invisible wired strings...

Remy's shadowman face begin to form as he grinned ear from ear. His cards that shown the future of the hero society... Destroyed and burned to ashes...

Teddy chuckled evilly as he watched his big bro powers activated. 

Remy: Oh we start with manipulating some quirks...through some unspecting pawns~!


Yuiga and his pals drove Class 1-C all the way to the school.

As they drove in the RV, the young students begin admiring the sights around...

Yuiga: Even though we're heading to the school. But I hope you guys like the sights in Indonesia. Sima Qian will give you guys some places you can check out during your breaks.

Sima Qian: There's Jakarta, the megalopolis you must visit in Indonesia.

Jack: Ohhhhh~!

Sima Qian: Then there's Bali, the amazing paradise.

Mio: Hehehe...I want to see! I wanna see~!

Sima Qian: Kawah Putih, Java.

Samuel: Sounds culturally accurate. Big Brother is interested.

Sima Qian: Then there's Komodo National Park.

Zoe: I would love to go there...

Maria: Me too!

Sima Qian: And of course, there's the water parks!

Luna: Yes! Whooo~!

Hinamori: Well that got their attention.

Hein: As much as it woulf be nice to go sightseeing. But remember, this is a mission everyone.

Lilac: Hein...

Eito: We know. Don't need to tell us twice.

Chassy: Yeah. Stop killing the mood, Killjoy.

Hein: Hmph. If you got time to play, you got time to be a hero.

Class 1-C: Yes Vice Rep...

Yuiga: Haha. You guys are so bubbly and optimistic.

A sad smile came on his face.

Yuiga: Never change. Please...

Mikoto: Hmm?

Mikoto looked at him with concern. He wasn't the only one. Hinamori had noticed too and she puts her hand on Yuiga's.

Deciding to not dwell on what had occurred the past two years. Mikoto tried to lighten up the mood.

Mikoto: So what is the school life is like?

Yuiga: Well. The hero school, AU, is much different from UA. Sure it has it's similarities. But we have our own rules & regulations.

Hinamori: You'll see when we'll get there.

Yuiga: After all we been might think that saving the world - especially on a semi-regular basis, as some heroes do...would give your sense of self-worth a bit of a boost, if not cause some serious ego issues.

Kenji: Self-Doubt.

Souta: We all been there before...

Sima Qian: That's right. It doesn't matter how many lives will be saved, worlds they've rescued, or bad guys they've defeated..a heroes self-esteem remains in negative figures, and they'll still have a periodic heroic BSoD.

Mikoto: Senpai....Does this mean....?

Yuiga: Yes Yukimura...the true reason why we asked for you all to come... it's not just finding a way to counter Niko. But to make sure we all be prepared for anything. It's time we all stop self- doubting ourselves.

Hinamori: we are...

Class 1-C looked up ahead to see a huge school. Like a parallel counterpart to UA.

Yuiga: Well... there we go. Class 1-C. Welcome to AU High School. Which is the #1 ranked high school for heroics and is considered as the top Hero Academy in Indonesia.

Class 1-C couldn't contain their nerves and excitement.

Their mission begins here...


Yuiga led the class to the entrance.

He then turned to them.

Yuiga: Nervous?

Jack: A lot!

Luna: You don't even know how scary this is for us!

Oka: BOO.

Luna: AHHHH!

Hein: Anyway. So this AU?

Yuiga: That's right... UNLIKE UA, this school does do traditional school methods, but they also allows their staff to teach their classes however they like. While we do have normal classes. But we also have otehr classes to teach such as Heroics. We also have our own training ground.

Haru: I got a question. Does this includes teachers having the authority to expel any student(s) at any time and for any reason, no matter how minor?

Yuiga: Oh don't worry about that. AU is strict but not that strict.

Jacksquad: (Wow...The students here are sooooo lucky!)

???: Yuiga?

Everyone turned to see a slighty tanned skin elderly man dressed in a red and white suit walking up to them. 

Yuiga: Ah Principal Rabbi. Good to see you. These are the kids that I've mentioned earlier that will be here for the next two weeks.

Principal Rabbi: Oh that's wonderful.

The well-mannered elderly man with grey hair and moncle glasses look towards the students. He looked pretty fit for someone whose in his 70's. A hint of glee shown in his eyes.

Principal Rabbi: So you must be atonishing Class 1-C that Yuiga spoke so highly about. A pleasure to meet you all and thank you for visiting our school. I am Principal Rabbi Peterson. Here at AU, while it is nowhere near UA. We are renowned for having trained and produced some of the best heroes in Indonesia. Such as minor heroes like the Black Eagle, Red Wolf, Dr. Light, and let's not forget the legendary quirkless hero.

Destiny: Excuse me. I have a question, who is the first quirkless hero here if you don't mind me asking.

Principal Rabbi: Not at all. As for the quirkless hero. He is well known as Encourager. He has been a light that had shine in our hearts and has given us hope in the knowledge of hero's glory displayed in the face of publicity.

Class 1-C: Ohhhhhhh! 

Principal Rabbi: Well not just Encourager. They are many others heroes who had followed in his footsteps for the past few decades. Some of them have hero names based on mythology. 

Jack: That's so cool! I've heard many great superheroes that are just like the ones on TV.

Riku: That is true. I have found a list of heroes based off of ancient gods (Thor, Hercules, Etc). There are many cultures to choose from. There are thousands of gods in each religion so choose one. 

Samuel: Mhm. Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Hindu gods often have the coolest names~!

Principal Rabbi: Good to see you all are pretty educational. I'm sure you all are going to love here. And who all just might meet the quirkless hero.

Yuiga: Me and my pals will show them to the hotel they'll be staying at, Sir.

Principal Rabbi: Thank you Yuiga. Make sure they get all settled in dor the day. Then tomorrow, you can all begin the training in our ground arena here at AU.

Sima Qian: You can count on us.

Sylvia: Thank you for your hospitality.

Principal Rabbi: It is no problem. See you all tomorrow and enjoy your stay. Make you all get plenty of rests. 

The entire class waved their goodbyes as Yuiga led the way to the hotel followed by Sima Qian and Hinamori.

Principal Rabbi:.....The #1 Quirkless Hero, you say......


After Yuiga and the others dropped off Class 1-C at the hotel. Their senpai had already explained that their rooms been booked for them over the next two weeks much to their satisfaction.

As usual, the boys have their rooms and the girls have theirs for privacy.

Yuiga also told them to get ready for some intense training tomorrow at the School's gym. Along with patrols

Luna: I still cannot believe we're in Indonesia.

Destiny: IKR. It feels like we haven't even left UA.

Mio: So much to do tomorrow.

Zoe: I can't wait...

Sylvia: I wonder what we can do in the meantime?

Oka:....Wanna play Uno?


Lilac: Someone's already trying to destroy friendships.

Oka: Oh come on~! It will be fun~! Riiiiight Bimbo?



Leaving his room, Mikoto headed out for get some fresh air.

Tomorrow was going to be a harsh day for all of them.

So much intense training from Yuiga, Sima Qian, Hinamori.

Plus with patrols, carrying out missions, requests, helping out citizens for the next two weeks.

They will be grueling.

But they were ready.

Mikoto: Starting tomorrow, our mission will begin.

He goes back inside and begin to head back towards his room. He was left collecting his thoughts he accidentally bumped into someone.

Mikoto: OOF. Gomenasai (Sorry)!

???: That's quite, alright! I wasn't looking either!

Mikoto's eyes went wide as he looked up to greet the shocked brown eyes of a familiar prince.

Mikoto: Kieran?!

Kieran: Mikoto?!

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