Meeting Class 3-C...Again.

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A/N: Class 1-C meets up with their senpais from 3-C. Sorry, I'm too lazy to make their appearances. Been brain dead since I've made Class 1-C's appearances and is still exhausted due to my job plus making stories & videos. Hours of sleep? Don't know her anymore...

Request: Meeting up with your Senpais.

Hello Mikoto-kun. Class 1-C. Turns out, some of our classmates from 3-C wanted to meet you guys. They heard so much of what's going on and they want to do whatever they can to support you. If you guys have time, come meet us in the Class 3-C dorms.

Clients: Akari-Senpai, Tsuyoi-Senpai, & Kyan-Senpai.

Rank: 1

Mint had gathered everyone to the Class 3-C dorms. It's been a long while since any of them had heard from the secret 3. 

So it would be nice to get to know some of their classmates too. 

Kenji: It's been a while since we seen Kyan-Senpai and the others.

Jack: IKR. Last we heard of them. It was from the Paranormal Liberation Front. 

Luna: OMG...I'm so nervous...

Destiny: Girl. Same. I wonder what our other senpais from Class 3-C are like. 

Hein: Possibly chaotic.

Eito: Oh come on....they can't be that bad.


Eito: What?

Sylvia: Da fuck you talking about?

Souta: Everyone here at U.A is chaotic you stupid twit. 

Eito: HEY!

Kenji: (Good to see he's still somewhat himself. I'm surprised he hasn't flirted with me yet.)

They all made it to the Class 3-C dorms. Like Luna, A pit of anxiety and nervousness all formed in them. 

Mikoto: we go...

Deciding to be the brave one here. Mikoto knocked on the door and a familiar face opened it up. 

Akari: Ah! Mikoto-kun! Class 1-C! Here guys!

Luna: Hi Senpai!

Mio: So good to see you again, Akari-Senpai.

Akari: Likewise.

Samuel: How you and the other two been?

Akari: It's been going great. Tsuyoi-kun! Kyan-kun! They're here! 

The other two senpais appeared at the door. 

Tsuyoi: Hmm...*Nods* Greetings.

Kyan: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Class 1-C: (OOF!!! AGAIN?!!)

Mikoto: Still sleepy huh Senpai?

A/N: God I wish I was him...

Tsuyoi: Training all night from the upcoming war. 

Destiny: Can't blame him. I need some Z's myself. 

Luna: Girl. That makes two of us.

Mio: Three of us. 

Yin: Training with Geysis sure was brutal.

Jack: More like cold-blooded.

Akari: Jeez. I know how you guys feel. Geysis-Sensei was like that to us back when we were in your shoes.

Haru: Y-You guys had training with Geysis too?

Akari: That's right. Alright, let's not keep you all in the hallway. That would be rude of us. Come in! Come in!

Akari and the boys let's Class 1-C in as they all examined the dorms inside. 

Their senpais had some curtains above the window that can change the entire feeling of the room, a Greenery scene, a dance floor, some cozy pillows and couches. fresh lemon scented aromas, pictures and wall art everywhere, and finally some comfy chairs.

Class 1-C: SO LUXURIOUS!!!

Tsuyoi: Make youselves at home...

Kyan: Zzzzzzzzzzzz....

Class 1-C begin to get comfy and cozy while Akari made everyone some tea and cookies. 

Maria: Thanks Senpai, nya!

Akari: You're welcome!

???: Akari, are they here? 

A couple of older looking students had walked in. Mikoto and the others took note of this as they looked at the other sudden quests. 

They were the other members of Class 3-C. At least some of them. Only seven of them were soon. 

Akari: Yes! This is them! 

???: Wow! So this is our kohais. I can't believe we're finally meeting them.

???: I can't believe WE'RE just now getting a whiff of who they are. 

Akari: I guess I can do the introductions again! Let's start with you Jaku-kun~!

She pointed to the male in the back who had blue bowl cut hair, short lanky build with grey eyes. He was wearing a simple jacket and sports wear. While he had a jock vibe, he was also a literature nerd. 

Jaku: Alright. Alright. Geez. Akari. Why you gotta make me the first one? 

Akari only pouted as Jaku turned to his kohais with a upbeat smile. 

Jaku: Hello. My name is Jaku Miura. My quirk is called Jack Of All Trades. It's nice to meet you guys~! Hope we get along these next few months. 

Quirk: Jack Of All Trades - Jaku can basically do anything but not as all powerful as others and can only do one action at a time within a 15 meter range. Offensive as conjuring elements and simple weapons, defense as strengthening durability and support as buffs, debuffs, and healing. 

Class 1-C: OOOOOOH~!

Haru: That's a cool quirk, Senpai!

Akira: Y-Yeah!

Jaku: Thanks!

Jack: I'll say. I like the name~!

Souta: Of course you would, you're so annoying.

Jack: Nobody asked ya. 

Mikoto: ANYWAY...

Mikoto gestured for the next senpai. The senpai was another male wavy black hair, pale skin, freckles across his face. He had a skinny build with a little muscle. He looked around 5'8 and seems to slouch a lot. He was wearing baggy clothes, all dark colors. He also wore a silver wolf pendant. He looked at the younger students with a nervous smile. Seems like public speaking is not his cup of tea.

Virgil: M-My name is Virgil Knight. Sorry, I'm a little nervous. My quirk is called Empath. Nice to meet you.

Quirk - Empath: He can feel the emotions of everyone around him as well as push a certain emotion onto others (as long as himself is feeling the same emotion).

Lilac: That's a nice quirk. 

Riku: I agree. Is it okay if I do an analysis on it~?

Virgil: Uhhhhhh....

Female: I'm Next! I'm Next!

An curly long blonde platinum blonde hair girl with concernly pale skin that almost matches Kenji. She had red eyes that were the type of eyes you see on albino rabbits. 

Salem: I'm Salem Xqic. 

Maria: What kind of name is that, nya?

Chassy: Maria! Shh! Don't be rude!

Maria: I'm just asking!

Chassy: Again! Shh!

Salem: My quirk is called blood manipulation. But despite all that. You guys seem really interesting as our  kohais. Let's get along. 

Wow. Despite her blank expression. She seems like a nice person. 

Mikoto: (Who would've thought her quirk would be similar to Kenji's...and Toga Himiko...Is she possibly related?)

Male Senpai: Hey Salem. You might want to knock off the blank expression. You're kind of scaring our kohais.

The male senpai had interrupted. He had light brown hair combed back in a slick hairstyle. He has brown skin and is quite tall but not as tall as Tsuyoi. He had muddy green eyes and three moles under his right eye. 

Marukh: It's nice to meet you guys. I've heard so many stories of Class 1-C. BTW. My name is Marukh. No last name. My quirk... Is very gives me the power to transform into a Egyptian God.

Luna: OMG! Like Kieran?!

Marukh: Kieran?

Zoe: Oh...He's...a friend of ours. 

Marukh: he no longer around?...Oh dear...I'm so sorry.

Destiny: No! It's not like that! He' a different country now. 

Marukh: Oh ok...for a second there...You almost made me thought...

Oka: He isn't dead. NOT YET~!

Sylvia: OKA!

Oka: What?!

Everyone shook their heads.

Hein: Ignore her. Please continue.

Ethan: I'm next! Hey Class 1-C! My name is Ethan Kim! Nice to meet you guys~!

Ethan Kim had silver white haircut like Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul. His skin is really dark with white freckles across his face giving the feel of the night. He has dropping eyes like Shinsou making him look sleepy. Except his eyes were light blue. His smile look doppy. 

Ethan: BTW. My quirk is called Ethereal Form.

Riku: Ohhh~! Now this is something I need to analyze.

Yin: Wow. He's somewhat like me.

Sylvia: He's also like Tokoyami from Class 1-A.

Haru: And Kuroiro from Class 1-B. 

Akari: Aren't they adorable! They're gushing all over you guys.

Male Senpai: TBH, I think it's us who should gushing all over. After all, they're become better heroes than us.

The next male senpai had black and red glasses. 

Jacob: Hello. My name is Jacob Midoriya. Good to meet you all. My quirk is called Ghoul. 

A/N: So many Tokyo Ghoul Quirks...No offense but can y'all stop giving me edgy kids?

....Wait a minute. Let's backtrack that for a moment!

Mikoto: ....Did you just say your last name is Midoriya?

Jacob: Yes. But before you ask. No, I'm not related to Deku. We just share the same surname. I was originally from America. But my parents transferred back to Japan to take my mother's surname. 

Mikoto: Oh...Okay...

Class 1-C: (For a second there. I thought he was actually related to Deku.)

Female Senpai: I'm the last one for now!

The last senpai of the group had purple skin and long blue hair. She had a bright smile on her face while she wore the U.A uniform.

Megumi: My name is Megumi Kaneyama. My quirk is called Mystic. 

Quirk: Mystic - It allows Megumi to create purple forcefields, energy blasts, beams, stepping stones and energy constructs. She is also able to track living beings by sensing their powers and can absorb or generate mana at will.

Luna: Wow. She's pretty.

Mio: I agree. 

Megumi: Awww. Thanks. All the girls here don't look so bad theirselves. 

Destiny:...If you don't mind me asking? Is this all of you guys.

Salem: Not really.

Virgil: The rest are out  and about doing their own thing. 

Jaku: We're just here killing time. 

Tsuyoi nodded with him as the other senpais just shrugged.

Riku: So...why did you requested for us to come Senpais?

Akari: Well...speaking of that. We also wanted to ask something...

Hein: Which is...?

A look of guilt had crossed all of the present 3-C senpais' faces. This worried all of the younger students.

Kyan:....What were they like? The Original Class 1-C...The ones we failed to save...

Guilt. Class 1-C was no stranger to it. There were so many people that themselves had FAILED to save.

The entire class didn't know what to say because they barely knew most of them despite finding out their names and their whereabouts.

Souta: Pansa...Was a villain...

Akari: Raion-kun...

Tsuyoi: I the government got to him too...

Oh that's right. They all knew as well...that explains the guilt crossed on their expressions. Mikoto and the others almost forgot they were there as well when they invaded the HPSC to put a stop to their experiments along with Yuiga, Sima Qian, & Hinamori. 

...But can you blame them for not helping the Original Class 1-C when most of them were still alive? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes...because they should've done something to help their kohais when they needed them the most...

No...because what if they were threatened too by said government? How many people had the Hero Public Safety Commission had threatened into submissin....?

Maybe...but whether it's the case or not. It's not really their fault. Blaming them definetly won't stop nor change anything. They probably didn't knew at the time and found out shortly after the Original Class 1-C disappeared.

Kenji:....Indeed. They got to him...and so many others...

Souta:...Did you guys get any information on what happened to his family? It was learned that he became a villain to protect his family.

Kyan:....Too late. It was revealed some time ago that his family was killed because they saw no use for him anymore.

Class 1-C:......

Kenji:....Like how they killed my parents while using me and my brothers like lab rats. 

Yin: And Auntie Jade.. Stupid Hero Commission...

Akari: It's many lives did the HPSC destroyed just to preserve their own image and reputation?

Lilac: We lost too many to count.

Hein: That's right. The casualties are too high.

Mio: When did you guys learned that the HPSC was involved in their disappearance...?

Virgil: Hikari's announcement...

Oh that's right...Tsume's twin brother...

The one who exposed the Hero Public Safety Commission after Dabi's revealment of being Touya Todoroki.


Hikari: Nowadays, all Heroes care about is money, fame, and bragging rights. And by all I mean the majority of Heroes. Most of them are alias to The Hero Public Safety Commission which were law enforcement agency responsible for managing the interactions between heroes and society as a whole and for investigating the most dangerous cases of criminality. But here they are harboring their own secrets.

Riku: Oh no...

Hein: No! The public isn't supposed to find out about this yet!

Riku: If he tells everyone this-! Then-!

Chassy: Everyone's views on heroes won't the same ever again!!!

Hikari: The Public Safety Commission is nothing but a bunch of lies. They put up a front of making everyone believe they're making the world a better place. But they altered the consciousness of innocent people's minds and subjected them to sick and twisted experiments. Along with many others...

Child Abduction.

Forced of indoctrination.

Grooming and Blackmail.

Psychological Slavery and Sexual Assault.

Everyone watched in horror as Hikari Shirogami show disturbing photos of young people around the ages 3-25 being tortured, bloody, and brainwashed.

The People of the public who were watching all this with wide eyes full of terror.

Hikari: The Public Safety Commission only view others as beneath them and didn't see them as victims nor sympathized with them. To them, heroes are nothing but tools that must be exploited. If a tool can't do their job...Well...they dispose of them.


Hikari: So many people had suffered not only because of the Public Safety Commission...but from the heroes as well...I wonder though...Are heroes really put saviors... because now that I think about it...


~End Flashback~

Jack: Ah yeah. I remember that speech from the back of my mind.

Luna: The way he presumed it. It gave me the chills...

Mikoto: Heroes...are the reasons why villains are made...

Tsuyoi: Because this society had failed to save them...

Hein: They didn't bother lending a helping hand to those who actually needed...

Souta: And even though the HPSC is gone...we're left cleaning up the mess they made.

Oka: At least the President is in jail. Let's hope she rots in there. Kukukuku~!

Destiny: Never thought I wholeheartedly agree but same. It's thanks to her and her psycho manipulation, everything is a mess.

Chassy: And let's not forget how much this school alomg with the heroes had failed us too. Ignoring the whole need for more superheroes after All Might's retirement...

Riku: Thank you! It's been a PR disaster to expel a bunch of students after UA exposed them to danger and barely provided any counseling services.

Marukh: sounds like you guys been through a lot.

Akari: Oh you don't know the half of it, Marukh-kun. These guys have been hell and back. Which is why my respect for them had rises.

Haru: At least Yuiga-Senpai is still alive.

Samuel: Yeah...

Salem: I've heard about his situation... It's good to see at least one of them made it out of that terrifying event alive...

Jaku: Is there anyone else from that class that's still alive?

Luna: Stacy-Senpai, Hakuto-Senpai, & Kaisen-Senpai are still alive...

Mikoto: Yes...They went into hiding thanks to my Uncle Mizuki.

Jacob: The Ashikaga detective with the scanning quirk?! That's amazing. I've never thought you were related to the Ashikaga Family.

Mikoto: Yeah...there's a lot on my family that even I don't know about...

Megumi: Then...the rest are....

Riku: Dead and we got info of those who were turned into Nomus, experimented on, and eaten by Niko...

1. Shoko Yurei

2. Tsuyoi Amane

3. Hatsuki Himesaki

4. Kim Seyeon

5. Wil Belrose

6. Karou Hosho

7. Riko Miki

8. Rin Fujiwara

9. Misachiko

Class 3-C:....

Marukh: Those poor kids...

Akari: I hope someday...they find peace...

Mikoto knew Misachiko did...but the others...He's not sure...and why does give him a bad feeling...

Kyan:...The time of hiding is over...If we want the press to take us seriously. We must keep our word and defend the citizens from the villains. After all, Class 1-C had done so much. Let's take the burden off of them and support them however we can.

Mikoto: Senpai...

Tsuyoi: I agree...

Akari: That's right! Class 1-C. If you guys need anything. Anyting at all. We'll be there. Joint missions. Requests. Be sure to hit us up and we'll give you backup. It's the least we can do.

Jacob: Being a hero doesn't mean taking everything on your own.

Virgil: Yeah...I feel really guilty at how we didn't do much to help. Well now it's about time to get off our butts and help out our kohais.

Salem: Yes. After all, we're all in this together!

Mikoto: Alright! That's what I like to hear!

Sylvia: Yeah! Fighting back the corruption and taking back this society!

Souta: I'm all for it.

Samuel: Same.

Riku: The Hero society has many problems that are far greater than the hunger for fame some of its most preeminent members display.

Jack: Most notably, Just like the Quirkless...

Kenji: People with 'villainous' quirks or mutants are mistreated and abused.

Yin: While we've could have easily embraced the path of hatred and retaliated against our abusers, we chooses to prove all of them wrong instead.

Soua: Which is why we are determined to become a hero using a Quirk everyone deems villainous.

Akira: T-That's right! We are never giving up on this society! It can change with our help!

Kyan: have our support.

A sense of pride surged through him.

Mikoto: Thanks Senpais.

Akari: You're welcome! Remember! If you guys need anything! Be sure to tell us!

Mikoto and the others felt a bond formed between them and Class 3-C. 

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