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A/N:  A little reminder, due to my busy schedule, updates will come on weekends. Please leave a vote and comment. Next chapter will come out in a few days. Maybe this Friday coming up. 

~Mikoto's Pov~

I feel like we all have fallen into a world of lies!

Tell me...As a hero, what do you want from me?!!

To Save You...To Help You...To Keep You Safe...

But yet...somehow...I'm getting blamed for something someone else caused?!

And now, people want not only me but my classmates dead?!

For doing the right thing?!

This is supposed to be a world full of heroes and villains. 

Where heroes are the good guys and villains are the bad guys....

I thought everyone would agree...

But no...Such naive thinking...

Not everyone cuts from the same cloth...

Everyone has their own views and personal opinions..

Everything I've learned all up learned as a Hero Student up until now...was a lie!

The reason why Villains exist is BECAUSE of Heroes!!!

Because they had let them down...

They didn't help them. They didn't save them. 

Instead, they lived off of their lives of luxuries...

They attack, kill, stealing as "heroic" feats and boasts of of their greatness, ignoring the consequences...

That's not what heroes do...

The word "hero" is now lost...

They should've saved these people...

Saved them from theirselves.

I know what you're thinking. As a hero, you can't save everyone. 

But that's because the heroes of today weren't so heroic as you think they are!!! They failed them...

To think this whole story started from one boy named Izuku Midoriya, my best friend, who had dreams of becoming a hero but couldn't he didn't have a quirk. Then after gaining a quirk, he worked hard with the rest of his class experienced lighthearted and even rather positive moments and rescues.

But then...the story has taken into a dark direction which portrays darker aspects of the world and horrible heart-wrenching losses to many of the heroes...

Everything is so FUCKED up...

My views on heroes and villains were NEVER the same!

And it's all thanks to him...

Niko Nikomatsu. 


He had made things worst...

Niko: Here's a message to all heroes and villains everywhere~~~! Since the beginning of the quirk era! In a world where quirks are dominant over others. There is no tolerance for free speech, rights of any sort, and there is no happy go lucky land. Would you go and fight and flee back, rebel against the strong? Destroy and conquer the weak? Or would you rather join them, and be unified? No. Welcome to The World Where Dreams Becomes Nightmares! Please have a seat~~~!


Villain: The Shadow Slasher

Quirk: Shadow wait...CORRUPTION.

Allies: The League Of Villains. 

His claws of negativity had spread around of the world!!!

Ever since. That day he declared War! 

Niko's shadow claws that contained corruption had manifested all around the world slashing at people transforming them into their demonic cultivation and bringing out the monsters in them.

Niko: Since this society had condemned us to be the "villains" of this world. Fine...But you guys made one big mistake...thanks to you...

Niko's open his mouth so wide it shown his demonic sharp teeth giving everyone a scary jumpscare. With that, Niko declared war on the world.


The villains who heard Niko's speech from all over the world cheered him on.

They were tired of it. They were tired of being wronged for so long. Tired for being accused of so many committal acts. Tired of the mutant-hate/quirkism/quirkless discrimination. Tired of the shame and disgrace. And more importantly, they were tired of the heroes. The very people who took everything from them!

They all tainted with hatred clouding their expressions.

It got their blood boiling to the point they saw red.

They wanted to search and destroy anything in the paths.

They didn't care whose blood they spill along the way.

Men. Woman. Children.

It didn't matter anymore.

This world was theirs.

They can run free and rampage whenever they like.

The time was now.

No one's stopping them!!!

The heroes will DIE!!!


The world is now in utter chaos...

And it's up to me and my classmates to stop it. 

We can't rely on anyone else but ourselves. 

The heroes had failed us.

 All Might had failed us. 

Endeavor had failed Us. 

Hawks had failed us. 

Best Jeanest Had Failed Us. 

Our Gym Teacher Geysis had failed us. 

Half of our teachers like Midnight-Sensei are dead or incapacitated. 

We have learned the dark side of our society. 

How the Hero Public Safety Commission was secretly experimenting on the original Class 1-C. 

We found out the learn the true identity of Mr. V, who was Geysis, whom also under the influence of the HPSC to secretly try and get rid of us...

The fates of our upperclassmen was what led to the shock of all of us. 

They were brainwashed, experimented on, and turned into mindless soldiers.

Either by commission itself or Niko. 

Broken bonds were shown left and right. 

Violence. Torture. Hate. Blame. Distrust. Suspense. Betrayal. Slavery. Death. 

Quirkism. The whole thing that started this whole problematic turmoil.

Making a list of everything...

Everything was a mess. 

The word "Hero" had left the hearts of many. now, you would realizing that some people are just straight-up evil and deserve death for their actions...The HPSC is one of them. 

Niko's dark laughs still haunt me to this day...

Parts of me wants to scream into the darkness where he lurks everywhere.

In the battlefield coming up soon, it will be us aganist him...

We have to fix this society. 

Before Niko along with Shigaraki Tomura and the L.O.V. destroys whatever is left of it...

We won't allow this to continue...

In a few months, the final battle is raining upon us.

So many sacrifices... So many blood had been many deaths & losses of loved ones...

...Is it really too late to turn back?

This never ending war will finally come to an end...

We refused to be Niko's playthings no more...

Who will survive?! 

Who will perish?! 

Continue to read our story because our fates lies within our own hands...

Cross our fingers and hope not to die in vain. 

Because we're going to become heroes for a brighter tomorrow! A future where we live to tell the tale!

Restore the faith in humanity and avenged all the innocents lives that Niko took mercifully. 

Please all you readers listening to our story...don't give up on us!!!

Don't Give Up On Hope!!! Don't Give Up On Heroes!

We're Still Worth Fighting For!!!

For you all, we'll never give up! 

As one class, we will all find a way to beat this twisted game!

After all, there's one thing Niko forgot....

Our old slogan...


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