The second pice

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Watcher: oh you remember how I said there 5 pieces well I lied a little you see you have to collect 5 small pieces each to make one big pice of the actual stone so yeah good luck but in other good news you only need 4 big pieces as the final pice is with the villains so you can end it all in the final fight

Kaminari: that's great

Tokoyami: yes it is

Watcher: any ways tokoyami it your turn also good luck because where your going has no day time and you be stuck having to two things that get powerful in the dark but the other one will make you die if you have it out in the light so be carful but it will more or less listen to you if you feed it hearts

Tokoyami: what!

Watcher: don't worry it feeds on the hearts of the wicked since they grant him more power then the ones that reeks of innocence though it does take there souls as leverage against there hosts

DARKNESS: don't we shall play along with this because if the stone not fixed the whole multiverse is destroyed that also means me I may be an all powerful being before god turned on the light and created life but even I cannot survive the total destruction of the multiverse

Tokoyami(darkness): yeah I also struck a deal with him that we will let him out and feed as long as he only feeds on the wicked and spare the innocent and to also release tsu soul from his grasp

Tokoyami: what!

Tokoyami(darkness): yeah it's a long story

DARKNESS: basically she was the one thing he truly cared about besides his family so when his uncle came to kill him or to get back at him failing a job he to his girlfriend hostage and killed her I could have easily stopped it but she was the one thing keeping him from letting lose and go on a killing spree

Izuku: wow that quite fucked up I mean seriously you already knew he's apart of the mafia and he being targeted you easily got you killing spree when his uncle finally got tired and just decides to storm the place guns blazing ya know

Tokoyami(darkness): the kid right you know

DARKNESS: hey I chose what best suited my needs anyways let get going

Watcher: he's right time to go

A portal opens up under tokoyami

Time skip

On a roof

Tokoyami: you are a sadist watcher-San

Watcher: I know and I proud of it also let me restore the darkness to it full power also you "game play" is a bit different from the others as you actively don't do anything you kinda just let dark shadow do the work but now with the darkness you have a lot of options and you have two upgrades shops one for the darkness and one from me you can upgrade you quirk stats and from the darkness you can unlock more of it powers and also imbued dark shadow with it's dark essence to in a sense evolve him

Tokoyami: ok sound good

Tokoyami(darkness): oi heads up the right head of the darkness has sharp blades on it so it can slice and pierce anything and the left eats hearts to heal you and can grab things and also execute foes that been grabbed off guard that can at least for me give a shield, heal, give more ammo also you get more darkness essence depending on how you kill them

DARKNESS: and now I am at full power the powers I will give you are darkling summoning and darkness sneak with this ability as it name implies one of my heads with stretch and scout the area and also execute any one not paying attention to get more you have to increase your darkness lvl and buy upgrades

Tokoyami: got it so where the pice

Watcher: it with a gang in the center of New York City there using it to cause havoc but you gonna have to fight your way there as there gang is all over the place the police is stretch thin trying to hold them back so good luck with the mission

Dark shadow: fuck well what we gonna do

Tokoyami: well where gonna have to slaughter them

Dark shadow: woah your supposed to be a hero.

Tokoyami: calm down it all like a game remember they will respawn once we leave this world

Watcher: he correct so he have no blood on his hands

DARKNESS: here allow me to arm you with a weapon

DARKNESS: this the kusanagi sword it has bath in the blood of the innocent changing it making it bond with my dark essence normally you have to destroy the hearts of the wicked or you lose a year of your life for each time you don't destroy one but since your my host it wouldn't matter since I am imbued into it I can control it

Tokoyami: looks like they put up a lot of lights good thing Midorya modified my suit for me before we left which a extra part to cover you and dark shadow so I can use you in light he said it won't block the light completely but you should be covered enough to get the job done

DARKNESS: yessss I like that green one he very useful also there's more to him than you think the boy reeks of innocents yet I can smell a great darkness in him on the verge of awakening

Tokoyami: what ever that may be I have faith that he can control it any ways let's do this

He then ran into the city cutting down all villains he sees and letting the darkness feed and also letting the darlings have fun too

Time skip

Tokoyami standing on a roof top bat man style: so these are the villains

DARKNESS: yes boy they are but I sense a relic nearby this one made in worship of me go get it it is filled with dark essence it will boost your surplus for upgrades

Tokoyami: fine it not very far from what dark shadows says he enters a room in a building across from him and sees the relic on the floor it's a hatchet

DARKNESS: oh it  another weapon from your others hit man group this hatchet you could throw and pull back to you kinda like the force it also let you summon darklings as well there two more left to find that his hit man group had

Tokoyami: it powers will actually help with killing the leaders since I can throw it and make it come back good thing there only two

He heads back to the roof and aims it at the head at the main leader and threw it it was only half successful he killed one leader but the other has been alerted of his presence and tripped the alarm

Tokoyami: damn it

Time skip

After killing hordes of canon fodder he finally cornered the last leader

Tokoyami: hand me the stone and you won't have to die

Bob(we're calling him bob): go to hell and pulls out a gun and flash light

Darkness: ah the light it burns get out of the light or die tokoyami!

He quickly retreats

Tokoyami: fuck that hurt more than I thought it would

Bob: come out and fight you freak!

Tokoyami: perfect he's facing the other way dark shadow finish it

Dark shadow: right he takes the kusanagi and stabs bob in the heart

Dark shadow: and I will be taking that

He said taking the stone

Watcher: you have finally finished time to go

Tokoyami: finally man that was a lot of work

To be continued

Hey sorry for not updating this for so long got caught up in the dekuverse but good new I am gonna update my other stories a little more before I do dekuverse part 2

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