Chapter 11 - "Do you think she believed me?"

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Donovan stood before his bathroom mirror, tying his tie. But even as he went through the motions, he wasn't aware of what he was doing.

He'd check all news sites and media platforms, there was no mention of a story about the President's illegitimate son. He'd found all of Carter's profiles on different platforms but they had all been inactive for four years. Even then she hardly posted, mostly she was tagged by someone else.

Still, Donovan felt a sense of unease.

Could Link have played it off well enough that Carter believed he wasn't the President's son, or at least didn't know that he was? Donovan didn't think it likely, not with how intelligent he knew Carter to be. But so far she'd done nothing. He prayed it would stay that way.

When he walked into Link's apartment, Link looked more rumpled than usual. Donovan figured his sleep was as erratic as Donovan's. At least his glasses hid some of the dark circles under his eyes. Without a word, they left.

"Look at me," Donovan said after he pulled into an open parking space and cut the engine.

Link did as he was told.

"Play today like everything is fine," Donovan said.

Link gnawed on his lower lip. "Do you think she believed me?"

No, he didn't.

"As far as we're concerned, she did and that's how we're going to get through this. Okay?"

Link removed his glasses and palmed his eyes.

"How could she know when no one at our old school ever even guessed?"

Donovan gazed out at the mass of students converging on the front school doors. They talked with each other or to their phones, their lives wrapped up in themselves and their needs. He dragged a hand through his hair.

"Because she's a girl who avoids her own problems by observing those of other people."

"Yeah, and now she's our problem."

Donovan squeezed Link's shoulder. "It's going to be okay. You got that?"

With a sigh, Link nodded. Donovan wanted to say more but without seeing Carter and assessing her current state and what she knew and didn't know it would be pointless. They joined the crowd and entered the loud hallways.

Halfway to chemistry, someone knocked into Link. Donovan caught him before he could fall and righted him. Link straightened, coming face to face with Carter. He tensed and Donovan silently willed him to keep his cool, as he studied Carter. She wore no smug expression or showed a sign of being in on a secret. Instead, she seemed normal.

"Sorry about that," Carter said.

The friendly tone instantly relaxed Link. Donovan didn't feel the same way.

"You seem to have a knack for running into me," Link said.

"It seems I do. I'll have to watch out for that. I wouldn't want you getting the wrong idea and thinking I liked you."

When Link laughed, Donovan knew he believed she'd bought his story. But the intent glint in Carter's eyes told Donovan otherwise. She knew, but for some reason right then she wasn't planning on saying anything. He couldn't decide if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Did you finish that essay for history yet?" Link asked as they headed to class.

"Last night, why?"

Link frowned and scratched the back of his head. "I'm having trouble finding a good reference book."

"I'll help you find one in free period."


Carter nudged his shoulder with hers. "What are highly intelligent friends for?"

Normal. Everything seemed normal and Donovan hated it. Hated the niggling feeling in his gut that said it was a matter of time. This girl poked at every lie they'd told, she couldn't easily put this one aside, could she?

As they split ways in chemistry, Donovan fought the urge to trade seats with someone closer to Link and Carter's table. He wanted to hear everything they talked about. But that would look too strange. Instead, he had to take his seat in the back and try to glean what he could from their body language. Whatever Carter said to Link made him looked to Mr. Miller and then a moment later laugh.

But when the bell rang and the door opened again, admitting Mason, closely followed by Smith, Link's shoulders stiffened. Donovan watched as Carter tilted her head. She noticed his reaction. But when Link looked at her, she appeared unconcerned. She knew but wasn't saying so. Donovan didn't have a good feeling about this.


The library held a silence crowded with busy minds and covert conversations. Carter, Link, and Donovan all sat at a table, absorbed in their studies. They appeared to be absorbed, Donovan had a textbook open in front of him but his mind wasn't on math. It was trained on Carter.

All through the morning, she'd been friendly. She didn't even make a comment that could be taken as a taunt. And Donovan felt like he was going to jump out of his skin. It was only a matter of time. This wasn't a reprieve it was subtle torture.

When a group of four girls pushed through the library doors, Donovan glanced up, noting their presence and looking down again. As they passed the table, Donovan felt their attraction towards him, marked by the accented swing of their hips, the route they took past the table, and the hopeful gleam in their eyes. When would they get the message and give up?

"I'm really impressed they still manage to get oxygen to their brains when they dispel so much of it panting over Donovan," Carter said.

Link snorted.

This prodded something in Donovan. Carter acted like she didn't find him attractive but made comments like she was irritated by other girls finding him so. Why? Did she want to make sure she wasn't lumped with them. She couldn't be, they could cut a man down like diamonds, she cut a man down like a chainsaw.

"Does it bother you that I attract so much attention?" he asked.

He asked the question in an emotionless tone, even though he knew he was taunting her.

"Not at all," she said. "Where else would I find my amusement if I didn't get to watch girls who have never heard the word 'no' get rejected by you?"

Shaking his head, Donovan stood. This girl was...He didn't completely know and it frustrated him.

"I need a book on Samuel Adams," he said. "Where would I find it?"

What he needed was a moment to breathe, to think, to try and work out what to do.

"What makes you think I know that?" Carter asked.

"Because you're a smug outcast. I have no doubt this library has been your second home."

"Second story, 8th row, top-shelf."

Donovan climbed the stairs and headed to a back corner. He didn't go looking for a book, instead pulled out his phone. He needed another brain involved, his was too muddled. As the phone rang, one of the girls who'd smiled at him entered the room.

Donovan glanced at her but turned away, showing the phone he held to his ear. Luckily, it was enough to discourage the girl and she walked away like she'd planned to find a book and not him.

"What's up?" Clint asked.

Donovan dragged his hand down his face. What was up? Was he overthinking? Was this call necessary? Was Carter really the ticking bomb he felt she was?

"Are you in danger?" Clint asked, his tone urgent.

"No, no, we're fine," Donovan said. "Sorry, I was trying to think of why exactly I called you."

Clint went silent for a moment and Donovan could feel his brother mentally analyzing everything that they'd talked about in the last week. 

"It has nothing to do with that," Donovan said. "What do you do if you feel like your protectee is at risk but there's no clear evidence of it."

"Threat of harm or threat of exposure."


Donovan paced, his body humming with anxiety. Six years. Six years and they had never come close to anything like this. In middle school, no one cared or even thought about who Link might be. High school was the same way. Then this girl comes in with her piercing eyes and sharp brain, a human wrecking ball.

"How much do you know about the threat? What is their character? Is exposure a likely choice for them?"

Donovan let the question rattle around, trying to see what stuck out with Carter. The image that came to mind was the girl standing in front of four guys, willing to defend a boy she knew only in one class. That action didn't say she was the type to hurt someone defenseless. Donovan combed his hand through his hair.

"I don't think so," Donovan said. "But someone knowing the truth feels..."

"You no longer feel in control."

Donovan let out a breath. That was it exactly. Even with Carter prying and watching them, Donovan still felt like he had a handle on it all. Now she held the most important truth and there was no way Donovan could snatch it back.

"Then find a way to regain control," Clint said. "This isn't a time to pull back but dive further in. The more you know about a person the more you can understand and hopefully predict their actions."

"You're right," Donovan said. "Thank you."

"I got your six."

Despite the mountain of turmoil Donovan felt, the familiar statement made him smile.

"I know."

When Donovan descended to the first floor and stepped out of the bookshelves, he froze. The table was empty, both Link and Carter gone. Fear slammed into him and he darted over. All their notes and stuff remained where it was on the table and floor. Where had they gone?

As if hearing the question, the library door opened and Link hurried inside. Instantly, Donovan knew the worst had happened. Link looked like it was seconds away from breaking.

"What happened?" he asked as Carter charged into the library.

But Donovan knew. Knew by how Link looked destroyed, Carter had been the wrecking ball.

"Link," she said.

Link ignored her, shoving his notebooks into his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder, while Donovan did the same.

"Let's get to class," he said to Donovan.

Carter stepped into their path, raising her hands.

"Link, just give me one minute."

Link shouldered past her and Donovan followed him out of the library, unable to stop himself from throwing his anger at her with a single look. He thought because she cared for Edmond she'd be kind to Link. Clearly, he was wrong.

As students formed a storm around them, Donovan guided Link not to their next class but out of the school. He could feel how Link shook. They barely made it to the Mercedes before Link broke down. He sank against the passenger door, burying his face in his hands.

"I never..." he cried. "I never asked for this...I never wanted to be a bastard."

A fury like Donovan hadn't known before ripped through him. Right then all he wanted to do was find Carter and yell at her. He didn't know what she'd said, it didn't matter. What mattered was that she found Link's wound and stabbed it.

Reigning in his anger, Donovan focused on the one thing that mattered: Link. He hugged Link, letting him cry. Donovan swallowed hard at hearing Link's pain.

Six years he'd done all he could to protect this boy, his little brother, but somehow he'd still managed to fail. The physical he could face, it was the emotional he hadn't prepared himself for. He looked to the school as Link cried.

He would never forgive Carter Owens for this.


Hold it right there! ✋

And tell me what you thought! Because oh my gosh! Who say that coming?! 🗯💬💭

I know I didn't, I literally had no idea how this chapter would change. I couldn't write one day and I'd already started this chapter so I decided to finish it and this end took me by surprise!

I mean I can't blame Donovan, having to see Link so broken down breaks my heart. Our little muffin is hurting and if he hurts someone else is asking for a good hurtin'!

I love Carter but man oh man does she screw up up in a big way sometimes!

Jeez, girl! Don't harm Link! Can't you see he's a muffin that must be protected! I'm disappointed in her honestly!

Anyways, keep reading I've now changed the next couple of chapters because of this surprise ending!

Oh don't forget to vote, comment, follow!

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