Chapter 18 - "Play nice."

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Donovan slammed his fist against his punching bag one more time before he groaned inwardly and proceeded to hit his forehead against the leather. When his head started to throb, he stopped and rested his forehead on the bag.

What had he been thinking? He hadn't, that much was clear to him. With his head still leaning on the bag, he hit the side of it, the previous night playing over in his head.

Groaning out loud this time, he backed away from the bag. He kicked it with the side of his foot once before tearing off his gloves and giving up on his workout. Showered and dressed, he stood in front of the mirror brushing his teeth with more force than was needed.

"What are you afraid of, Carter? Being hurt or letting someone else in?"

He stopped, spat out the toothpaste, and swore. Cleaning his toothbrush, he tossed it into the cup and left the bathroom. He collected his phone from his bedside table, the inquisitive messages from his brothers about his double date still waiting to be answered.

He had no answer. The only answer there was to give was the male emoji face-palming himself. But sending that would only open a storm of derision from his brothers. Donovan was giving himself enough of that for all of them.

When he picked Link up from his apartment, Donovan knew what he was going to ask Link and why he was going to ask him this question, and hated himself for it. But at that moment he couldn't let Link see how off-kilter he felt. He needed to realign himself without the concern or curiosity of his best friend. So he asked the one question he knew would mean he wouldn't have to talk the entire way to school.

"How do you feel last night went?" Donovan asked as they climbed into the elevator.

As he'd predicted, that was all the opening Link needed to spew out his concerns, hopes, and doubts. Donovan drove, listening to the endless monologue, letting it be all he focused on. It helped break the constant replay of the conversation he had with Carter the night before.

"What do you think?" Link asked.

Donovan rounded the car to join him and the pair cut a path through the parking lot.

"She held your hand and wanted to go for frozen yogurt, that shows she likes you and wanted to spend more time with you. Look at her actions and don't overanalyze your own thoughts. Actions tell the truth."

Link let out a breath and nodded. They entered the school and Donovan hated how his own words bit him when his instant reaction was to search the mass of students for one face. Donovan rationalized his reaction, after all, he needed to gauge Carter's mood as soon as he could. How much had the lake frozen even more overnight? Would there even be a possibility of thawing the ice? 

He finally spotted her down the hallway near their chemistry class, leaning against a set of lockers. Donovan hesitated, last night in his stupidity to chip away at Carter's wall, he'd created a stronger one between them. Though he wanted to apologize for his actions he wondered if he should. Maybe it would be better if there were a wall between them.

"There's Maddy," Link said.

Donovan gave Link a tiny shove in her direction.

"It will be fine, don't overthink just go talk to her," he said.

The words encouraged Link but Donovan didn't think his own advice would work in his own case. Still, there was only one way to find out whether that wall remained where it was. Donovan crossed over to Carter and hesitated near her, not sure what to even say.

But at the slight curl in her lips, Donovan wondered if he'd made as bad a blunder as he'd thought. Maybe, like Link, he'd spent too much time overthinking. But then he remembered the look in her eyes and knew he'd screwed up. But for whatever reason at that moment Carter wasn't letting him know how much.

"Where's Link?" she asked, without opening her eyes.

Donovan glanced to where Link stood with Maddy. The girl edged closer to him and laughed warmly. At least one of them wasn't in dangerous waters.

"Never mind," Carter said. "I have my answer."

Donovan continued to stare at Link, soaking in the smile on his friend's face. It contrasted the worried wrinkle of that morning. He didn't know how long they could be together without Maddy asking about his father but right then, Donovan enjoyed seeing Link happy.

"That's why Link doesn't wear cologne," Carter said, pulling Donovan back into the present.

Since she wasn't ignoring him or cutting him with her razor-sharp tongue, Donovan took this as a sign that she didn't want to discuss the night before. He accepted this, though it made him feel like a coward for avoiding it.

Donovan gave a single nod to her statement.

"Keeps attention on you," Carter said. She gave a low chuckle. "Makes sense. He smells just normal. Another way to keep him inconspicuous."

When she rested her head back on the lockers and stared at the far wall, Donovan chanced a glance at her. She looked relaxed, but that meant nothing, he knew her ability to hide her emotions. Even though most of the time she allowed others to see them clearly. Right then he couldn't decipher what she was thinking or feeling.

"How have you lived being surrounded by so much mediocrity for so long?" she asked.

Donovan shrugged, not sure where the choice of topic stemmed from. "Because I have to."

"I would have gone mad by now." She rubbed her face. "I'm glad I'm almost out of this pit of low intellect."

A tinge of weariness escaped with her words and Donovan wondered how the past four years had been for her. Though knowing her personality, personal history, and social standing it wasn't hard to imagine. He'd seen how she'd pushed Link and him away, it must have been a common tactic for her over the years. Only Link's desire to be friends kept them coming back to her. And Donovan could have ruined that last night. He inwardly swore again at his idiocy.

"Where do you plan to go after this?" Donovan asked, wanting to keep the neutral ground they walked.

"I haven't decided yet. Every college accepted me. I just haven't figured out how far away I want to go. What follows this for you?"

Two more years. A lifetime. No time at all. A letter of recommendation from the President himself and a world of possibilities. But also a path of a million unknowns for someone who'd only known one thing for the past six years.

"When Douglas's term ends in two years," Donovan said, lowering his voice. "I will no longer be," he hesitated even though he knew no one was likely listening to him. Still, he chose his words carefully just in case. "required to be Link's friend. We'll go our separate ways."

Separate ways. It was the truth in the situation but not in permanence. Donovan knew Link would be in his life for the rest of it. The only shift would be the job Donovan had.

Carter faced Donovan and he felt that wall whittle away just a fraction.

"Where will you go? What will you do?" she asked.

Donovan opened his mouth but realized his exact answer didn't exist. The bell rang, saving him from trying to form an answer to a large question.

"An explanation for another time," he said.

"I'll hold you to it," Carter said.

At the promise, Donovan couldn't help the tiny smile that appeared. Whatever the size of his mistake, she didn't seem to be letting it destroy whatever form of friendship they'd created before the moment.

Donovan knew this girl should be kept at arm's length but found his reach was shorter than he imagined.

The hallways become a chaotic scene as groups broke apart and headed into classrooms. Donovan and Carter walked to where Link stood with Maddy. Link didn't notice them until Donovan tapped his shoulder.

At the gesture, Link tore his eyes away from Maddy and blinked as if the world around him was a new discovery. Link smiled sheepishly, suddenly noticing the hallway was emptying, but Donovan wouldn't have it any other way. No one deserved to be loved more than Link did.

Second might be Carter but that wasn't a position Donovan had been hired to fill.

"I'll see you after class," Maddy said, kissing Link on the cheek before dropping his hand and walking away. Link blushed.

"Shut up," he said and moved into the classroom.

When Donovan looked at Carter, he found she was already looking at him, their amusement shared between them. One more sign the wall wasn't impenetrable.

"Today we're doing an in-class group project," Mr. Miller said. "I will be splitting you up into groups." He met everyone's gaze with a hard look. "No, you can not change groups. You will just have to get along with who I assign you to."

Donovan watched as Carter slumped in her chair and Link smiled. He couldn't hear what she said but could read the easy friendship in their manner.

"The next group will be...," Mr. Miller said. "Carter, Donovan, Link, and Mason."

Donovan tensed as he studied Link's posture, watching as it tightened and his hand formed a fist. When Carter reached out and land her hand on Link's, Donovan relaxed. He scanned the room for Mason and found him wearing an annoyed expression.

"All right class, get into your groups and I will go over what you will be doing," Mr. Miller said.

Donovan rose and crossed over to Carter and Link, stealing a vacated stool from the table next to them. Though he wanted to position himself by Link, it would put him in the center aisle and would quickly cause traffic. When he settled next to Carter, he figured it would be better that way anyways since she looked ready to attack someone.

"Mason," she yelled, standing. "You underdeveloped neanderthal get over here. We outnumber you and so you have to join us."

A verbal attack. Donovan sighed. This was going to be a long class. Especially since he saw how Mason reddened and angrily snatched up his things.

He leaned in close to Carter.

"Play nice," he whispered.

"Fine," she hissed.

Mason dropped his things on the table, sending a loud bang around the room. With a tight-lipped smile, Carter laced her fingers and settled them on the table. Donovan wanted to roll his eyes, her body language already telling him that she was geared up and ready to cut Mason into ribbons.

"Alright," Carter said. "Let's get this over with quickly before Mason counts us as his future constituents."

Donovan elbowed her side.

"Owen, don't you ever get tired of your own irritating voice?" Mason said.

"Not as much as I am of yours," she said. "Low IQs grate on my ear drums."

Mason's face twisted with rage.

"Carter," Donovan growled.

He understood that there was some filters she didn't possess, or she had them and simply refused to use them. But this was not the time to antagonize Mason. Not when each second Link continued to slowly curl in on himself as if he could make himself disappear completely.

She looked at him with an innocent expression. "Simply stating a fact."

"Today, class," Mr. Miller said. "You will be doing an experiment to determine the heat of displacement of copper from sulphate solution by zinc metal. Listen closely."

He moved to the board and began writing out his instructions, talking as he did so. Mason turned away from the group, pretending to listen. At least it gave Donovan an opening. He gripped Carter's upper arm, tugging her closer to him.

"For the sake of Link, don't make this any more difficult than it already is," Donovan whispered.

Carter turned to him, their faces a few inches apart. Donovan froze, not realizing how close his action would bring them. He could see more detail in her blue eyes than he'd ever had. He could even smell the scent of her shampoo.

And when she spoke her breath got tangled with his.

"How am I making anything more difficult?" she asked.

Donovan blinked, mentally slapping himself. He needed to focus on the situation. "Antagonizing Mason will only make this all last longer. Shut up and finish the project so he can go back to his own table."

Carter rolled her eyes and Donovan tightened his grip, forcing her to meet his gaze. She needed to understand this wasn't the time to get the better of Mason. She needed to think of someone besides herself, she needed to think of Link.

"Fine," she said. "I will play nice."

Donovan released her and they shifted away from each other. When Donovan straightened. he found it easier to breathe without being so close to her. He swallowed and tried to shake off the feeling of her.

Mr. Miller finished his explanation and sent the students off to retrieve their materials. Carter stood and carelessly slapped Link's arm.

"Come on," she said. "We'll get the materials." She pointed to Donovan and Mason. "You two can start working out the equations."

As they walked away, Mason watched them and then focused on Donovan. He rested his arms on the table and leaned in.

"I'm going to give you a word of advice," he said.

"I'd prefer it if you didn't," Donovan said.

"Believe me you'll want to hear this."

"I can guarantee you I don't."

Mason pointed to where Carter stood, clearly not caring what Donovan wanted to hear or not. "That girl, is crazy. I've known her for four years and she doesn't get better with time. Do yourself a favor and break ties with her. She will cut you up when it suits her and leave you bleeding."

Donovan didn't respond right away, instead he scrutinized Mason. The words weren't ones that came from hatred, in fact, there was a tone to them that didn't exactly fit with the vivid description. Donovan couldn't fully understand it.

"Were you in love with her at some point?" Donovan asked.

Mason snorted and it wasn't fake.

"No," Mason said. "I'm not dumb enough to put my heart into that girl's hands. I know it would end up crushed. Just listen to my warning, distance is the only thing you want to share with, Owens."

Mason spun in his chair and leaned in towards a girl in the next group. Donovan stared, unsure how the use of Carter's last name could come off so natural to Mason but somehow still hold a note of... something. He couldn't name it. But he sensed there was more depth to the dynamic Carter and Mason shared than to the one everyone else seemed to hold with her.

Pushing it aside, Donovan decided to get the equations out of the way, knowing it would be a quicker end to the project.

"You manage to figure out those equations?" Carter asked. "If not I can always do them for you."

Donovan did not react kindly to the question, considering he'd already worked out half of the project in her absence. She smirked and looked at Mason's back.

"Okay," she said. "Let's get going."

Mason ignored her and leaned closer to the girl, saying something that made the girl laugh. Curling one fist, Carter opened her mouth but Donovan put a hand on her arm. He could easily imagine the remark she'd say to get Mason to turn around. But that tactic would also likely lead to a heated argument that was not needed.

Scowling, Carter pulled her arm free.

"Mason," she said. "It's time to work."

Again, Mason ignored Carter. She looked at Donovan, an expression of fierce exasperation on her face.

"Mason, we're working," Donovan said, his voice deep and authoritative.

With one last comment to the girl, Mason spun around.

"Let's get this over with," he said.

Carter tossed him goggles and gloves with unnecessary force. Donovan shot her a look and she tried to look innocent. An expression Donovan didn't know if she'd ever been able to pull off. But the look was all she gave and Donovan was saved from hearing her attempt at an innocent statement.

They all put on their safety gear and fell to work. Throughout the project Mason made side comments, most of them aimed at Carter. Something about the quick way he tossed them out with no real venom in them had Donovan questioning Carter and his relationship again.

Mason said he'd known Carter for four years. If even after all those years Mason didn't know that poking a bear made it roar then he decided that for some reason Mason liked taunting danger. Maybe in some weird way, Mason enjoyed pissing off Carter and living through the consequences.

That line of reasoning didn't seem to fully make sense but for the time being, it seemed the best conclusion Donovan could come to.

"For this next part we can split up," Carter said. "Mason, work with Donovan. I'll work with Link."

Mason glanced between Carter and Link, smirking. Link went rigid. "You two, huh?"

Before Donovan could do anything to prevent Carter from retaliating, she spoke.

"Oh Mason," she said. "I would not go down this line of thinking. You don't want to know what I've heard about you." Mason froze. "It's amazing what details you hear in the girl's locker room."

Swallowing uncomfortably, Mason absorbed himself in the experiment. Donovan let out a breath and watched as Link ducked his head, trying to stifle his laughter. When he contained the sound, he gave Carter an appreciative nod.

"What are friends for," she said quietly.

Donovan felt his lips twitch at the statement and the protective tone it held. He forced his lips to straighten. Link needed her in his life. For Donovan, though he had wanted that wall between Carter and him to come down, he knew he needed it to stay.

Because though he wouldn't admit it, Mason was right. There was something about Carter that he knew he had to protect himself from.


Hold it right there...

Throw your hands in the air and dance like you don't care!

*dances around like an idiot* Okay, so that was an embarrassing sight but like I said I don't care.

Now! Thoughts on the chapter, this isn't a demand it's a request from a beloved author that you feel pressured to love because I'm odd and someone has to love the oddballs of the world and so you've taken it upon yourself to do so... So thoughts? 💭🗯💬

Do I have thoughts on my own creation?


Do I feel like sharing them?

Not really because I'm weird like that.

Though if I had to share I think it was cute that Donovan was so torn about how he treated Carter in the previous chapter. Which he should be! We love him but it's not okay to push someone who doesn't want to be pushed.

Also it's a terrible decision to push Carter, she pushes back with her fists.

I did think Mason talking to Donovan interesting because when I originally wrote A Secret Service I didn't understand how Mason would steal my heart later on. Also how I would rewrite his history with Carter.

(Which is found in Open Case File if you haven't read that yet)

Oh look I did end up sharing my thoughts...

Well there's nothing to do now but *dances out of the room*

Vote, comment, follow and dance around! I suggest to Anpanman its a bop!

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