Chapter 39 - "Link, stay here."

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Chapter right after Captain told Carter that he signed back up for two more years.


Donovan pulled the school door open, allowing Link to enter before he followed. The walls rang with voices as students lounged against lockers and shared gossip. Most of what they talked of was about the following Career Day event and who had been rumored to show up. As Donovan and Link cut through the crowd, Donovan glanced around, making note of dispositions and always searching for just one person, despite what his brain told him to do. An excited voice greeted them, before Maddy bounced up to Link.

Quickly, the two connected, arms encircling each other. Maddy tossed her head a bit, making her black hair swish around her shoulders. With that gesture, Donovan noticed the difference. Her hair was three inches shorter, where it had fallen below her shoulders yesterday, now it hung just above.

It was a detail Link wasn't likely to notice. Just as Donovan was about to make mention of this change, and in doing so verbally throwing a hint at Link, he caught sight of Carter.

In an instant, he knew something was wrong. Her body was tense and the fingers of her right hand were curling. Before she could act, he called out her name.


The sound froze the blow. Nudging Link to join, he walked up and took the place by Carter's side. Lucas stood facing her, his expression a mocking sneer. Along his jaw was still the sign of Donovan's right hook. Though it had been satisfying to knock the insult out of the guy's mouth, it was a reminder that Donovan's focus had faltered and his emotions had gotten the better of him.

Seeing Donovan, Lucas flinched. It was all Donovan needed to know that this situation could be handled without a problem.

"How's the jaw?" he asked.

Lucas tensed but didn't move. He locked eyes with Carter, stubbornness making him hold his ground.

"It seems you still have a master," he said.

Donovan curled his fingers, but Carter was faster.

She punched Lucas, a loud crack sounding out as her fist collided with his cheek bone. His head jerked to the side and he stumbled into a group of Juniors. A couple girls gasped and heads turned to the scene. Questions started flying, their old gossip tossed aside in the light of the event.

Sensing the anger radiating out from her, Donovan quickly grabbed Carter's arms and held her back from going at Lucas again. Even as he felt the strength beneath his fingers, the tension was gone, driven away by one blow. One hand cupping his jaw, Lucas looked at Carter, shocked.

"I guess that changes my answer to your original question," Carter said.

Curiosity over what the original question had been passed through Donovan's mind.

"I'll have you expelled for this," Lucas snarled.

Donovan tensed at the threat, already knowing how precariously Carter stood with the principal.

"And what will you do when I tell the principal who has been dealing steroids in the boys locker room?"

"You have no proof," Lucas said, but his words lacked confidence.

Carter stared at him, her eyes challenging. "Try me."

Before Lucas could respond the group, that had formed around them, split. Principal Withers, fighting back a look of severe anger, walked forward. Donovan instantly let go of Carter's arms. She rolled her shoulders. Principal Withers glanced between Lucas's face and Carter's scowl. He pointed to them.

"You two with me," he said.

Without looking back at him, Carter followed Mr. Withers as hundreds of eyes followed her. Link scratched his head and stared at where Carter had disappeared.

"What was that all about?" he asked.

Arms crossed, Donovan said nothing. His mind whirred with speculations. They didn't stop and only grew stronger when Carter entered the chemistry classroom twenty minutes later. Something lost and broken was in her eyes though her face remained forcibly blank. She never once met his gaze.


Link closed his locker, frowning in confusion. As he walked beside Donovan, he said nothing. Donovan knew he would talk once his own thoughts became too tangled for him. In comparison, Donovan's mind was shrewd, taking apart Carter's actions and words through out the day and analyzing them. Each interaction he broke down, trying to decipher what lay behind it.

"Something's up with Maddy and I have no idea what!" Link burst out.

The exclamation was enough for Donovan to store away his thoughts and focus on the baffled boy beside him. Without waiting for Donovan to respond, Link continued. Words tumbled out wrapped in confusion and a hint of desperation. The tirade went on as they rounded a corner and headed towards the library. Donovan let Link talk, knowing he had to say it all before he would hear what the solution was.

They were halfway down the hall when Donovan noticed Carter. She was leaning against the wall, her phone clutched in her hand, staring at the screen. Everything about her looked beaten down, her shoulders sagged and in her face had a vague look as if she didn't really know where she was.

The sight of it shocked Donovan, making every instinct want to hold her, letting him take whatever burden weighed her down.

He fought the feelings.

Hearing Link's voice, Carter straightened and pocketed her phone. Though she focused on him and acted as if she heard him, her gaze wasn't as sharp was it normally was. Behind her eyes, Donovan could see a storm building, clouding her thoughts. Link ran a hand through his hair, distressed.

"I just don't get it," he said. "Everything was fine this morning and then this."

Though Donovan heard and understood all that Link was saying, part of him couldn't get over the way Carter looked. It was as if she would break with a single word or touch.

"Carter, what do you think I should do?" Link asked, nudging her arm.

Donovan reached for Link, to stop him, but Carter had already snapped.

"Link, for crying out loud man up and deal with your own problems for once!"

Shock hit Link and he stared at her, mouth open. Donovan stared at her, anger over her treatment to Link battling against his need to know what was killing her from the inside. Under their looks, she sank back, spent. Hurt quickly replaced Link's expression and he took a step back, shifting his backpack. Hating his concern and the power it held over him, Donovan pointed to Link.

"Link, stay here," he said, his voice firm. "Don't move."

Taking Carter's arm, he led her to a storage closest and closed them inside. She yanked her arm free, and spun on him. There was fire burning in her eyes and she looked ready to kill.

"What the hell was that?" he asked, his face hard, knowing the information was not going to come with a gentle word. True tenderness was not how Carter spoke and it was not what she responded to.

She glared at him.

"Don't," she said. "I don't want a lecture from you."

"Then tell me why you said that."

"Because it's true! He needs to deal with his own problems. Some of us have bigger things to deal with than not understanding a girlfriend."

Donovan stared her down. Under the guise of anger, she seemed able to control her emotions, but that only told him there was more going on. His mind spun, trying to put together what it was.

"What's going on with you?"

"Nothing. So back off!"

The outcry only solidified his certainty that she was holding back. He studied her, grabbing the snatches of emotions that she couldn't keep in check and slipped onto her face. When she shifted as if to leave, he crossed his arms, blocking the door.

"Let me out," she said, angry.

"No. Tell me what's going on and don't say nothing," he said, "You punched a guy this morning and you've been distracted."

Carter clenched her fists, staring at him belligerently. Her jaw was clenched shut as if fighting against what she didn't want to say. For a half a second, fear and pain dominated her eyes. With that look, Donovan found the door he kept his emotions locked behind harder to keep closed. The hard mask he wore softened. He took a step forward, raising one hand, wanting to remind her that she wasn't alone.

"When will you learn you can trust me?" he asked, his voice gentle.

"Trust you?" she said, hurt laced in her voice. "How could I possibly trust you when everyone I know betrays me?!" She waved her hand at him. "Tell me that?!"

Understanding dawned on him.

"What happened?" he asked.

She looked away, unable to bare his gaze.

"Carter, what happened?" he asked, more forcefully.

He needed to know, wanted to find the person who had broken her and make them hurt, make them bleed.


He took one step closer and she finally met his gaze. For the first time since he had met her, she looked vulnerable. She looked simply like a girl needing someone to care about her.

"He signed on for two more years," she whispered.

Every instinct in Donovan ran to Carter, wrapped her up in his arms and shielded her, held her close until she didn't feel lost anymore. He took a quick step forward about to act on it, but the past six years of protecting Link and having him be his sole focus halted him. Carter dropped her head.

"I don't know what to do, Donovan," she said.

On her lips, his name was heavy with emotions that echoed inside him. Needing to comfort her, needing to hold her, he rested his hands on her shoulders.

"Look at me," he said, squeezing slightly.

When she didn't, he tilted up her chin with his fingers. Her blue eyes locked with his, hopelessness trapped in them. His heart hurt.

"You're going to take this one day at a time," he said, his tone calming. "You're going to get through it. Because you are one of the strongest people I know." His lips twitched at a smile, hoping to bring hers out. "I have the bruises to prove it."

Their eyes held each other, emotions plainly written on their faces. In that instant something coursed between them. It was like an electric charge that crackled in the air.

Carter shifted towards him and he responded just as the alarm went off.


You're not going to see tomorrow!

Why? What happens next? Do we die? Ooohhhhh dear. 🙊

Okay, so you knew what was coming, did that make it any less annoying?

Haha figured. 😄

What did you think?

I found it really interesting to write and see how Donovan really fights against his feelings for Carter. Didn't really expect that at all.

Vote, blah blah blah you know the deal.

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