Chapter 47 - "Then I can kiss you again."

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Last chapter, warning: it's freaking long.


Donovan's morning routine was completely second nature to him that he could have done it half asleep, even after skipping it for a week with the school taking a short break. He wasn't half asleep as he stood before his mirror, tying his school tie, but he wasn't consciously aware of his motions.

He thought of returning to Hamilton, returning to Carter.

In the week break, Donovan hadn't contacted her at all, besides his first message saying Link needed him to process everything. Carter had said to tell her if they ever needed her but didn't push for any more contact.

A whole week of sitting beside Link as he tried to deal with being the target of the attack, of having Mason know who he was, of being in front of his father and unable to hug him. The emotions had swung from anger to grief to numbness.

Though Donovan knew Carter would be understanding of Link's pain, Donovan knew that this was a six-year path they'd already been walking on together, alone. Adding a third person at a vulnerable time didn't feel like the best thing for Link.

Though Donovan wouldn't say it aloud, he thought it was the best thing for Carter and him as well.

With space, he was able to take a step back and analyze the whole situation. He knew his emotions for Carter had been developing since the second day he knew her, but he had no clue when Carter's emotions had changed towards him.

Had he been able to see as she shifted from closed-off to more open to friendly to slightly more trusting? Yes, but deeper emotions than that? No, he didn't know when they came or if they had at all.

Because he knew something he didn't know if she did: high-stress situations with fear and adrenaline often bonded people together and often made them believe what they felt for each other was something deeper than what it really was: a survival tactic.

Not knowing if Carter ever felt something more than friendship towards him, Donovan didn't know if he could trust the feelings that had appeared out of nowhere from her. For both their sakes, he knew space would either help her see the emotions were only adrenaline induced or they had been there, simply silent.

Part of Donovan feared that it might have been the adrenaline.

But if that was true, then he knew he'd accept it and deal with his own emotions. He wouldn't let Carter feel pressured because of what he felt. His emotions were his own to handle and contain. Just because he had them didn't mean he needed to put them on someone when they weren't wanted.

He would let Carter and her actions show him where he stood with her. After that... he would figure it out. He'd been lonely before he met her. After her...

He would be fine.

"Ready?" Link asked.

Donovan blinked and realized that he'd completed his entire morning routine to the point of showing up in Link's apartment to get him and hadn't registered any of what he was doing.

He focused on Link and shoved all his thoughts and emotions away, he still had a job.

"Are you?" Donovan asked, squeezing Link's shoulder.

Link looked like he'd been through an emotional battle the last week but there was also a peace to him that came at the end of the war.

"Yeah, let's go."

Neither of them spoke on the drive there and when they entered the school, Link paused. Donovan did nothing but stand right beside him, his arm touching Link's.

"It's okay," Donovan said. "It will take time."

Link nodded but Donovan could see he was grappling with the last time he was in the school, the reality of that clashing with the reality of life looking normal. The two realities contradicted each other and Link looked lost as to which was his.


The bright, warm voice drew Link out of his thoughts and Donovan watched as he instinctively smiled as Maddy hurried towards him. The reality of the past seemed forgotten as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Pulling back, she beamed up at him.

"Missed you," she said.

"I missed you too."

"Are you doing okay?" she asked, softly.

Donovan had called Maddy the first day of the break letting her know Link was facing some family issues.

"I'm better now," Link said.

"Good. If you ever need to talk, I'm here."

Donovan noticed Link tighten his hold a little and knew he was warring with the trust he had in her with the truth he knew couldn't be shared.

"I know," Link said.

"Okay, I have to get something from my locker, come with me?"


They walked off and Donovan took a moment before following, scanning the halls as he went. He didn't see her but that didn't worry him, more often than not she was the one to find him.

Taking a spot across the way from Link and Maddy, Donovan waited.

But Carter didn't find him, instead a group of girls did. A group made up of the ones who'd approached him before. Donovan didn't understand why they did. Why come looking for a response when 'no' and silence was all he'd given before?

"Hey, Donovan," one of them said.

Donovan knew he could pick out her name from his mental list of student files but that felt like too much work for someone he only wanted to go away.

"Did you have a good break?" another asked.

Sighing a little, Donovan shoved his hands into his pockets and crossed his ankles. There weren't many ways to leave the conversation when he couldn't move more than a few feet away because of Link. And he wasn't going to be mean, no matter how much he wanted to be. That left stony silence and a lot of patience. Too much patience in his opinion but there was no other option.

"It's crazy what happened here, right?"

"I don't know how my parents decided to let me stay here."

"If the President is still sending Mason here then that has to mean something."

"But the school was attacked. That's insane."

"What's insane is no one got hurt."

The comment almost made Donovan laugh, no one got hurt. Sure, in the news that was what was said. He had cracked ribs and bruises that said otherwise.

Though he knew the girls were looking at him, he felt a shift in their attention as it got more focused and realized, his bruises were visible.

"Where did you get the bruises?" one girl asked. "Was it from the people who attacked the school?" She straightened with intrigue. "Did you fight them?"

Though not answering was his usual way to go, he knew he needed to speak, to cut off any ties with him and the attackers.

"Why would I be fighting people who attacked the school?" Donovan asked making his tone patronizing to dissuade her from questioning it further.

She tossed her hair over her shoulder and Donovan knew that the fact that she'd gotten a response from him meant something.

"Because clearly, you're strong enough to do that," she said.

Deciding a verbal answer would only prolong her attention, Donovan settled for a condescending look that cut the girl down in her tracks.

Before anyone else could try to take their chance, one of the girls twisted around and Carter stepped into the circle of the girls. Though they hadn't been too close to Donovan, Carter's presence made the circle widen in reaction.

Donovan no longer noticed the girls, all he saw was Carter.

He studied her eyes, her face, looking for signs that what she'd seemed to feel after the attack hadn't faded. She was still the Carter he knew, but in her eyes at him, he saw softness in how she looked at him. Though the world would receive a tough exterior, for him she'd show something gentler, something deeper than friendship.

"Owens, don't you have somewhere better to be?" one girl said. "I don't know, like detention or juvie?"

Holding her gaze, Donovan brought his hand up to Carter's face and gently caressed her bruised cheek with his thumb. It was healing but still, it remained a reminder of what she'd been through. What she'd chosen to go through for Link. For Donovan, so he wouldn't have to be alone.

"I don't think so," Carter answered the girl. "I'm happy right where I am."

To Donovan's surprise, Carter took hold of the edge of his blazer and pulled him into a kiss. He cupped the back of her head. It was like he'd forgotten what kissing her was like. She was a fire that didn't burn him, instead the world around him seemed to burn away.

She broke away and Donovan had to take a breath to regain his senses.

"That was way too much fun," she said.

Donovan mentally shook himself and realized he needed to remember that this girl was dangerous to his focus.

"What? Kissing me? Or making those girls jealous?" he asked, wondering if kissing him didn't have the same effect on her as it did on him.

She smirked. "A little of both."

Donovan didn't like that it was equal and decided to tip the scales in his favor, kissing her again.

"Technically," he said, quietly. "I'm working."

"And I'm helping you keep your cover," she said. "Besides, from the reflection of that classroom window," she nodded to a pane of glass beside an open doorway, "I can see Link. So far, still alive."

She was dangerous in so many ways, her intelligence being a large part of it. What would he do if she ever decided to break up with him? He wasn't sure he would find another girl like her.

Before he could let the thought taint the moment, he smiled at her.

"Then I can kiss you again," he said.

"If you don't, you'll have bigger problems on your hands besides Link's safety. Your safety for instance."

Donovan cocked his head, studying her. "Carter, are you always going to be threatening me when it comes to acts of affection?"

"Are you always going to analyze everything I do?"

How else was he supposed to understand her?

"Are you going to constantly question my motives?"

"Are you ever going to shut up?"

"Is this going to be difficult?"

"Donovan, did you want it to be easy?"

Easy? No, never once since day one did he think getting close to this girl would be easy. In fact, it had been more of a challenge than he'd anticipated. But even with all his reservations it hadn't stopped him from wanting to be closer to her.

When he kissed her again, it was with the knowledge that it wasn't something to be taken for granted. Having Carter openly accept him felt better than winning against his brothers.

When they broke apart, Carter left her hands resting against his chest for a second longer, then pulled back, sliding her hands into her pockets. Donovan wanted to stop her hands from leaving, to press them to his chest and keep them there for as long as he could.

But he saw the shift in her, the teasing, flirty energy of before was gone. Instead of looking confident, Carter appeared...hesitant.

"What?" he asked.

"Captain has given you the label of 'boyfriend'."

The statement surprised Donovan, even if Agent Owens might have spoken like he would let Donovan date Carter, his bone-crushing hold on Donovan's shoulder had felt contradictory.

"Does this mean I have his approval? I know we left on good terms, but I still had the feeling I should sleep with a gun under my pillow."

Carter smiled at him in a way that made him feel like his face would betray him. Other girls teasing him never had that effect on him.

"Don't you anyways?" she said.

"Yes, but I would have the safety off."

"He still has his reservations about you. But I believe that will change in time."

Donovan knew they would, he wasn't some kid who would date Carter and break her heart. He knew he could win over Agent Owens, the question was had he fully won over Carter?

"How do you feel about the label?" he asked.

"That depends?" she said.


"On how you feel about dating me? I am still a high school girl after all."

High School Girl. Somehow looking at her in her school uniform, Donovan couldn't see it. All he saw was a force to be reckoned with.

"That depends."

Carter gave him a suspicious look. "On?"

"On whether you can hit a target from twenty yards with a 9mm Glock?"

When her cheeks turned pink, then did Donovan see the girl who also had a vulnerable side.

"I can," she said.

Donovan cupped her face and kissed her. "Then I have no problem dating you."

The bell rang bringing their reality back to them. For a moment, Donovan had felt like he wasn't in a place that had caused him to feel isolated or bored out of his mind. Because of Carter, he didn't mind being where he was. Not as long as she was there.

Link kissed Maddy, watching as she walked off. Before she rounded a corner, she sent him one last wave and a smile. The sight of it brought a rebellious grin to his lips and Donovan again felt that feeling of happiness at seeing his friend happy. Even if parts of his life felt cracked by what happened, Link still had people in his life that were stable.

"Happy?" Carter asked Link, giving him a quiet smile.

He nodded. "Yeah. You?"

"Yeah," she said. "Let's get to class, if we're lucky there will be a pop quiz."

Link chuckled. "He seems to give a large amount of those, doesn't he?"

"It would seem so."

They walked into the room and Donovan left them to settle in at the back. The room looked unchanged from what it normally looked like. It was as if the events of the attack were completely erased. But the lingering pain in his ribs and the bruises were still there, reminders it had happened.

When Carer twisted around to look at him, he knew she thought the same thing. He looked to where she'd been hurt, realizing he hadn't asked how it was. But as if reading his thoughts, she mouthed two words: I'm fine.

He nodded but knew a part of him wouldn't be fine for a while. Enough of his dreams the previous week had held the image of her unconscious on the floor. Only once had he been able to reach her, others he'd never made it.

As the door opened and Mason walked in trailed by Smith, Donovan pushed the memory aside as he checked on Link. The brothers exchanged looks but nothing more. Still, Donovan saw the tightness in Link's posture. But he relaxed as Carter placed her hand on his.

For that moment, Link had her and Donovan hoped that would be enough to help him get through the class.


"How are you doing?" Donovan asked.

Link and he stood tucked away in a corner in a hallway leading to a rear exit. The pseudo privacy was as best as Donovan could do, the doors to the janitors' closets we're locked for security.

Link leaned against the wall, his hands shoved into his pockets, his gaze glued to the floor. They'd gone through half the day without a chance to talk and Donovan wondered if he should have found some point earlier to talk.

"I don't know," Link said. "It's... It's not like anything has really changed. He's the First Son and I'm... the Unknown Son. Not that I would want to switch places. But it's... strange to know that he knows. I don't expect us to be friends but..."

Link sighed as he leaned his head against the wall, staring up at the ceiling.

"Having you made me realize I would have loved having a brother growing up. And ironically I did, I only didn't know about him. But now we both know and... I don't know."

"You don't have to know," Donovan said. "Something like this isn't easily processed. We focus on taking it one day at a time and deal with emotions as they come."


Link let out a soft laugh, still studying the ceiling. "I thought your time as my therapist was over."

Donovan placed his hand on Link's shoulder, bringing his attention to Donovan. "I'm your friend. That means I'll always be a person you can talk to."

"I know."

Though he knew it wasn't the same as the blood relation Link shared with Mason, Donovan felt Link was his brother. A part of his family that he hadn't imagined when first taking the job.

In his pocket, his phone vibrated. A message from Carter told him she was on her way to the library.

"Carter is in the library. Do you need more time to talk?" Donovan asked.

Link pushed himself off the wall and shook his head. "No. I would like to know what happened."


Together, they entered the library, finding Carter by the librarian's desk waiting for them. As they approached, she broke away and met them in the middle.

"Time to talk?" Donovan asked.

Instead of answering him, Carter glanced at Link. "Is Maddy coming?"

"No, she had a test she needed to look over."

With a nod, Carter guided them up to the second story and a far back corner where they wouldn't be overheard. When she claimed a spot on the floor, Donovan chose one adjacent to her, putting himself close to both her and Link, knowing their conversation wouldn't be an easy one.

"Does anyone else find it weird how normal it all looks?" Link asked, scanning the library.

Though it had felt weird walking back into the normality of it all, Donovan didn't find it at all strange that the whole thing could be covered up. It was in the President's best interest and so the FBI had done its job well.

"I find it strange," Carter said. "I'm also impressed that they've managed to keep the entire thing quiet." She shrugged. "Though when it's in the President's best interest, I suppose it's possible."

Donovan almost smiled at how her thoughts aligned perfectly with his.

"I know what you mean," Link said. "I've heard so many different theories today on what happened here and none of them were close to the truth." He raised his hands. "I'm not mad about that. It means I'm still safe. It's just weird no one knows. Even the excuse for Mr. Philip's absence was a 'life emergency'." He scratched the back of his neck. "Do we even know what really happened?"

Donovan met Carter's gaze and he saw all the memories playing out behind her eyes. It still amazed him that they'd managed to do what they'd done.

"I know you two know," Link said. "But do you know why?"

Though Donovan had pieced parts of it together, the full picture had been deemed Need-To-Know.

"Yeah," Carter said. "I finally managed to get my dad to tell me." She looked at Donovan. "Did you get anything from Brock?"

He shook his head, remembering the late night with his brother where Brock had been angry over not knowing anything. After his anger had subsided, they'd spent hours laying out the most logical reasoning for it all.

"Brock isn't in a high enough position to be in the know. And I was told I would be notified if there was any information that was pertinent to my job."

"So basically, they aren't going to share with you?" Carter said.


"I guess it's a good thing that my father is trying to make up for crushing my heart then."

Even with the blasé way she delivered the comment, Donovan saw the pain behind it. He knew their bond, it was impossible to not see when they were together, he knew Agent Owens' decision to return to the Service would take time for Carter to accept. After all, her reality was her father put someone else's life before his own.

Donovan held her gaze, wanting to hold her and let her know it would be okay, even if he knew the words were false promises. He wanted to ease her pain but knew he never could.

"What did happen?" Link asked.

"It was Mr. Philips," Carter said. "He was working with your father back when he was still a Senator, right as he was making plans to run for President. Philips was your father's assistant. And your father was the reason Philips was blackballed from politics. My dad didn't go into details about what happened, but Philips knew about you. It seems you were the source of their conflict."

Link frowned in thought. "You think he knew who I was when I showed up?"

"Yes," Carter said, glancing at Donovan. "You don't have to say it."

He needed to though, she had concerns and he hadn't considered them longer than their conversation. He was at fault and needed to take responsibility for that.

"I know," he said. "But I need to."

"Are you doing that thing again where you both understand each other without actually saying anything?" Link asked.

Carter chuckled but kept her focus on Donovan.

"I should have listened to you," Donovan said.

"It's okay. He's safe," Carter reassured him.

Link rolled his eyes and shook his head. "This is going to get old fast."

Carter nudged his knee with her shoe, making his annoyance diminish. "You and Maddy have your own way of silently communicating."

Link pointed at her defiantly. "No, it's not the same. I can tell when she wants to say something or kiss me, but that's about it. You two have full-blown conversations without saying anything. It's not natural."

Not natural? Donovan wasn't sure about that because it wasn't something he'd thought about. It came easily to him, to them. Wasn't that the definition of natural: occurring without effort? To him, it felt completely natural.

"Do you want to hear the rest of my information or keep nitpicking over the oddities of Donovan's and my relationship?" Carter asked.

"Information," Link said, "But it's still odd."

Carter fought back a smile. "Philips also knew Ben, the ex-military janitor, from his days of working with Douglas." Her gaze went soft as she looked at Link. "Apparently Douglas sanctioned an OP even after knowing the high level of risks involved." She paused for a breath. "Twenty men were killed."

Link swallowed and nodded slowly, the pain of the news clear in his eyes. Donovan had many reasons he didn't care for President Douglas, it seemed there was more to be added.

"When Ben came back from the Op with only half of his platoon," she continued, "he was broken. He returned home to find the man who was responsible for the lives of his friends was now the President. Philips made contact. Both men had something against Douglas."

Link was staring down at the ground, frowning. A question popped into his mind and he looked up at Carter.

"Why me?"

She shifted as if the answer made her uncomfortable. Donovan read the meaning behind the movement. He knew it would be better coming from him and it took the burden off of Carter to say it.

"It's because you're the same age as Mason and illegitimate," he said, gently.

Clarity hit Link and he gave a self-loathing chuckle. "Of course. I'm the thing that breaks my dad's image of upstanding and wholesome."

Donovan watched as Link seemed to collapse in on himself and, not for the first time, imagined punching the President in the face. No, that wouldn't be the right action, he wanted to yell at the man to see his son and make up for what he'd done. But he couldn't and knew that his place was simply to be by Link's side and support him in whatever way he could.

"I could just punch him," Carter said, low and menacing, her fingers forming fists.

Link raised his head and Donovan saw how Carter's pure outrage on his defense made him smile, a smile full of amusement and sorrow. Even if they couldn't do anything, at least they knew one of them wanted to.

"Then I would have a black-eyed father and you would be arrested," Link said. "It's probably not the best plan of action."

"But you deserve better," she said, with conviction.

"And so do you. And so does Donovan for that matter, but that doesn't change facts."

"Yes," Carter said, sadly, "but it also doesn't mean I don't wish better for you."

The way Link stared at her, Donovan knew he felt the warmth that came with a friendship filled with understanding. It was a rare thing when he had to keep so much of his life a secret.

"You really mean that, don't you?" Link said.

"If I didn't mean it, I wouldn't have said it." She bumped her shoe against his knee again.

After a moment's pause, Link spoke. "What were their plans then?"

Carter gave a vague shrug. "It seems they were going to kidnap you or something so they could use you to expose the President for being adulterous."

"Would simply exposing the President really be worth it for them if they were caught?" Link asked.

"To them, it did apparently," she said. "I don't know if there was more to their plan. That was all my dad was willing to tell me."

It was the rough conclusion that Brock and Donovan had come to. Though they felt the risk wasn't worth it. But revenge didn't breed logic.

After a stretch of silence, Link let out a breath and Donovan knew he was working to process it all. When he left his thoughts, he focused on Donovan and Carter.

"Thanks for making sure that didn't happen," he said.

Donovan nodded but knew it never should have happened. He should have seen the signs and avoided the whole thing. But luckily for him, he had Carter and she'd made up for what he lacked.

"Really, I should be thanking you," Carter said. The statement made both Donovan and Link give her confused looks. "It gave me an excuse to hit someone and run around the underground tunnels."

Link burst out laughing nearly falling over with the force of it, but Donovan caught his shoulder, righting him.

"I meant to ask you how you know about those," Donovan said.

The indignation Carter sent him had him smiling a little. After all, she was who she was, it was a dumb question.

"You're joking," she said. "I figured out the school had security tunnels my second semester here."

Link swallowed his laughter as his eyes went wide. "Seriously?"

"Yeah," she said. "You know the windows in the English wing? The last one butts up against the wall, but only from the inside. I asked my dad about it." Her lips curved with a memory. "Getting him to admit to me about the tunnels was what took the longest time. It took another two years to find all the entrances."

Donovan chuckled while Link laughed again.

"It's a good thing you're stubborn and observant," Donovan said. "I knew where the entrances were but hadn't had the chance to visit them yet."

Her teasing smile made Donovan feel his face burn. "What you're saying then is that you would have been lost without me?"

Yes, he would have. Without her, he wouldn't made it out of the toxic air before the gas infected him and he lost consciousness. But they'd made it, because of her.

Link leaned forward on his knees, his gaze darting back and forth. "Are Maddy and I this annoying?"

"Yes," both Carter and Donovan said.

Link shrugged, unconcerned. "Alright. Then I won't complain." A thought struck him. "Wait, earlier you said that your dad told you all of this because he crushed your heart. What did you mean?"

The smile slipped from Carter's face until all the sadness Donovan knew she kept at bay was revealed. Again he felt the urge to comfort her, to be one place where he didn't have to be strong but could lean on someone else.

"He signed back up for two more years with the Secret Service," Carter said. "He will be finishing out his protection detail by your father's side."

"Carter, I'm sorry," Link said.

"Yeah, well, that's life, right?" She smiled but Donovan saw how it was forced. "At least it makes my choice of college clear."

"How come?"

"Well, I want to be as close to him as I can be in case anything happens. So Georgetown it is."

Donovan couldn't help the smile that appeared, at Georgetown with them. He wouldn't lose her too quickly.

"You'll be with us!" Link said, beaming,

Carter smiled and this time it was untroubled. "Yup, it looks like you're stuck with me."

"That doesn't sound too bad," Donovan said, holding her gaze.

"Not at all," Link said. "Cause clearly it takes two of you to keep me out of trouble."

Carter laughed, the sound girlish as it drifted away into the library's silence.

"That's true. I can be your second bodyguard," she said, winking at Link. "It will be my secret service."

A second bodyguard.

A second person in his life to help him through the loneliness.

A person whom he hadn't imagined he needed. He would get more time to be with this girl who baffled, teased, annoyed, challenged, and understood him.

He'd kept himself back from her due to a conflict of interests. But she wanted to keep Link safe, that meant the interests were no longer conflicting.

Carter would remain in his life. He liked that.

Still, for now, he'd keep it to himself. And if his brothers asked what she was to him?

Donovan smiled to himself. Well, he'd simply tell them it was classified.



Gosh it feels to have it completed...

Okay, as of the writing of this author's note the book is not completed BUT I hope that Future Me will eventually finish the other chapters and this will feel like a complete book!

Trusting Future Me will get the job done I'm going to act like this book is complete and you've read it as a whole and not in random updates that jump all over the place.

So! Tell me! Final thoughts on the book? 🗯💬💭

What was your favorite part about seeing all the events through Donovan's POV?

Me? I loved how much his brother's were in his life. Also I love his dynamic with Link and how close they are.

Did anything surprise you with his point of view?

Yeah! The dude is a complete sap for Carter! Like I knew he liked her since the second day but oh boy! The way he constantly denied how he felt about her! Haha our boy was completely smitten! Loved that.

Did you like anything more from Donovan's POV than Carter's POV?

I loved all his thoughts. We don't get a lot of Carter's thought process but goodness! Donovan lives half his life in his head. So that was fun to explore!

Okay! That's all! I hope you enjoyed this view of A Secret Service! I hope it was fun to see things in a different light!

If you're not aware this is not where the Secret Service universe ends there's more in Open Case File and after that Case Reopened. Currently there's 200+ one shots of theirs lives after high school and even some before them meet.

So I hope to see you later! Love you, Alligator!

And as usual if you want more books I have 20+ that range from teen fiction to dystopian to fantasy to rom/com so there might be something in there for you!

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