Chapter eleven; Familiar faces

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Sorry loves, I've had so much going on. Okay, so I had to wait a little while to see if I know clean. Clean as in for sex. And it so happens that....I am XD and I had scans for cancer and I'm okay, and then I'm trying to get warped tour tickets and ugh...its too much. Anyways hope this short chapter will make it up for you.
- Admin (k~)

I looked upon the tapper. P-Petra?
I rolled down the window and we stared each other down. "Hello, levi" she greeted. Not removing her sunglasses.
"I'm not here to fight levi..but I need h-help" she shuttered. Why is she crying? I looked away and stayed quiet. "Levi, i-i've been beaten..." She says. My head shot to here with my eyes widened. "By who, Petra!" I asked. "The man I thought I eye is stitched from where he first hit me..which was a week ago..I also have bald spots from where he's pulled my hair so hard it's been ripped out" she said.

She removed her glasses and her left eye was blood shot. It was truly disgusting. "I escaped him levi, you're my only hope I can't go on like this" she cried. I looked away and tightened my grip on the wheel. "You caused me great pain petra, why should I help" I asked rather selfish. "You're still here listening to me...when everyone else shut me out" she said. I sighed. "I'll see if I can have Armin help you out...but I can't personally, my love is injured inside...he won't approve when he heals" I said, with too much confidence.

"You love him, levi?" She asks. I nodded slowly.

"Yes, I do...he's hurt me but not intentionally"

"I see, because I've never seen you smile at someone like Eren" she says. "How do you know him?"

"I've crossed paths with you guys, but I never said hi..." She admitted. I nod slightly. "I do hope you guys last, you never know what you're missing when the other is gone..." She said, walking away. "Petra?" I called out, she turned and met my eyes. "Thank you" she smiled "you have my number still, call me when you get ahold of this Armin, kid" she said, putting her glasses on and taking her leave. I envied her ever since she left..but she's suffering and being beaten. No matter what, she doesn't deserve abuse...especially by a man stronger than herself.

I remembered that I was still here, waiting for eren.

I walked inside, rushing to the desk. "Same room sir" she politely said. I nod and walked into his room. He was sleeping. But where's his heart beat monitor. I walked over to Eren and placed my hand over his, giving a slight squeeze of reassurance.I love you too much for you to be here, brat. I managed to smile. It's been so feels right with him. I felt a tear stroll down my cheek. Why did you hurt yourself Eren.

That beautiful skin of yours, why must you destroy it. Now the scars are now healing, fading but not forgotten. I looked at Eren's wrapped up wrist, it hurt so stupid brat why'd you try to leave..

"Why'd you try to leave me Eren. . ."

"Well, that's certainly a mighty question to ask don't ya think?" A voice asked. I turned and saw Armin. His eyes pierced through mine, his bright blue eyes stared at me with disgust, this isn't the innocent timid Armin I knew. "What" I asked. He crossed his arms and leaned in the doorway not removing his gaze. "You see, that's like asking someone if they need an air mask once they stop breathing and expect them to answer" he says. "Or asking a dog who was ran over, if they're alive" he says. I look away from arming and looked Eren.

"Yes he was a jerk, but did he really deserve those hurtful words? We used to be best friends in junior high. Did you know what he was going through at home when you weren't there? Do you know about his past and why he is, the way he is? Levi you're completely blind to the whole situation.

Now he's here, because he felt like no one in this world would love him because he once believed he was a mistake, that the evil in this world was him. Step in his shoes, and I guarantee you would want to change. You brought more pain onto him, when he tried to escape"

I felt my heart drop. I was hurting him.....I couldn't see it.

"This isn't the first time he's been here but this is certainly the most serious one yet...likely they don't know if he's going to survive, he talks regularly but..."


"He might have the chance of dying, he's done so many drugs and drank so much alcohol...he's on the verge of death...if he does make it...I think it'll be easier if you just left..."

I couldn't leave him...I love him.

"I-I can't"

"You don't have..t-to" Eren choked. I looked at him and he had a small smile on his face. "I heard enough, out of honesty I tried to throw up" he said, with a small laugh. I sighed and ran over to him caressing him in my arms. "How could you be joking when you're like this, Eren?" I asked. He shrugs, "I don't like seeing the ones I care about be down because of me" he says, looking away. "But Armins right, you don't know my story" he says pushing me away. "You can tell me Eren, i'm all ears" I say. He chuckles, "Really now Levi, it wasn't too long ago that you hated my guts, you expect me to open up to you so easily now?" He asks, coldly. I felt a pain in my chest. I couldn't say anything.

"I won't be telling you anytime soon to be honest, not like you need to know anyway, I don't like pity when I'm not asking for it" he says bluntly. "Eren, I'm sure he feels guilty already, just be happy he showed up" Armin says, easing the tension.

"I really hate to tell you Levi, but you have to go back to Annie" he says. "Why?!" I snapped. He sat up and looked out the window, blossoms flowing in the breeze. He closes his eyes and took a deep breath. "She's smart, she's beautiful and she's very protective. You're trying to get with a very short tempered guy who does drugs and cuts" he says.

I sighed. "Levi, just go live your life with Annie, even if you don't love her...make her happy" he says. "Eren, I'll show you how much I love day" I laid my head on his shoulder,

"I should've known I loved you, I shouldn't have hurt you..I didn't know. I was being selfish, I want to be able to say I love you again. Take you home and know you'll be there in the morning...have a family with you and be happy" I rant. He pokes my cheek and smiles softly. "One day Levi, but for now go with Annie and see if you really love me....I'll be here" he kisses me softly. "Don't forget I have to stop my little addiction as well, so it'll take some time...Have fun at Harvard and wish you well, I'll be here if you want...I'll always be here" he says, I smile and kiss him.

"I'll be waiting levi"

"I'll come back, just you watch" I smile with a tear strolling down my face "just you watch" with that I left. Eren, I love you with everything I have. Just you wait. Just wait for me.

Let me tell you how hard it was to let go of Eren. He didn't deserve that outburst if mine. Putting him out there like that. He was hurt. He was tired. He wanted to end his life because of me.

This was 3 years ago when I left Eren.

I'm here in Harvard, waiting to graduate with a masters degree in music. I decided it's what I love most. Eren loved music too I think. I wonder how he's doing. It's been 3 years. 3 years since that day. I wonder if he's gotten better, if he's matured or even gotten his life together. I wonder if he found himself someone. I wonder. I've got to see him. But how?

3 years of not hearing from me, was he willing to wait that long.

I'll be dammed if he did.

Third person POV

Eren sat down on his black soft couch Armin had bought for him as a 'first house' gift. He wouldn't admit how in love he was with the couch, not that it was weird though. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling. 3 years. He furrowed his brows and closed his eyes,

"Just you watch"

He sighed once more and opened his eyes. "Where are you" he whispered to himself. "Where's who?" A voiced asked. Eren pinched the bridge of his nose, forgetting his fiancé was here. "Nothing, Krista" (A/N, you'll understand why I paired them, don't get upset now, just wait and see) Krista was a beautiful girl indeed, Eren took quite a liking for Krista. But he had been waiting for someone for 3 years. "Okay Eren, well I'm going to the store to buy dinner, would you like to come?" Eren smiled and nodded. He could never hate Krista.

He loves her yeah but, their marriage was not arranged for happiness. "I could help you make dinner if you want?" He suggested. She smiles kindly and shrugs. "If you would, it'll be by myself gets a tad lonely sometimes" she says with a small chuckle. He shakes his head and they went out to the store.

Once they arrived they went straight to the meat aisle.
"So do you have any ideas on what you want to eat? Grilled fish? Pork? Or would you like some stew?" She suggests. All sounded so good, she was a great cook. "Maybe some beef stew would be good" Eren suggested. She smiles and grabbed some beef and went to go get some broth.

As we were walking she looked up at Eren and her eyes glistened, "Hey eren, could I try to make some chocolate chip cookies?" She asks. She was so adorable, how could she end up with me, eren thought.

"Of course, sweetie" He kissed her cheek and she bounced off to the baking goods aisle. He sighed. If it weren't for the arranged marriage she would be so happy. She doesn't have to fake it, he said to himself.

He went to go find her. Wondering if Levi would ever find him.

Silly dreams. Silly hopes. Silly Levi making promises. Just in two weeks me and Krista will be married. It can't be all too bad right?

Hours later

Levi's POV

The graduation was over and so were the parties. In just two more weeks... I'll see Eren again. I hope he remembers me. Well how couldn't he, I'm the reason for his suicide attempt. I looked down at the ground. What if he found someone else. Then I'll make him mine again, he's mine. Mine only, I'll hurt a man or woman if they try to take him away. Whoa there Levi, you're turning a bit yandere. I want to see him again, he is the reason why I have to get this degree.

In two weeks we'll meet again, it can't be all too bad right?

A/n : I'll drag this story a bit longer.

~1 week before the wedding~

Krista's POV

Just one more week and I'll be getting married to Eren. Eren Jaeger. Things have been going well so far. He's kind, he's funny and he can cook! He smiles often, but I can see it in his eyes. He looks lost. Maybe sad with a pinch of hope? When he asked my hand for marriage, I couldn't be happier. I don't think if I saw him in the hospital, I wouldn't be here.

*flash back*

"Krista, we will be allowing you to roam for a little while, you've progressed so much, but be careful!" The nurse said. I smiled and held onto the pole that held my medical fluids on. It was so nice to walk again. I was going to visit Dr.Grisha to see how he is, all until I heard a small conversation going on.

"Don't forget I have to stop my little addiction as well, so it'll take some time...Have fun at Harvard and wish you well, I'll be here if you want...I'll always be here, I'll be waiting, Levi"

"I'll come back, just you watch" I hid behind the corner until a short attractive man came out of the room. I rose a brow and walked quietly and peeked into the room. "You think you could wait long, Eren?" The blonde kid asked, "I don't know Armin, in all honesty I think he'll come back" he says rather confidently. "I don't know Eren, but I wish you Well" he says. I felt a small tickle in my nose, oh no don't blow my cover, nose! "Well, I do love him" Eren says.
"Hah..hah.. HACHOO!" I sneezed, kill me now!

I looked in the room, and both boys were looking at me.
"Um hello, can we help you?" The blonde asked nicely.
I bowed my head in shame and embarrassment.

"Please excuse me for being so dude and for intruding, I just overheard a small commotion, and being me I couldn't help but...eavesdrop, shame krista...." I apologized. How embarrassing.
"Don't worry, it's all good..hey what happened to you?" Eren asks.
"Oh I just got sick, to the point where I couldn't walk..." I say. He rose his brows, "but you're walking" he says. "I've been in this hospital for 6 months..." I say. Which is true, I get out in a month. "Oh I didn't know" he says, worry in his eyes. "It's okay, I can somewhat walk!" I say with a big smile. "What's your name kid" Eren asks. "Krista..." I say "cool, I'm Eren and this is partner in crime!" Armin smiles and waves. "Nice to meet you guys" I say. Eren's smile made my heart flutter. He really is a cool guy, whoever that man was earlier is lucky. "Hey Krista, you have such beautiful eyes" Eren commented. "Thank you, Eren" I smile with a small blush.

Me and Eren became such good friends afterwards. He came and visited every Wednesday afternoon. Until I was released from the hospital. We went to dances, cookouts, walks on the beaches and star gazing. We did everything together. He soon popped the question and asked me to be his girlfriend. I couldn't be happier.
Three years later, we went to my cousins bachelor party.

"Krista let's go see the stars!" He grabbed my hand and ran upstairs.
Once we reached the balcony, he turned to me and kissed me. "Krista, you know I love you right?" He says. I smile and nod. "Well it would make me so happy if ..." He gets down on one knee and pulled out a box. I covered my mouth with my hands and began to tear up. "Krista, will you marry me?" He asks. I silently sobbed and nodded yes.

*flashback ends*

I sighed. Here just in two weeks, we'll be the Jaeger's. Krista Jaeger has a good ring to it but...will we be happy together. Will we have children? I would cry at night and hate myself. I was too small, too skinny...too vulnerable. Fragile. Sensitive. But I am strong in my own way. I would see Eren asleep peacefully. I can't sleep at night. Stress and worrisome takes over. But I am krista and I will be getting married in a week with my ...with the love of

Krista will be krista Jaeger. "Krista, will you come and lay with me?" Eren asked. I laugh and walked downstairs. "Eren?" I called. No answer. D-Didn't he just c-call me?.

"Now don't go and scare yourself kid" a voice said. I shrieked and met a brunette female "W-who are you?!" I asked. "Who I am doesn't matter, the question is...are you happy krista?" She asks."of course!" I said.
"Oh? You're okay and happy with your forced marriage?" She says. "Forced? No eren wouldn't force himself to Marry me!" I say.

"Krista krista krista, you're a fool. You think he loves you?! Pathetic, He's doing it for himself. Why do you think he doesn't kiss you like a real fiancé does, Cuddles you...Tells you he loves you" she says "H-He does!" I backfired.

"Krista, I know too much and I hate to ruin your happiness, but trust me when I say he's doing it to protect himself. Just you wait until the day of your wedding, he'll break. He'll hurt you krista" she walks up to me and pins me to the wall, "besides a girl like you could marry a gal like me" she says and kisses my neck. I melt under her touch, but soon pushed her away.
"Eren won't ever hurt me, he loves me! You're the fool, he didn't force himself to marry me! Now get out before I call the cops!" I threatened. She smirks and surrenders playfully.
"Okay but don't cry and run to me when I told you so"

She walks to the door and looked over her shoulder.
"If you need more information, I'm only a call away" she threw her card at me and disappeared into the darkness.

I was scared. Would Eren hurt me? No! He wouldn't. He couldn't. I sighed and rested my face into my hands. Until eren walked through the door. "Hey krista, I'm home...hey what's wrong?" He asks. I looked up and smiled. "Nothing honey, just a bit exhausted, here let me make dinner" I offered. "No love, I bought groceries, I'm making you dinner in honor of our wedding" he says and kisses my cheek. He walks to the kitchen and began to cook. No. Eren couldn't hurt me.

Because we will be happy together.

???'s POV

"Did you go to her house?" The man asked. "Yes sir I did, she believe Jaeger wouldn't dare to hurt her" the brunette said. "That's cute, only if she knew the deal behind it...she'll see how big of a monster he is, then you will seek her hand in marriage correct?" The man asked. The brunette smiles "yes sir, I'll take good care of her"

"Good, now bring that Ackerman here and let's start the plans for the wedding!"

"Yes boss"

okay so I wanted to spice it up a bit, so this was 3500+ words.
Anywho, how is the book so far? Will Levi find Eren in time? What will happen to Eren if the deal breaks? Krista is so clueless. who will spill everything to her? In maybe 7-8 chapters away, you'll see and I kind of figure you already know what's up anyway, hope this makes up for going MIA.

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