Chapter one; New day

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****Levi's point of view****

(AU// music should be able to play, scroll to the top and there should be a little option for music on the top right corner its a little microphone I think option , click it and begin to read!! I thought it was the perfect song for this chapter)

Beep beep beep bee-

This shitty alarm is annoying. I sighed with frustration, knowing today is my first day at St Rose High. I'm attending as a senior. I'm Levi Ackerman, I'm 17 years old turning 18 soon in December which is only in 4 months. I'm 5'3, I'm very aware of how short I am. I have raven black hair and silver eyes which I take from my mother. My parents are never home, my mom is a flight attendant and my father is the manager of the famous Kira Sohma. Well she's not that famous but, he travels a lot with her. I've met her, she's just a brat with no manners whatsoever.
Enough about my parents, I have to get ready for this pathetic little school. Well its a 5A school. I sighed, jumping into the shower, letting the steam fill the bathroom filling it with the aroma of Lemon. I quickly dried off and slipped into some clothes I bought a few weeks back.
I had a black long sleeve shirt, with white skinny jeans. I also had black converse on as well. I wear my glasses when I read and I part my hair so it says out of my face. I do need to cut my hair. I sighed once more and went out to my car. I have a pure black mustang. Not sure what year. Anyways I decided to take a short cut. Not really in the mood for showing up late.

About 5 minutes later I pulled up into the driveway and saw the school. It's so filthy. What are janitors for if they can't keep it clean? Brats. I got out of my car and headed for the school's front office. They better have my schedule. "Hello, how may I help you?" The young woman asked. "I'm new here, I need a schedule" I said. She smiles and looks through the computer. "Levi Ackerman, senior correct?" She asks. I nodded. She printed out the schedule and waved. I stared and gave a slight smile. I walked through the hallway to see if I could find room 2208, which is theater arts.
Great. I looked to only find myself bump into someone. "Hey watch it!" A voice said. I fell to the ground to meet the eyes of a blonde. "Oh sorry, here let me help you up" he offered. I took his hand and dusted myself off. "Thanks kid" I thanked. He smiles. "I'm Armin, I'm guessing you're new?" He asks. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm lost" I say rubbing the back of my neck. He giggles, "I'll help you out, what's your name?" He asks. "Levi, levi Ackerman" I held out my hand and he shook it. I'm pleased. "Nice to meet you, Levi" he says. "With pleasure, now could you help me find the room?" I asked he smiles. "Duh, we have the same class obviously" he closes his locker and guided me to the room. Which wasn't very far, I managed to be going to right way.

We walked in and took a seat. "Have you met any friends yet?" He asks. "Sadly no" if you can only hear the sarcasm in my response. Soon the class settled down and a few voices began to mumble. Hm? "Oh" said Armin with a bit of surprise. I looked to where everyone was looking. It soon got quiet. There was a girl chewing bubblegum. Her chestnut brown hair covered her beautiful emerald yet turquoise eyes with specks of good in them, her arms were crossed as she leaned against the door, talking to some guys.

"Who's that?" I asked. "That's eren Jaeger" he says. So is she...a he? "He's not one to mess with, but he's only dressed up to be a girl because of the teacher, he uses him as his own fashion doll" he says. Teachers pet. Eren looked at me, but with a death glare. I gulped. How can someone like Jaeger intimidate me? He popped his gum and rolled his eyes. "He doesn't have a problem dressing like a girl, I think he could care less..but if I were you I would stay clear he beats up new kids...even worse...he takes them to the bleachers and does horrible things to them" he says. So rape. Class had ended soon after, but I couldn't believe what I thought was a beautiful angel, to only be a devil.

I went to my locker and tried to get my reading glasses for business. Until my locker suddenly slammed shut. It was him. The famous Jaeger. "Hey there, looking for something?" He asks. I rose a brow. "Obviously, now get out of my way" I reopened my locker for him to shut it again. "What're you going to do about it?" He asks. His smirk went away and it was that glare. "Can I leave now?" I asked. He rose a brow. "How about something" he soon punched my stomach and I fell to the ground clutching my stomach. "Stay out of my way, Ackerman" he soon walked away leaving me in pain. How dies he know my last name. I took a deep breath and straightened myself out .

.what a day this'll be.

I went on throughout the day, getting little beats every now and then. Armin would help me out but I'm pretty sure there will be bruises. Great. Before I could go to my car I forgot my glasses in the art room. Great, before I could turn I saw Eren talking to a girl. Who is she? Raven black hair, same eyes as well. Her face expressionless, just like me. Only as a girl. "Did you see the new kid, Levi?" She asks. "Yeah, he's not even that hot up close I don't know what the big deal is with these girl wanting to date him" he says . so I'm popular. "I kind of have a feeling for him, like he's not an ordinary guy" she says. "Well, you're never wrong" he says. She nods. "I don't know, I see good and then I see bad...Eren don't hurt the poor boy, you're already 19 he's probably barely 18" she says. He's 19. Hm. "No, he gets the treatment everyone gets in this pathetic school" he says, angrily. "Just because mom died doesn't mean you have to be like your Fat-" he closed her mouth with his hand. "I forbid you to say that bastards name, Mikasa" he hissed. She nods. "Let's go home eren I'm tired" she says walking away. He nods, walking behind her.

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