Part 3: Club Fair and Ice-cream

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POV: Kiyotaka

           It is currently 6:00 am. I decide to wake up earlier than expected, considering what happened last night. I started to wonder how he knows too much about this school. If he bluntly said that he's from another world, or an entity looking for us from the sky; I won't be surprised at all. He has an incredible amount of information about this school, and "that place". He also has evidence in order to shut it permanently. Probably someone gave it to him from "that place". He also knows what the future holds, he bluntly said that he knows what will happen, and how will my life go. 

             In conclusion, he can ensure that I will be safe in this school, along with my freedom. I can be whoever I want. But he told me that I need to pretend nothing happened last night, he knows what will happen and if something changed, it will ruin his plans for the future after all.
Anyway, I should begin my daily routine right now since I don't want my body to deteriorate after my escape from the Whiteroom...

POV: Torikachi

          The Club fair will be announced today... My classmates will be there. I hope that my existence won't change the plot in the future. From my introduction yesterday, I saw many hearts in their eyes. They probably wanted to taste my culinary skills and such since I didn't have anything else to brag about. It's 7:00 AM already. I am supposed to wear my uniform right now. It's spring, so it's pretty chilling in the morning. I don't do many exercises, but I'm confident in my stamina...

          Welp, guess I will buy my breakfast in Pallet cafe then since it opened quite early in the morning. I think as I change to my uniform and head out to Pallet as soon as possible since class starts at 8:30. (Sr Idk what is the starting time of a normal Japanese school so I apologize for this).

          Luckily my first period will be English. In my previous life, it's my favorite subject out of all. (Same as author xD) so I don't really worry about it.

*time skip to afternoon class

          Classes are quite boring, considering my knowledge about these courses in my previous life...

          Suddenly I heard a loud voice on the school's speaker:

          "At 5:00 PM JST, there will be a club fair in the school's gymnasium. If you are interested in clubs we recommend attending the club fair at the moment..."

          It seems like everything happened along with the plot. I decided to turn around to share my gaze with Kiyotaka-kun and give him a nod. He decided to invite Horikita-san even though it's futile. I would go to the club fair since Hirata invited me. The girls around him wouldn't mind me, since my introduction yesterday was decent and some girls displays certain interests in me. I'm nothing that special though, except it's rare for boys to cook food for themselves.

*at the club fair

          "Ne ne Torikachi-kun~~...." A girl named Massus- I mean Matsushita Chiaki. Now I look at her, she's such a beauty, too much for my taste...

          "Yes? How can I help you Massus- I mean Matsushita-san?" I politely asked.

          "Have you decided to join any club, since I think you're quite fit in the culinary club though?".

          "I don't think I will join any club, since it would cost more of my free time."

          "Same... I don't really have many talents like yours, since it's rare for a boy to have culinary skills. But I believe you. Maybe you can cook for me once in a while." She chuckled, honestly she's so cute when she did that.

          "Kawaii..." I murmured, ensuring that she didn't hear that.

          "What did you say? I couldn't hear you." Nevermind.

          "It's nothing." I lied as I breathe. "By the way, you don't need to use honorifics. I'm fine with it."

          "Okey then. Torikachi~" She said as she smiles. So beautiful...

          "Kawaii...~" I silently murmured.

          "Hey, I heard that!" Oh no...

          She said as she appears to have a bit of pink on her cheeks. So cute...

          "Sorry..." I replied.

          "I mean... I don't mind if you compliment me sometimes...~" she pouted. At the same time, both Karuizawa and Satou approach us and noticed Matsushita a bit pink.

          "Ne ne Matsushita-san...~ You seem to be blushing a little bit..." Satou engaged in conversation.

          "Heh...? Did you do something to her Torikachi-kun??" Karuizawa joins in the conversation, seeing me chuckle.

          "It's nothing much. I just compliment her for a trait she has." I said as I hoped they won't ask anything more.

          "What trait does she has then?"

          "Well... she's beautiful, I'm not gonna lie. I feel like I could fall for her any moment..."
As I said that...

          "Wait wait wait!!" Matsushita interrupted us, seems red on her cute face. "Don't spout it out like it's nothing, you idiot..."

          "Hoh~ how straightforward Torikachi-kun," Satou said, looking at me and Matsushita. "I didn't know you are such a playboy~"

          "I'm just straightforward. Nothing much." I said as I slightly smiled.

          "Die Ikeman!" I heard someone faraway say that. It seems like a random boy jealous since I'm around such beauties...

          As we walk around the gymnasium, spectating many kinds of clubs...


          "You can drop the honorifics. I don't mind" I replied to Satou.

          "Okay then Torikachi" she agreed. "I heard that you're practicing culinary, am I right?"

          "Indeed," I replied.

          "Are you planning to join the culinary club?" She asked, wanting to know more about me.

          "I don't really want to join, since it will cost more of my free time. I have other stuff to do." I replied.

          "Same here..." she said "I just wanted to do stuff for myself~"

          "Same here too~" Karuizawa joins in.

          "It seems that Hirata-kun is the only one of us that join a club."

          "I know right? It's a shame that we won't have much time with Hirata-kun..." Karuizawa said. Sorry, Karuizawa. I know that you intend to create a fake relationship by dating Hirata. Not that I mind, but hope you enjoy your time with Kiyotaka-kun in the future.

          "Hoh~ so you like Hirata-kun then?" I asked as a joke to her.

          "Heh!~..." Karuizawa sounds surprised. "It's not like that though you idiot." I know you are lying Karuizawa.

          "I'm just... interested in him after all. He's also quite handsome and gentle too.~" Karuizawa continued.

          "Yea...~" Matsushita also joins our conversation. "Unlike certain someone that so bold to spout his view on another girl though," she said as she pout at me.

          "Sorry sorry not sorry," I said as I feel a bit embarrassed about my statement about Matsushita-san.

          "Hey, I heard you!" She argued.

          We continued to talk about trivial things. I'm quite enjoying my time with them. After all, it didn't change much to the plot since Kiyotaka will be the one who will do everything.

          During our talk, I saw Horikita Suzune standing at the entrance of the gymnasium, probably waiting to look for her brother. Speaking of the devil, it seems like the club leaders starting to introduce their clubs. After that, I saw Horikita Manabu, standing still on the podium. His aura is quite unique, something that I feel a bit heavy. As I look around, I saw Kiyotaka, looking at the podium. I exchange gazes with him, signaling that I will talk to him later on.

          Meanwhile, I heard some students starting to make fun of the president, I feel a bit mad about those people. And as expected, he didn't faze for such trivial matter.

          "My name is Horikita Manabu, the president of the student council..."

          As he begins, many students feel their spine crawling from their back, regretting what they've said.


POV: Kiyotaka

           It seems like he wanted to talk to me while I'm currently at the club fair for more investigation. Suddenly, I saw Horikita standing at the entrance of the gymnasium, looking at the president. I guess he's right all along. I should start believing him, but I don't trust him too much, considering his ulterior motive is unknown, or at least, it just the surface. It seems like he genuinely cares about me. I should trust him or not? No. It had been already decided, that I should trust him as a friend of his. It stated in the contract that he will eliminate that place before we reach our third year.

          Suddenly, I noticed that my phone vibrated. I decided to check and it's him.

          [Come to my room at 7:00 PM tonight]

          I look at his text, and it's not surprising that he knows my phone number. Since I don't have any reasons to deny it, so I agreed.

          [Okay] I replied.

          Guess I will be busy tonight.

POV: Torikachi

          The club fair is over. I rush to the convenience store to buy Kiyotaka a surprise. That's right. It is ice cream! He desired to taste one of them since his time in the White Room.
I know that he will change his expression when he eats one. I chuckled.

          'I wanted to buy him many flavors, but I should choose for him a basic: Vanilla. I bet he will love it I thought while buying a bunch of ice cream flavors, also saving my private points. Around 65k should be enough.

*after payment

          I look at my balance.

          'I only have 70k points left. That should be enough along with ingredients I choose to make my food for this month.' I thought as I walk back to my dorm.
It is currently 6:30 PM. I decided to take a shower and make my dinner. Honestly, my homemade dumplings taste better than I thought they would be.

          It is currently 6:50 PM, as I finished my dinner. I start to wash my dishes for a small amount of time. Only 2 bowls and a plate, doesn't need much time at all.

          The clock is currently ticking, to 6:55 PM. I heard a rhythm of knocks on my door.

Knock knock knock

          It seems like he's here. I look through the door just to be sure and it's really him. I open the door, seeing him and his emotionless face as usual...

          "Pardon the intrusion" he politely said.

          "Come and sit on that chair," I said as I point at the chair that is next to my desk.

          "Okay then."

POV: Kiyotaka

          "So, what is it that you need my presence?" I asked him since he invited me to his room.

          "I have a small gift for you for being honest with me yesterday. Here, catch!" he said as he toss me a cone-shaped item.

          "Eat it. You might like it." he continued.

          "May I ask you what is this?" I asked out of curiosity.

          "Try it and I will tell you."

          "Okay then," I replied while I'm opening the outer polymer layer, looking at the content inside it.

          "Is this... ice cream?" I asked.

          "Yes, it is!" he replied. "I know that you learned about ice cream during your time in the White Room. So consider this as a small treat of mine and let me know what you think about its taste."

          "I guess I could try it..." I said as I lick the ice cream with the tip of my tongue.




          As soon as I taste it, my eyes widen. I had never experienced such a flavor before. I feel...



and many positive feeling is flowing over me.

but I can't show it... even though I wanted to.

          "So... how do you think? You are losing yourself for a few moments there," he asks me, probably knowing my reaction to such a trivial thing.

          "I feel... sweetness, traveling through my tongue." I wanted to say as vague as possible. "I guess that's all for now."

          "Really? From what I can see, your reaction says more," he said, knowing I tried to hide my feelings. "But it's fine. I don't force you to say it since we are friends after all," he said with a small smile, a genuine one to be precise. I wonder when can I smile in such a genuine way like him in the future...

POV: Torikachi

          We talk about more trivial things, and I guided him to understand moral standards, like what to do in the normal world, how friends usually do. He looks curious as well as relieved, knowing he will be safe in this school within these 3 years with me, with our classmates.

          It is currently 9:00 PM. I guess I will sleep early...

          "Kiyotaka. I think it's time for us to part ways. It's 9:00 PM already."

          "The feeling's mutual. I'm also tired right now..."

          From that, Kiyotaka leaves my room, prepares to sleep. I guess I will do the same at the moment.

          Such trivial matters like this can be interesting sometimes.

===========================================================================And...... The end for another interaction of development between Tori-kun and Kiyotaka. 

Please don't misunderstand of TorixMatsushita or anything. The club fair is just for creating bonds of friendship between Tori's classmates.

Anyway... I hope y'all enjoy this chapter here. The next chapter will skip to May 1st since there's nothing much for the rest of April.

Cya all, and I will see you next chapter!!


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