SS7: Reassemble the past. (READ AT YOUR OWN RISK)

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I guess you could say this is "one" part of Tori's backstory.

Contains graphics and is not suitable for small ages. (Some blood, mental breakdown, .etc)

This might be too dark for y'all to read, so read at your own risk. I have no responsibilities for y'all in this chapter.

So yeah... Enjoy. I guess...?


POV: Torikachi

I am currently in a middle of a room of white.

"Is this the White Room?" I asked myself since there's no one else is currently in the room.

Moments later, I saw a familiar girl, shattered clothes, sitting in the corner of the room.

I decided to reach out to her, but I refrain myself once I recognize her...



She used to be one of the members I trusted in my family.

Well, my previous family.


I feel nothing for her...

But anger,



That's right... she betrayed me as a family member...

And even them.

I couldn't help myself but look at her barefoot, covering herself by crumbling herself in, protecting herself.

"G-GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" she shouted once she recognize me standing in front of her.

"And why would I?" I asked with an irritating tone while looking at her dead in my eyes. "Isn't this how you treated me from the start of everything?"

"I-IT WAS THEM WHO DID IT. I DIDN'T WANT TO GET DISPOSED OF. I HAVE TO DO IT." She shouted while on verge of tears. I would sympathize with her...


I couldn't...

It was them, who've caused my suffering.

Even she did it to protect herself,

I acknowledged that she wanted to,


That might be the reason why I am myself today...

I found myself half-covered in blood, with a knife in my hands.

Looking at my back, seeing two corpses, dripping fresh red liquid from their throats with multiple wounds on their bodies.

I then look at the girl in front of me,

She's dead.

I see how it is...

I am NOT in a dream, but a memory instead.

I can hear screaming from the corpses:


That's right.

I remember now...

I killed all of them with my bare hands.

I was supposed to break down,

But I am not...

In fact, I feel nothing when I did it to them.

But joy...

The joy of my vengeance has been fulfilled.

The joy of my presence now has a meaning...

To finish them all...

It was their fault for abandoning ONLY me from the start.

It was their fault for mistreating ONLY me.

We ARE NOT equal since birth.

We ARE NOT the same.

"It was your fault at the start. If you have not abandoned me, it won't result in this way." I calmly answered.

I lost my trust in anyone since then. I couldn't trust anybody,

And perhaps...



Of course, I know what will it be.


I simply don't care.

Because I knew one thing, that will never change me, and only I know.

I never once cared about my existence at the start. I am never once grateful to them for giving birth to me.

So, even with or without consequences, I don't hold any grudges for it.

They never once care about what I ever wanted to say, nor understand it.

It was simple.

I never trust them.

Every day, every night, I doubted myself if I was originally inherited their blood or not.

If it was false, then I guess I could understand why they abandoned me once again.

My visions went red, as the corpses turned black, lifelessly walk up to me.

"W H Y??!!!!"

"W H Y???!!!"

"W H Y Y Y Y Y???!!!!!!!!"

They screamed in sync, perhaps, wanting me to regret my actions.


I laughed, very loud, like a maniac.

Echoes can be heard repeatedly throughout the room.

That's right.

I enjoyed killing them with my own hands,

Now, they've been resurrected, I could feel the joy.


And Again.

Blood splattered from their corpses to my knife, onto the floor, the walls, my face, my hands, my knife.

I killed them, over and over again,

Only to find...

I am NOT satisfied.

This is not enough to heal the wounds they caused in my previous life.

I wonder what is missing?

Is it vengeance, or is it satisfaction?

Or something else that I never know?

I could not help myself but be restless, unable to be free, locked up with the chain of the past.

At least...

That was in my previous life.

I enjoyed too much of my time tormenting them, losing count of how many times I killed them over and over again.

"Ack... aaa..." Words from my so-called twin sister sounded so weak, seeking mercy.

"Unfortunately..." I said with my lifeless eyes, waiting to be unleashed for a long time ago.

"T...To...ri...?" Asked my dead sister weakly, unable to continue her breath.

"You won't have mercy from this monster," I told her, gripping my knife so tight that my blood dripped out from my palm.

I killed her, again and again.

Stabbing her, slicing her to pieces, making her unable to continue her breath.

But the worse of all, for her mind,

She got killed by her so-called 'brother'.

The one she felt most comfortable the most, currently tormenting her with an eye of bloodlust.

Black-colored liquid continued to splatter around the red floor from my view.

The corpses could not move, at least, not until I was satisfied.

But nothing left to be found.

I know how to count, but I lost track of my streaks of how many times I killed them.

But that does not matter.

What matters here is that...

I get to taste their blood again.




As I continue my so-called "work", I couldn't move, at least, I could tell myself that I got paralyzed.

And I lost my consciousness.




As I open my eyes a few moments later, I found myself in a familiar-looking room, wearing my pajamas.

'It was just a memory, huh...' I thought as I pick up my phone to know what the time is...
          [6:19 AM.]

[Wednesday, Oct 13th]

'I'm glad that it is daytime. And I still have school today.' I thought.

As I remember from the light novel series, this is when Sensei announce the Paper Shuffle exam.

I guess it is time for me to get up and do my things, starting with my "certain business".

To be continued.


Well, that was something.

Y'all might be thinking: Dude wtf is this insanity?

I know, but it's quite common that people might have that kind of mindset.

I did tell y'all that Tori's character did assemble me a little bit...

So yeah...

I know, this sure sounds depressing and cold-hearted.

But, things happened ya know?

Anyway, do look forward to the paper shuffle exam next chapters. Torikachi will intervene once again, but it's not about winning or not.

Will Kushida be able to turn the tables?

Who knows?

This SS is quite depressing, so I don't want to ruin the mood, so...

See y'all next chapter.

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