V11.5-P2: My first genuine feeling of love

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POV: Kiyotaka

The time has come.

The final day before we become the sophomores, and I am looking forward to it, even though Tsukishiro might be troublesome in the near future.

But that is not important for me at the moment.

It is currently 5:00 PM, as I am waiting for the fated person to come.

I look at myself in the mirror, trying to adjust the final bits of my appearance before the showdown.

'Hmm... I do look better than I thought I would.' I thought as I prepared for the main event with that person.

Moments later, the person shows up with an irritated expression.

"So, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" She asked.

"I wanted to tell you what I called you for that day," I answered while my feelings continue to flow.

About that day, I called Kei over to the Pallet Cafe, but the only thing she saw was me exchanging words about books with Hiyori, and she immediately left.

"So, what is it?" She asked.

"Do you want me to be honest?" I joked.

"OF COURSE!!!" She shouted.

"To be honest, I forgot about it." I pretend that I could not remember anything about that day.


"It is true, I forgot about the topic I was about to tell you that day."

"It seems like your little date with Shiina-san made you forget E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!" She said with a mocking tone.

"Date? I and Hiyori are not dating." I replied.

"Hi...yo...r-ri?" She stuttered to call Hiyori by her first name.


"You call her by her first name? Are you two this close?"

"Of course I am. She and I have the same hobby of reading books."

I answered while looking back on my first year of attending this school, having unexpected encounters, many fascinating and enjoyable experiences, different challenges, and many more.

"Heeh? Same hobby...?" She replied as she scratched her head. "Isn't that like... totally different from me?"

"Umm... What of it?" I ignorantly asked while maintaining my composure.

At the moment, every time I get close to her, a feeling inside me starts to form that is filling in my heart.

Not physically, but it is mentally filling my guts, my roots, my back, my head, and my senses.

"Forget it... I have to go out. I couldn't believe that I have to delay my dinner just for this." She answered with a very irritating tone, but I do not mind it.

There is something inside me that is pushing me to hold her, to stop her from leaving this place. After all, it was I who set this meeting.

"Well, at least I told you so that I wouldn't feel guilty." I answered.

"Then I'm leaving." She said as she tries to walk away from my sight. "My reputation will worsen if I start to get near you."

"What do you mean about that?" I asked.

"You knew that I broke up with Hirata, so I'm in need to get a new boyfriend now. This evening might be an opportunity for me to get one soon." She said as she reaches the door.

"Do you mean that I'm holding you back to get a new boyfriend?" I asked.

"Well, yeah!"

But I instinctively hold her back.

"Kei." I called her.

"W-What??!" She asked while turning her face in front of me.

"It's just..." I paused myself a second. "If you don't like it, you can ignore it."

"What is it then?" She asked.

"Will you go out with me?"

POV: Karuizawa Kei (perhaps the first and last time I use her POV)

"Will you go out with me?" He asked while maintaining his poker face.

However, in just a mere sentence he said is pushing my feelings around like crazy and he still keep his unchanging face.

"W-What?? Go where?!" I asked stuttered. Never once in my life that I thought this love-dead idiot would ever confess to me out of the blue like that.

"Did you really just say that?" He asked innocently.

At the moment, my mind is in chaos just because the boy I like confessed to me for real.

"Let me just rephrase it then...

Will you be my girlfriend?"

POV: Kiyotaka

"W-Wha... eh...!?? wHaT?! What's up with that j-joke? That was bad taste even for you...?!" She could not hold her shocked expression any longer while kept on asking me stuttering.

"If only it was a joke," I said neutrally.

For now, I only need her to accept my feelings. My first genuine feelings have been formed just for her, Karuizawa Kei.

"B-But... what about you and Shiina-san??" She asked.

"There is nothing between us. I wanted to call you out just to test whether you are jealous or not. And it was a success." I answered while putting my finger close to my lips. My facial muscles started to move as I remember how Torikachi guided me to express myself during the summer.

In other words, it was Kei who could make me feel this way towards her.

"B-But why me?" She asked.

"To be blunt, I don't even know. Perhaps I don't want you to get a boyfriend, I want us to feel that way to each other." I answered.

"I-if this is a joke, this is your last chance to take it back... You know that, don't you?" She asked.

If it is a joke, our relationship will fall apart because it is a disgrace for her.

And for me perhaps...

"Of course not. Because...

I love you, Karuizawa Kei."

Yes. I did say that with my true feelings. My facial expression begins to form, but she did not accept my confession yet. It is too early to celebrate.

"H-HUHHH??!!" She displays a terrifying expression that she might be thinking today is the end of the world.

"So, what is your response?" I asked.

One of the major events in life was to confess.

The fleeting moment where you'd express your true emotions, which is what I am currently doing at the moment.

That is right.

My confession is truly from my guts, my heart, and my senses. It forced the act of confessing to someone. The feeling is called love, the feeling is called warmth.

The motive is there. To experience, enjoy, to cherish the moments together.

My precious school life, I should keep it to my heart, and engrave my feelings so I will not forget.

The chaotic Kei calmed herself, as she tries to move her gaze back to me.

"W-Well..., I'll go out with you... then..." She answered.

"Can I interpret what you just said as that you like me?"

"Y-you want me to say it?!"

Although I understood her confusion, it was an indispensable part of the confirmation.

"Mhm, I want you to say it." I urged her.

Even though she did not want to say it, she did not reject my confession.

A moment of silence, no third party is approaching or listening, nor was there a contract stamped between us.

It is only the two of us that know, it is a conversation between only the two of us, agreed to mutually help each other.

"Can you not answer?" I asked.

Another moment of silence, while Kei's emotion is exposed all around her head.

Looking at Kei, I decided to calmly wait for that moment to come.

Kei looked at me, determination in her eyes.

"T-To you... b-basically, I..."

Although it was extremely hard to work up the courage to do so, Kei did not try to look away.

This is proof of Kei's determination.

Karuizawa Kei's strength is that once she had made up her mind, she will carry it out to the end, no matter what the situation.

"L-Like... huh... rather than say that..."

Kei's voice became softer and softer, stammering, but persisting in revealing her feelings.

"I-I also... like... l-like you... I don't want to say it but... I-I admit! I admit it alright!"

I knew the fact that she is a tsundere, she revealed herself to be angry at me, but her feelings are the opposite.

I stretched out my arms and gently held Kei's arms.

"W-Wait!? D-Don't say you want to kiss?!"

Kei's reaction was even stronger than when I told her I liked her.

Even if we kiss now, she would not object, but it is too soon for our relationship to start that way.

"I don't plan to do that, at least for now."

"F-For... now..."

In other words, the scene of us kissing would enter her vision in the future.

I embraced Kei in her motionless state as if she was frozen.

The evidence of our relationship had taken a huge step forward.

The more I get to spend time with her, the more comfortable and enjoyable I felt.

Even if I did not see Kei's face, I understood.

She is confused, anxious, and happy.

Her expression had to be showing a feeling that was impossible to express with just a smile or other methods.

"Hey, haven't you grown a bit taller?"


That is right. I have grown, everyone has grown. This is natural for every stage of life.

People would grow.

They are creatures that loved to learn.

The statement could be the same as in my situation.

I am slowly learning to fall in love through Kei.

This is not what I have learned, from feeling so far in my life.

Never in my life that I thought I would get to feel this emotion again.

The abandoned emotions that I disposed of, starting to return to my soul, my heart.

Looking ahead to next year, our relationship will be extremely important.

Her expressions, her feelings, her way of living, I knew all of it.

We have approached a new stage of our relationship, as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Right now, what expression am I making?

Am I smiling?


Will there be a shy expression on my face?


Or will there be a confusing smile?

I do not know.

The 'me' right now, knew what expression I am wearing.

A smile, a genuine smile to be in fact.

I feel happy.

The warmth from Kei's body is transferring to mine. The feeling is strange, but not uncomfortable.

I guess having a true friend could change you a lot more than you would think.

Remember everything, it was Torikachi who changed me since the start of the year.

He has done everything he could to protect me from that man, just to gain my freedom.

There will be a different future, but not so much according to him.

Now, embracing Kei's warmth, I knew one thing, and one thing that will exist in my heart.

I will not leave her side, becoming an irreplaceable existence for her.

And for me? I do not know myself.

There is a part of me that hoped for it, and it will be possible unless she chooses not to be by my side anymore.

So, let us pray.

Praying at the moment right now, holding an important person in my arms and smiling.

Praying, as a young student, swearing that I will treasure her. I gently embraced Kei, quietly praying.

It is time for me to celebrate myself will a smile.

My lips curled up, but not so much.

It might be unnoticed from afar, but Kei might see it from this distance.

But I would not mind if she sees me smiling at all. After all, I never smiled ever since I came to this school.

"Y-You're smiling?!!?"



I have returned!!!

So, just for y'all wanted to know, I made this whole chapter even before my long break until today I dared to publish it.

H-How did y'all think?

Is it gud? Is it not? Is it mid?



A-Anyway, SS coming right up for y'all and it will be from Torikachi's growth and his hopes for the future holds.

Hmm, I don't know what to say anymore, since I'm planning to publish this after I publish the previous chapter.

I will publish the SS tomorrow.


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