V4-P1: Introduction and Planning

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POV: Torikachi

The special exam has been started. As the clock reaches 8:30 PM, I enter room 420. I expected some familiar faces.

But this is both interesting and terrifying than I thought.

Koenji is in the group with me. This is way more convenient for me to plan since Koenji will finish our group soon.

And Chie-sensei...

This is bad...

As I stare at Koenji, he engaged in a conversation.

"You should be grateful for accompanying this perfect existence, gourmet boy." He said. "I never expect you out of everyone to be in the same group as me."

"Then I am glad to be with the perfect existence, Mr. Koenji." I said politely.

He laughed loudly, as other students in the room could hear it.

"There is no need for you to add the Mr prefix, gourmet-boy. I'm happy because of your compliment earlier."

As we finish our conversation, Chie-sensei starts her explanation.

"It looks like everyone is here! Now let us start our next special exam!" Shouted Chie-sensei, leaving most students in the room, except me and Kouenji, dumbfounded.

"W-what do you mean? Chie-sensei?" Asked one of the students.

"As I said so. Hehehe..." Chie-sensei chuckled.

"Wait... then what is this exam about??" I asked innocently, pretending to not know what is happening at the moment.

"Well... our last exam is more about physical ability, then this exam will be focused on your 'thinking' side." She said. "Then I will explain the zodiac exam we are currently having."

*a whole explanation later

The rules are complicated at first sight. But I reread too much of this arc in my previous world because I love the Kiyo-Kei ship, so the rules are very easy to understand for me.

For the outcomes, I wanted all groups to trigger outcome #3, to gain class points. While the 3 VIPs of our class, will try to set their group to trigger outcome #4, except the Dragon group.

If we can do this, then we might reach class B after this exam.

As for the Dragon group, the members are quite a scheme, so I don't think baiting them is a smart choice. But I decided to let them be since I need to expose Kushida very soon. The class is already within my control, so even if it broke down, I will build them back up.

I don't even know why Horikita decided to protect Kushida during V5Y2, she kept saying that Kushida is still useful while she became worthless after her facade dropped from her face.

Fine, if Horikita decided not to expel Kushida, I will do it myself. All to dispose troubles from Kiyotaka. I have more blackmail materials for her to not cooperate with Ryuuen, but if she decided to do it once again, I will expose her. The materials I sent her about her past are more than enough.

With that being said, the group disbanded, as I and Koenji leave the room at the same time, Chie-sensei called me.

"Ne~ Tori-kun~~..." she called me seductively. "The show you made in the afternoon was very good...~

But... my intuition senses that you are lying with Ryuko-chan earlier."

"That was the truth," I said. "There is no basis to prove that I'm lying except your intuition alone, sensei."

I need to keep my secrets from my past world not be exposed by people. Chie-sensei is scarier than I thought.

"What a meanie..." she pouted. "By the way, can you come with me somewhere in private?? Just only two of us...~"

I can sense her devilish intentions from her smile. I want to finish my Monkey group as soon as possible.

"Sorry sensei, but I have to reject your offer." I excused. "I have an important meeting to attend."

"Ah... what a bummer." She said. "F-fine! Remember to at least attend the next meeting, or else I'm going to be sad..."

Did she just stutter?

"It's okay sensei, I will make up for you in the future." I can't believe I just said that. I wanted to slap myself right now.

"Ah... Okay then!" She replied.

Sorry sensei, but the group will be finished shortly after the VIP announcement.

With that being said, I need to meet up with Kiyotaka. He might ask me about the performance I made in the afternoon.

As I went to the balcony, I saw Kiyotaka leaning at the side of the rails. I guess he just finished his session with Sakura.

"Yo!" I greeted him.

"I guess you have some explanation..." he asked.

(For the conversation, read the aftermath of the previous chapter.)

*time skip

The VIPs have been announced. It's time for Koenji to finish this exam early.

[I assume you already know who it is...] I texted Koenji.

[You sounded like you know something about it, gourmet-boy.] He replied quite quickly. I guess he expected me to text him.

[I will submit the VIP now. Later! XD] He continued. I never expect Koenji to use these kinds of emotes.

Welp, people have their hidden side.

I let Kouenji do all the work, as I texted Hirata about other group VIPs.

[Hirata, can you meet me at the bar in 15 minutes?]

[Okay sure.] He replied a few moments later. What a good guy.

With that said, I went to the bar as I saw Hirata already standing there. He likes to keep his manners.

"Yo!" I noticed him waving at me.

"Hello, Torikachi-kun." He said. "What is it that you wanted to talk to me about at the moment?"

"I want to keep this as brief as possible." I answered. "I know all the VIPs in this exam. I would like to ask you to notify all the girls in the class to submit their respective group's VIP as soon as possible."

"W-what do you mean about that?" He asked. "Do you mean?..."

"Yes. I already know that Karuizawa, Kushida, and Minami are our class's VIPs, as well as other classes." I interrupted him. "What I'm going to tell you is from a very reliable source. You can believe me this time."

"No no..." Hirata replied. "I wanted to trust my classmates. Even though I have doubts, but I want to trust you as much as possible."

"It's fine. I don't want to talk about it at the moment." I said. "I guess you've spread the attachment I sent you a few weeks ago, without her knowing."

"But is it true? Even she could do that??" Hirata asked me nervously, wondering an angel like her could be doing those kinds of stuff.

What is it you may ask?


"I've sent you the video. Don't spread this to Kushida." I told Hirata. "But this is for the basis in case Kushida decides to sabotage our class."

"T-this..." Hirata stuttered. "What are you going to do if it happens?"

"That's why I'm talking with you, Hirata. Once she ruins our class, our classmates will blame each other, even worse than ever. You noticed in her junior high haven't you?" I said to him. He probably saw Kushida's junior high school experience. "I need to take action as soon as possible. The later the worse for our class."

"I see..." Hirata was still a bit nervous about what I talked about. "Then what are we going to do with her?"

"I already sent her that footage for her not to sabotage our class," I said. "If she did, I will expose her in public."

*flashback end

"So it's inevitable for her at the moment." I could sense some kind of information from his group. "Kushida-san looked a bit restless after what happened yesterday. Quite a show you've made there."

"Nothing special..." I stated. "I just practiced a lot for the tracks. I'm not that good..."

"You just being modest." He said nervously.

"Anyway, trust me in this exam. I will tell you the VIPs of class A and C, and you will inform the girls in their respective group to turn traitor." I said. "For class B's VIPs since I don't want to lose our cooperation relationship at the moment, so I won't tell you."

"Besides, all the girls trust you, so you don't need to worry about their doubts. Just say it's Horikita's plan." I decided to borrow Horikita for a few moments. Sorry, Kiyotaka.

"B-but..." Hirata tried to speak. I immediately interrupt him.

"I know, it's my plan, but I don't want to stand out. Horikita is slowly accepting herself being a leader, so don't be like that." I ensured him. "Moreover, can we keep quiet in this matter? I don't want any secrets to be leaked." I believe he's a good guy. But his PTSD, that's would be an issue later on, but it's not that much of a deal. I could consult him from time to time.

"Okay then. Torikachi." Hirata replied. "Then could you state the VIPs, please? I will inform them as soon as possible."

"Very well then," I replied. "Listen carefully, as I won't repeat the second time. There could be someone spying on us."


*a few moments later

(If you have any hints on other classes' VIPs, could y'all tell me the names, please? I want to put them in.)

"That's pretty much it. The VIPs had been divided equally for all classes." I said. "We could gain at least 300 class points and 3.000.000 private points after this exam alone." It was supposed to be 350 cps and 3.500.000 pps in total since Koenji's submission caused one of the VIPs in class B to be revealed. But it's a story for another day.

"I see..." Hirata replied.

"Anyway, I don't expect something in return, but 1.000.000 private points will be nice." I requested. "I don't really know if you can, but at least ask them half of it in return. I'm sure they could give it to you, and you will give it to me 3/4 the amount you receive. Just tell them that it's Horikita's plan that she needed private points for in Horikita's plan. They would likely convinced to give you half of the rewarded points."

"I guess I could try." Hirata reluctantly replied. "But how about our class's VIPs? What should we do? Especially Kushida is in our group?"

"I already prepared for that question, Hirata." I replied. "This is supposed to be secret, but I guess telling you is fine since you are in that group. I need someone for the group's intel."

"What do you mean by that?" Hirata asked.

"Your group will decide Kushida's fate," I said. "Kushida will likely sabotage our class in this exam by contacting Ryuuen. But, there's a chance that she won't due to the blackmails she received a few weeks ago."

"So, you want me to contact you whether Ryuuen will know our group's VIP or not?"

"Exactly," I replied. "This is important for the future of our class. Even we need to let someone go sometimes." I purposely add the last sentence that is unnecessary, to see if Hirata got triggered by his past trauma.

"O-oh... I guess it's true sometimes." It took a while for him to reply, so I guess it works?

"So, I guess you already know what to do?" I asked for a confirmation.

"Yes. I will do it at the moment." He replied.

I guess I should head back for resting. Explaining this might take more than I anticipated, so I need to rest.

"What about other groups?" Hirata asked me the final question.

"Just let them be. I'm confident that they could do something." I said as I parted ways with Hirata.

"I see..."

"I'm looking forward to your performance in your group, Hirata."

"I will do my best then."

Now, let the showdown begin. Ryuuen's face is going to look so dumbfounded after this exam.


YUP!!!! That's it for the 1st session for the zodiac exam. Y'all didn't expect Tori to be in the Monkey group, aren't you?

Since Koenji will finish the exam earlier than the canon plot, due to him knowing the VIP of the Monkey group since the pattern is already there.

Moreover, this will make Tori safer and can be more active in helping other groups to class D's victory.

Anyway, I'm currently making the next few drafts, and more SS coming up.

See y'all next chapter!!


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