V6-P1: What happens next? (edited)

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POV: Torikachi

Well, we are back to class C, intentionally by me of course.

Now, Horikita had been pestering me non-stop about not contributing much to the Sports Festival. I decided to shrug it off, telling them that it was Kiyotaka's plan to do it, and she complied.

Today is October 12th, Manabu-senpai will step down from the student council while Nagumo takes his place. I also have permission to leave the student council as I wish, and I immediately complied. I do not want Nagumo to know that I used to be in the student council as a secretary, nor wanted to get kicked from it publically by Nagumo.

We just finished the student council ceremony, and Nagumo has already changed the terms of how he will operate the school. Meaning he will rule this school until graduation.

However, I could kick him out of it during his third year. He will be useless in the future.

Now, we are officially class 1-C, meaning that Ryuuen will continue to target the class.

And I could see Kiyotaka getting blocked by the idiot trio just because Kiyotaka has talent but hiding it. I could slap them right away like how I slapped Sudou during the Festival. They are now afraid of me just because I have the guts to fight back the strongest in the class.

Except for Kiyotaka and Koenji of course.

POV: Kiyotaka

I am currently getting blocked off by the idiot trio, and they rant about I can run fast but I hid it. I just shrug it off by saying it is not something to brag about.

However, Karuizawa shot me a glare as she leaves the classroom, signaling me to follow her for a moment. I don't know if I am blind or not, but her skirt seems to be shorter than usual. I could not help myself but try to look through it to no avail.

As soon as I leave the classroom a figure approached me. A female student to be exact.

"A-Ayanokouji-kun," she called out to me. Her voice sounds familiar, and I heard it a few times during our lessons. I rarely had a conversation with her since we got into this school

She is Satou Maya.

From what Torikachi told me, Satou will be the one who has a crush on me.

As soon as I could reply, a message appears on my phone.

[Good luck!! XP]

There is no need to tell that it was Torikachi's message.

"Do you need anything from me?" I ask her.

"Well... yeah, several things." she answered. "Can we talk in private, since it's very crowded here?"

Since I have no reason to deny her, so I agreed to her request.

Satou leads me to an empty hallway, with no classes or noises occurring at this place.

"So, what is it that you wanted to ask me about?" I ask her.

"Well, I just want to ask you if you currently are dating someone or not." She asks me another question.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean... I just want to know if you have a girlfriend or not..." She asks the one million dollar question.

"No. I do not, I never had a girlfriend before." I immediately answer her question.

"So, do you happen to look for a girlfriend?" She asks me for more information.

If not from Torikachi's information, I would suspect her of approaching me out of pity or even set up a trap to laugh at my loner life.

Now, I think I should reply to her answer.

"No, not at the moment," I answer.

"Then... can we start off by being friends?" she asks. I am not sure if this is counts as a confession or not, but I guess this is the start of our relationship.

However, there is no way in my life of misfortune to have a halfway confession like this. I guess this is the start of my true school life then.

"Sure. Then shall we exchange our numbers?" I ask while showing Satou my student ID.

"Okay. I will save it up in my phone then." She replies.

"But, I like to ask you a question." I request her. "Why did you have a sudden interest in me, as we rarely spoke to each one another?"

As I ask her the question, her face immediately turns red, in a very cute way as I could imagine.

"W-well, I just wanted to say that you were very cool during the relay of the Sports Festival." She answers. "Until now, it's only Hirata-kun that always happens to be the boy on the radar in our class, but he's taken by Karuizawa-san... so... yeah..."

I guess this is why she takes a sudden interest in me.

"W-wait, I don't want to be rude, so I would like to take my words back..." she immediately cut back her words, since comparing Hirata to another love interest is not very polite. "I... I will take my leave for now... Byebye, Ayanokouji-kun!"

She could not hide her embarrassment any further, immediately run away from the distance, leaving me alone in the hallways.

To be honest, I did not know what to do when Satou approached me out of the blue, and I do not hold any feelings for her since I rarely spoke to her. I would have turned her down, but since that was not a confession, and I do not have any reason to decline, so I gladly accept.

As I tried to leave the school ground, I bumped into a familiar figure.

"Oh, hey." He greets.

"Hello, Katsuragi. What is it you wanted to talk about?" I ask him. As much as I am curious, I also want to gather some information about class A at the moment. Even though Torikachi's information was completely true, I could not be too unconscious about it.

"Nothing much. I just want to acknowledge how you managed to race against the former-President of the school face to face." Katsuragi answers while putting his hand on his head.

"Things happen," I reply.

It is clear as day that Katsuragi has his own faction war in the class, and even suffered a massive loss on both previous exams. He might have lost the Sports Festival, but Torikachi did not do anything.

So maybe he gained some more allies in his class. And I guess Sakayanagi will continue to rival him at the moment.

*time skip to night time

I was planning to go to sleep, but a call from my phone delayed the schedule. And yes, I decided to pick up the call since it was from Karuizawa.

"What do you want from me, Karuizawa?" I asked her.

"Have Satou-san confessed to you yet?" She immediately asked me about the event in the afternoon.

"No, but how did you know about that?" I asked.

"Well, she told most of the girls that she will go after you since Hirata was the only one on their radar, but I'm 'dating' him, girls tend to talk about these kinds of stuff all the time, so bear with it." She replied.

"So, did you accept her confession?" She continued with a question.

"This is not your concern," I replied.

"Oh hell yeah it does." She immediately debuted. "You've made me do all kinds of things, and even threaten me to do stuff like that. Every time I talk to you, my reputation is always at risk. And you even said that you will protect me."

I see how it is. Apparently, Karuizawa does not want to let Satou know about her past, nor does she wants me to date her because it could mean that I will not protect her in the future.

"Don't worry about it." I comfort her. "I don't have feelings for her."

"Then why wouldn't you turn her down?" She asks.

"There was nothing for me to turn her down. She told me that she wanted us to exchange numbers." I replied. "Moreover, did Manabe and her gang bother you again?" I ask for confirmation from Karuizawa.

"Well, up until now, I haven't seen them even approach me since then." She replied. "What's the matter?"

"Well, just in case they bother you again, I have measures and plans in place. I could force Torikachi and Chabashira-sensei for it to happen." I spoke.

"So, how about Satou-san?" Karuizawa asked. "Would you two perhaps end up dating in the future?"

"That ain't happening," I answered. "Satou might not call me even though we exchanged numbers."

"Also, remember to delete all of your messages and phone calls after this." I reminded Karuizawa. "It will be important for me in the future."

"Alright, fine." She replied as she hang up the call.

Now, Torikachi informed me that trouble is coming, both Kushida and Ryuuen will hunt me down. They did not acknowledge Torikachi's involvement yet, they only suspect me at the moment, I will need his help when the time comes.

*time skip to next day

Today is the day, the midterm results have been published, and everyone in the class is filled with joy because no one failed the exam.

Kushida also passed, but she's not too happy about it since she got isolated within the class and no one even talked to her since the rumors kick in.

"To be honest, I am quite impressed that no one in this class had even been expelled, even you all are originally from class D." Chabashira-sensei speaks up her mind.

"Hell yeah, we have Horikita-san as our helping hand for times like this." Ike decides to boast about Horikita's 'role' in the class.

"However, this is not over yet, since I am here for another announcement for the class." Chabashira-sensei continues as she leaves the class continuing with joy. "I am here to notify your next special exam, Paper Shuffle. There are two events. One is the short test that will require you to do one week from now. And the other one is the final test will occur within a month from now."

"However, in this final semester test, students will have to do in pairs. The contents of the test will be 8 subjects that are worth 100 points, and each pair must score at least 60 for each subject to avoid expulsion. The first test does not matter, but it will determine the pairings for the final."

"Sensei, is there any pattern regarding how the school will form the pairings?" Horikita asks a good question. She is beginning to mature since the event with Ryuuen.

"Unfortunately, you have to figure it out yourself. And each pair must score a specific amount of points in order to pass the test. The minimum of this year is currently unknown, but it was 700 last year."

Well, it does not sound too bad. Our class's lowest point in the midterm was Yamauchi, but he managed to get above 40 in each subject.

"However, the school will not determine your exam questions, but the students within your grade will do it instead. To be specific, the questions will be from other classes. Each class will choose one class to attack, and make them solve the attacker's questions. Once the school checks your class's total score, compared to the other that you choose"

"If the defender class scores more than you, you lose 50 class points and they gain 50 class points and vice versa."

(Yeah the PS rule is very long, so I just wanted to cover the basics of it. So, read the LN)

"If there aren't any more questions, then I shall take my leave, and the class is dismissed." Chabashira-sensei finishes her instructions for our next special exam, which will also be our final exam for this semester.

Horikita invites me to the Pallet Cafe for a strategy meeting right after school, but I planned not to do so.

"You come with me, and I will tell you Kushida's past." She convinced me to go with her. Even though I heard the information about it from Torikachi, but having multiple witnesses should be fine.

At the moment, Kushida's actions will hinder the class down, since she is 'struggling to her last breath'.

Perhaps, she might be expelled after this exam, either drop out by herself or expelled as a result.

*time skip to Pallet Cafe

POV: Torikachi

"And... why am I here again?" I ask the person who constantly dragging me to the Pallet Cafe for god knows why.

"Well, I just wanted to say that I wanted to return you a favor, for helping me whenever I made a mistake during our practice though..." she replied with a smile. "But why did you change the play that we will make on the 20th? I thought we are going to play 'Archangel'?"

"Well, I just happened to remember that in order to play the song to perfection, you need to have a electrical guitar, so we need one more person, so I brush it off and want us to play 'Rainbow Chaser'," I replied. "'Rainbow Chaser' is easier for us to handle since it fits the mood of the contest, so I think we will be fine."

"Well, it's not like that..." she replied. "I mean, after we practiced 'Archangel' for so long, then you decided to change it near the 20th."

That is true. We practiced it a lot, but I can't tell her about 'that'.

"I'm sorry for being rude, deciding to change our play to the last moment. But I'm sure we could handle it within 4 days. So, again, I'm sorry." I told her with sincerity since I was the one who came up with the idea.

"N-no no, Tori. You don't need to apologize, I'm just surprised that you wanted to change, but if you believe we could make it before the contest, then I'm sure we could make it. We should start tomorrow." She replied. "Also I wanted to be closer to you..." she murmured the last sentence, but unknown to her, I completely heard it.

"Then I'm grateful for that, Ryuko," I replied with a grin. "What was the last sentence you said, Ryuko? I could not hear it clearly."

"N-nothing... There's nothing for you to note about..." she replied with embarrassment. I'm enjoying this moment.

I could not help but chuckle at her actions.

Speaking of which, Kiyotaka and Horikita are also here, discussing the Paper Shuffle exam. Considering Kushida's situation, I could at least pair up with her, to have 'future measures'.

For now, I will pretend I hear nothing, and continue my day with Ryuko.


Eyy yooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the end of the first part of V6Y1. I know, a lot of changes, and I'm quite burnt out lately. I don't really know what to do considering my future since my college sucks.

I also changed a lot of dialogues of the characters too, since I don't want to go back to the light novel and write exactly what the dialogues are, so yeah.

Anyway, I don't know what to do nowadays, since things I could only do are games, reading, writing fanfics (which are quite trash to some of you, I get it.)

For college, I'm lazy since I don't have any interests regarding my field anymore, so here I am, lifelessly writing this out like a casual.

Perhaps I could continue writing this since I don't want to make you guys wait for the chapters for too long.

So yeah, next chapter, the short test of Paper Shuffle, the piano contest, and Kushida's getting blackmailed over and over.

What will she do? Next chapter? Perhaps she will take Horikita down with her?

We have to see this in the next chapter.


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