Broken Bones can't be that Painful

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I waited for the principal's instructions with eyes preying its motive while Izzy had an unsettling feeling about what would go down in this office. Nothing can stop me from helping her (even if I make mistakes)! This is my first operation and being a "doctor" and all, it should be a breeze...right? Probably not, but I'm her only hope.

"Since her broken arm isn't bleeding, reduce the swelling by applying an ice pack. It should be in the cabinets that are above the sink. Can you please not move your arm, Izzy?"

"Yes, Sir." we replied in a unison.

I got the ice pack and tried to gently place it on her arm. She did a little grunt and yelled "OOOWWWW!" a few times here and there. I found a place on her broken arm that hurts the least when I apply it. I felt bad for her broken arm and how the other bone was in the wrong direction. OH GOSH!! OHH GOSH! It was a horrible sight! I think I'll faint!

At least the swelling is starting to stop little by little. Which made me freak out in my mind less.

"Wow. You really are serious about getting my arm fixed, Dr.Mario." Izzy giggled.

Finally, all the effort of helping her made her happy. That's better.

"Yeah so, what does having a broken arm feel like?" I asked her while curiously looking at her arm having a strong urge to touch the two bones that are moving two different ways.

"It's painless when it happens, but whenever I move it, it's like the whole world pushed my arm."

"Interesting. Seems your swelling is almost gone. Want me to throw away the ice pack?"

"No. It's fine."

"Hey, Nicholas, can you immobilize her arm?" the principal asked.

"Can I do what now?" I replied so confused. If only I told him I can't speak nerd.

"It means to recontrol the movements of (a limb or patient) to permit healing.

"Izzy, are ready?"

Izzy looked at me shaking her head like a bobblehead. Is she telling me not to do it or she's really feeling frentic that her head is shaking?

"Look Izzy, it's either you keep that arm or I can fix it."

She took a moment to look at her arm and me.

"Fine, but do this quick. I want to get it over with."

I pushed her bone that was sticking out a little bit in to her arm is supposed to be, but in result a foul screech was made in the process.
I panicked and accidentally made her broken arm "visit" to the other side of her arm. At that point, she screamed for one second and it was the loudest one I heard.
I'm pretty sure I'm deaf at this point! WHY DIDN'T ANY GLASS BREAK?! I think I'm just a joke if I'm planning to become a surgeon....
After that scream, she automatically fainted. The principal just looked at me and told me to wait until the hospital came.
Well, didn't that turn well! I got to the wrong direction with the principal, my crush will probably avoid me for the rest of my life, the nurse is a crazy porkchop eating machine, and my dream job of being a surgeon will be the hardest job of my life! Did I truly deserve this? Please let this be a dream!
******************************Sorry I took long to update! I was just being lazy at this point! I really need to be more focused next time...anyways, I hoped you like the story and let's continue with the story in the next chapter that will be published soon!
-jasables \<(°~°)>/

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