The Hospital is Watching me

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I will be altering the viewpoint to Nicholas. I think it'll be more funnier by the way. To be honest, I got to give some credit to my little 10-year old brother, Nicholas to help me make it funny. Believe me, I'm funny, but I'll never see the funny/weird/random way he does. So, I want this to be funny so, I wanted some parts of his thoughts and opinion so, you'll be in a mind of a comedian. So I'll give him most of the credit. He's my little comedian with cute chubby cheeks! And...let's continue the story.
Nicholas see myself in a surprise there. Here's the chase, I woke up in the hospital seeing Izzy right beside me. Oh God please not now.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" asked Izzy.

Right then at that moment I fainted again. UGH!! NOT AGAIN!! Is this will be a condition I'll have?! If it is..let's call it...Hotteria! Yeah! That sounds about right. I will just live at the hospital from now on and when I see Izzy's atrractive face,... I hit myself with the nearest baseball bat or take some NyQuil and pass out in like, one second. Just someone, anyone, please help me with my Hotteria!!!

I heard my heart rate go crazy like it's flexing, but I guessing nurses were giving me CPR and that's when I woke up feeling like Frankenstein. Ow! The nurse gave Izzy a deceiving look as if she made a murder attempt, but I explained what really happened and of course, not all of them believed that so, some of the nurses were watching us for quite a while.

Izzy told me that she paid for the hospital bills. How sweet... everything was normal for once. I was having a meaningful conversation with Izzy until the nurses' were staring in a eerie way that overwhelmed me. I started to get dizzy again. Oh no.
"STOP-!" I said, but I rapidly passed out again.

The nurses did CPR once more and decided to let a doctor diagnose me.

"Your health is fine, but I guess it seems you've been easily overwhelmed or petrified to the point you have to faint. I'll give you time to yourself. Nurses and young lady over there, we have to leave." said the doctor.

They left in a heartbeat and finally I was all alone. I finally could actually live my normal life once more. Imagining tell that to my future kids to laugh, maybe.

As hours went by like the leaves random spins by the window and the TV had some Jeopardy show on and I couldn't comprehend anything because I don't speak nerd. The doctor finally permitted me to leave, but told me to get some rest at home.
It was only 7pm and this hospital was only a mile away from my house. So I ran back home wasting 15 minutes to get there, but as I saw my house/trash, my parents weren't there.

I wonder where they went at this hour...I just jumped into the empty trash and embraced my jacket in a warm bond to sleep in a (hopefully) peaceful slumber.
Only three words for today: WHAT A DAY!!!
************************************ How did my brother end up letting me write his ideas of funny, weird craziness?! Answer: The world may never know. Anyways, hope it was funnier. I know it's more random. That's the first (for certain). I'm sorry, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, AND SORRY! For taking so long to make a chapter! I'm busy for school and stuff, you know? I'll make it up to you readers somehow...
Love jasables

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