The Real Life Shatters Your Funzies

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She broke her arm (in a freaking stupid way). Nobody KNOWS.... the end.

TROLLS! NOT THE END! But not personally it will still keep on going (hopefully... not!)Let Pusheen the Cat tell the story because Izzy can't. Stormy might tell a bit too.(Eh... or not.)

"Meow, I'm Pusheen the cat and I'll tell you all what happened! You ready? Meow! Let's go! So there was supposed to be a cause and effect and it was funny! Oops I meant... hilarious! Meow! I was cracking up(using these really stupid puns is not going to work!). She made herself look quite bad. A person randomly was traumatized, falling over, hitting a water bucket spilling all over the place. Then a guy slips, dropping his taco. A rodent comes to eat it, but the taco had hot sauce. The rat spewed out fireworks into the sky. A boy gets distracted by it, dropping his spring. Last, the spring frightens Izzy which made her do a Kung Fu move in the air. She fell on her arm and broke her arm. Stormy replies, "That's true, but not true..."

Pusheen's expression:

After I (Nick) already knew what happened, that Pusheen told me everything about how Izzy broke her arm again. I said goodbye to Izzy and left the hospital. Boy, was I glad to get out of a place that burns my jelly belly to a ocean of fire (ever heard of exaggeration?)! Though it was a lava pit in there, our hero returned home to go to sleep. I was hoping maybe I could make a comeback reputation that will surely impress everyone, but man, my hopes were surely to be crushed and reallyyyyyyyyyyyy abolished by everyone's enemy: reality.

"What a beautiful day...the birds are singing...the flowers are blooming...on days like this...I MUST BE TRAINING TO BE THE BEST POKEMON TRAINER EVERRRRRRRR!!!!" I said.

"Where did you get that phone, Nick? You hiding money from us to spend?!" asked his parents.

"Get your own jobs! Earn your own money!"

"We think you're responsible enough to help us with our money problems. Besides, I'm tired of going to work knowing that I don't enjoy any of it."

"What happened to your good jobs you had since I was a baby? You had that job for 12 years! You going to tell me you didn't like being veterinarians?! You always tell me how much you adore being selfless and the cute animals you've rescued..."

"Well...never mind! The point is we're done working our jobs and you should be capable of making money to help us make a living because we believe in you!"

"I'm just a teenager, not an adult! You expect so much from me when you do so little!"

I whispered "I should be an orphanage if I can't even have a good life I deserve. Maybe then I could have a family that REALLY cares about me, but who would be willing to adopt a teenager? I can't do it because my parents would get in the way anyways. Besides, even if they are the unfair parents...I still love them and they're all I got. At least, I can try to reason with them to getting a job."


"Please get a job! I'm begging you!!! I'm looking like a freak and fool in school! I never getting the best breakfast because it's not cooked from you!! I'm begging you ONE LAST TIME. Please don't choose the wrong choice again....think about it...ok? For me? Don't you always want a bright future ahead for your child? Do you even care? You know how I've been trying to earn money?! It's the harshest way possible because in the end, I'm breaking a poor girl's heart. I've manipulated rich girls to fall in love with me (sometimes for pity) and help get me stuff I never imagined to earn..., but soon they realize I only loved her for ugly money! She probably never fall in love again or have trust issues with relationships, but life goes on. RIGHT?! I have done it again this year, but this time I actually love this girl. If you don't find this job as soon as possible, not only I'll break the love of my life's heart, mine as well. I'm sacrificing love for all the stuff I need to make a living. It's wrong for sure, but I can't live on like this....starving...worn up clothes....homeless. I'm tired, stressed out, but I try to keep going with a smile and make my life a funny fantasy. It's better than being serious about everything because where's the fun in that? " I smiled with big blobs of tears in my eyes.

Finally, they came to comfort me and told me they would try got a job.

"When? How? Where?" I wondered. I just want a easy life, is that so hard to ask?

I told them I was fine (liar) and needed to wash myself up. After I did, I was off to be THE AWESOME POKEMON TRAINER THE WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN BEFORE!!! YAY!!


All the struggles in life stink right? What if you could change that? It's pretty need to believe in yourself and have the confidence to know you can soak up all that negativity and turn it to positivity. Make drama into just spreading compliments not insults. Make sabotage into helping out one another because now you and that person will show the true inner beauty that everyone needs to know about. Make your low self esteem into "I really am the best, but I don't want to brag about it." Make your values higher because you are the hope, the help, the strong, the smart person we need. You deserve better because sometimes you shut yourself out to the world because of what people think and feel, but you know what? No. I won't be silent. I won't be invisible. I will show you just what I'm capable of because I'm proud of myself and happy to be me. If people don't like it, well, that's because they're not me and I don't have to make everyone like me (just different opinions). Just to know I am true to myself is good enough for me. The power of anything is possible and can is all that you need. Keep going, never give up! No pain, no gain! Life is a pain in a butt, but show it won't stop you because you're stronger than that.

-jasables <(+v+)>

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