Different Faces||General Fiction

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Title: Different Faces
Genre: General Fiction
Author: PurnimaNarain

I love your title, it stands out and it definitely raises my curiosity. I actually loved your cover, I think it suits your title perfectly. When it comes to your description, it does raise questions but doesn't compel me enough to read it.
I would suggest that you add more details to the description, the final line of your description will leave an impact on your readers and will also be the reason why they open your book or not. I honestly don't think that the final sentence in your description is powerful enough to raise that much curiosity, so I would suggest raising a few questions in order to capture your reader's attention instead.
Descriptions are so important for a book, so making it irresistible and mysterious will definitely help you to lure your readers into reading your book.

Also, the cover credits should be at the end of the description, not at the very beginning, it kind of takes the attention away.

I loved your author's note! Although I wouldn't threaten your readers. I might be secretly smiling at this but I would strongly suggest that you would consider a different approach just to make it more..friendly. But the part that I loved the most was definitely knowing that you write for yourself and not others, that just shows me that you have a genuine love for writing and I appreciate that as a reader.

Your prologue is your description, so again I would add more to it. I also don't think that it has enough details to be considered a prologue.
Prologues usually give an insight into the story, it should be powerful because it's an opening to your book, image a prologue as if it was the red carpet on a movie premier, you want to make it glamourous and unforgettable.

I think you have a very good start. Naina is very likeable. Personally as a reader sometimes I find it hard to connect with a story that is written in the 3rd person, but I genuinely thought that you made a fantastic job in enlightening your character's emotions. I also loved the way you ended the chapter, it should always leave your readers wondering about what's next, and you did that brilliantly.

On a grammatical view, each dialogue should start a new paragraph, and I noticed that you had several in the same paragraph which can throw a lot of readers off, so I would consider adjusting this.

I loved reading your book, you paced the story well, you introduced each character on their own time without rushing the story and the way you portrayed Sammer really intrigued me. I appreciate you explaining what marriage in India represents, a lot of times authors write as if we knew what their culture represents and a lot of times we are clueless, so it's refreshing to read a book where I don't feel like an outsider. I really couldn't put your book down!

I also love the way you try to engage with your readers by the end of each chapter.

I would rate this book 4 out of 5

I apologize for any typos. Thank you for allowing us to review your book and we wish you and your bookie nothing but the very best💖

⭐️Book star: 4

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