Chapter 2

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Dipper tossed and turned many times in his sleep. His sheets were completely off of him, and he was whispering words in his sleep. The words were just below the level of hearing. He sounded pained, and his voice just barely became audible. It sounded like it had a similarity to the language of Latin.

-Dipper's Dream-

Dipper opened his eyes and abruptly shot up, heavily breathing. He looked around himself. 'Is this the forest? Didn't I wake up and go to the shack already? How am I here...' The boy pondered. He looked over at the river, which had seemed as it had just appeared. He silently crept over to the river. He leaned over the riverbank, looking at his own reflection. He silently stared, deep into thought. For no reason, his eyes flashed yellow and his pupils became dialated. They flashed back to normal. He knew what was happening. Or, you know, at least he thought was happening. 'Bill! How are you here!' He wanted to scream, run, anything to escape. Yet he was frozen, unable to move, just staring at his expressionless face in the mystical stream. After what seemed like hours, he heard a short chuckle behind him. Of course, he couldn't turn and see who it was as his person was still frozen. He didn't recognize that laugh. It sounded ancient, rusty, and just straight out terrifying. He felt the person, or thing, shove him, right into the lake. As he fell, he regained control of his body. He tried to look up and saw nothing at all, not even light. He fell into the water. It seemed so peaceful, so calm. His legs and face started to tingle. Soon it encased his body in a tingling feeling. But that didn't last long. He felt uncomfortable soon after, starting in his face and legs, and once again spreading to the rest of his body. Then he felt pain. Pain in his legs, face, and eyes. He closed his eyes shut, remembering with a jolt that he couldn't breathe underwater. He tried to reach the surface, but saw nothing except inky blackness. How far had he fallen? He was starting to get more pain in his skull from his lack of oxygen. The pain had only grown. As soon as he felt his head was going to burst, he woke up with a start.
He was wheezing, and was sweating everywhere. He panted heavily and ran his hands through his short hair. His thoughts whirled about him. 'What was that dream about? Who pushed me into the stream? Who caused it?' He desperately thought. 'Why was I-' His thinking was interrupted by a voice.
"Dipper?"Mabel whispered, right next to the panicked boy on the bed. Dipper was so startled, he let out a half-scream/half-bleat. The dream had given him a terrible migraine. His hands rushed to his ears, blocking out the sound of his sister's voice. "Dipper, are you okay?"
"Mabel could you please be quiet, I'm trying to sleep." He said in a hoarse, quiet, and strained from pain voice.
"Oh sure." Mabel awkwardly said. She lowered her voice even quieter funnily, not realizing this matter was serious. "Hows this?" She said barely audible, with a smile.
"Ugh...." Dipper replied with a quiet groan. Mabel noted that he seemed more aggravated than funny. A feeling of nervousness passed over her, and she pressed her hand to her brother's head. As she had somewhat expected, it was burning hot.
"Hey, Dipper." She whispered, "you sure you're okay? You seem a little sick."
"I'm fine Mabel.. It's probably just heat stroke from the huge drought passing over us. It is summer after all, Let's just get some sleep." Dipper quietly replied, but proceeded to have a coughing fit. He almost fell off of his bed, and his twin had to hold him up by his shoulders. "I'm good, I'm good." He said after a while of coughing. Mabel gave him a short hug, and returned to her bed to sleep. Dipper didn't want to go to sleep, but he slowly faded into a dark and comforting sleep.

Dipper had ended up staying stuck in bed that day. He could barely move without pain, and he couldn't speak at all. Mabel had volunteered to be his caretaker for the day, but he wasn't allowing that. She kept pestering him to let her help him, but he simply wrote down, as he couldn't speak, that he could take care of himself and would be fine. She tried to argue, but he had fallen asleep. Mabel groaned. She lifted her head up and saw a glint on his dresser. She walked over to it and saw his Journal. But it was open on a page about a river. Mabel shrugged, as it was probably about some nerdy thing Dipper was "researching" or something else that was as equally as dorky. She couldn't get it out of her mind, she grew more curious about it. She couldn't understand why, she usually isn't into studies and paranormal stuff. She walked downstairs to start working, until she found her great uncle sweating and overheated on the couch.
"Hey kid. Had to close the shack today, it's too hot out. Stupid heat wave." Her Grunkle said, as he fanned himself with his shirt. Mabel thought for a second.
"Hmmm, anything I can do?" Mabel said to him, skipping to his chair. She was basically immune to heat, she's used to it. Obviously because of her thick sweaters which are part of her daily attire.
"Not unless you can get me enough water for the entire town." He replied, looking at the tv that showed how overheated the city's people were. Mabel got a thoughtful and mischievous grin on her face.
"Grunkle Stan, do you have any buckets?"

They arrived at the stream. "Here it is!" Mabel cheerfully said, with her arms out as if she were showcasing it. The two mystery shack workers seemed surprised.
"Dude, that water's like, super crystal clear." Said the oldest one, Soos.
"Yeah. That means it's a good reason to sell it!" The teen, Wendy, mockingly said. The three laughed.
"Well, what are we waiting for, my dudes? Let's get to collecting this water!" Wendy cheerfully teased the other two.
The others cheered and grabbed a bucket.

Stan's reaction when he saw the water had been priceless. He was overjoyed, and gave them each a day off, after they helped sell the water. After they had bottled many bottles of water, they packed up to walk around and sell some. They each were allowed to drink two bottles. Anymore, and the workers would have to pay $7. And that was a discount. They had sold a few to every resident in the town, and by 5:00 they were back at the mystery shack being swarmed with people coming to get some more of that water. The three had to venture out and leave the hot and restless buyers to wait for them. Around 8:45 all of the crowd was cleared and the Mystery Shack was closed for the night. As Mabel told her brother the day's events, he seemed calmer then before. Almost too calm. His eyes were closed, and he was breathing lightly. She then realized that he hadn't heard any of her story and was sleeping the whole time! She grinned and settled to go to bed. "Goodnight Dipper." She looked to her twin. "Goodnight stars." Mabel looked through the small window in the attic. "Goodnight moon." She turned over and hugged her unicorn plush, after falling into a peaceful sleep. Or so she thought. But before she drifted into the not so peaceful sleep, she swore she could hear a faint, strained voice across the room.
"Goodnight, Mabel."

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