Dear Austin, Part One

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you were always the subject of something to me, whether it was
a poem, a story, a cryptic note alluding to your unspeakable deeds.
the shadow in the room, the ghost on the page, two invisible hands
clutching at my throat and never letting go.

and i am aware, as everyone who speaks to me knows as well,
that although i would like to, i cannot ignore you for the rest of my days.
you will no longer remain a ghost, a translucent figure between the lines
that spill out from my brain and onto the paper.

so in a moment, i will speak, as a lowercase whisper written at midnight
but it will be louder than i have ever spoken before.
and if, god forbid, you are reading this, i would like you to know
that although it has taken me a while to find the words,
i refuse to be silenced.

A/N: Yay for writing about writing when you don't have inspiration! #222 in Poetry, I love you guys so much. Vote, comment, you guys know the deal by now.

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