Chapter 8

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Ratchet remained silent, watching Megatron as he paced back and forth. Things seemed rather awkward, especially when you considered the fact that the former warlord would've killed the medic without hesitation if this interaction had occurred during the war. There was an uneasy sense of trust between the two.

Finally, Ratchet gathered the courage to break the silence. "Why the sudden change of spark? I never anticipated that you would turn your back on your old ways."

Megatron paused and the air was tense for a moment before he let out a soft sigh, retaining his stoic composure. "Fate has a cruel way of punishing those who have committed unspeakable acts. It knows no mercy." He said in an emotionless tone, his gaze fixed on the wall. "I'm ashamed that it even took that long for me to realize my mistakes. I was corrupted from within, blinded by visions of power and chaos. My arrogance cost me everything."

"Not everything." Ratchet said, his gaze unusually soft upon the silver mech. He actually felt bad for him, which made him regret what he had said earlier. Megatron turned to look at him and he felt obligated to continue. "Optimus still believed that you could change. Regardless of how distant it was, you never lost his friendship. He believed in you. And even though he thinks you're dead, I can assure you that his determination to change you is still there. You haven't lost everything. There's still so much to fight for."

Talking to someone who used to be a cruel warlord in this manner still felt strange to Ratchet, but it also felt fulfilling. He hoped that Megatron understood the impact of his words.

Megatron, after listening to what Ratchet had to say, let out a chuckle and folded his arms behind his back. "I am moved by your words, Doctor." He said, turning so that he was fully facing the medic. There was a hint of a genuine smile on his face. "Now I understand why Optimus always went to you for advice. You speak from your spark, not from your head. You and him share that trait. I used to be that way, but I was twisted in such a manner that I allowed myself to be consumed by darkness."

"There's still a chance to reclaim that piece of yourself."

"Ratchet." The silver mech closed his optics for a moment. It was a strange thing to hear him say since most bots were used to him using insults and slurs when speaking to others who were below him. "That piece of me has been destroyed. I am far too gone to reclaim it. However, that will not stop me from continuing my fight against the dark evils that plague our world. And you are going to help me."

Ratchet tilted his helm, narrowing his optics in confusion. "What do you mean? What evils?"

Megatron opened his optics to look at Ratchet, his scarlet red optics burning brightly against his silver frame. "Starscream is looking to replace me as the Decepticons' new leader. You and I both know for a fact that he is not suitable for the position, as we can tell from past attempts. However, he has drawn upon the power of something he does not understand in order to do so. While it would be amusing to sit back and watch him fail miserably, I'm afraid that your forces won't be able to handle him once he decides to make his move. From what my spies have told me, Starscream is planning to take over Cybertron and enslave all who oppose—a plan that I failed to execute so long ago."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I need you to warn Optimus. Since I cannot simply enter Iacon to tell him myself, I am using you to deliver the message."

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"Because you have no other choice. Cybertron is in grave danger and this may be our only chance to save it."

Given that it was far too late for Ratchet to return to Iacon, Megatron offered him a place to stay in the camp until the next day.

That morning, Tipstreak stopped by Ratchet's quarters to tell him that Megatron had requested his presence in the mess hall.

After getting his portion of energon, Ratchet headed over to where Megatron was seated with Tipstreak. Riot and a few others were also there, but they seemed to be engrossed in their own conversation. As if things didn't already feel strange enough, now he was sitting at a table with the former warlord himself to have his energon and chat.

"I assume you rested well last night?" Megatron asked, glancing at Ratchet as he took a sip from his glass.

Ratchet swirled the energon around in his glass for a moment. "Yes, thank you." He said with a nod, sipping from his glass. "Tipstreak said you wanted to speak to me?"

"I wanted to speak to you in regards to delivering the message to Iacon." Megatron began, setting his glass down and tapping his digits on the surface of the table. "On foot, it would take days to reach the city. That is time we cannot waste, not to mention the numerous dangers that would prove to be a threat to you. That being said, I have prepared a small ship for you to use for your journey."

A sprig of anxiety popped up in Ratchet's spark at the thought of flying a ship, small or not. He nervously took another sip of energon. "I'm afraid I.. don't know how to fly a ship." He admitted.

"That is why I've assigned Tipstreak to be your pilot."

Upon hearing his name, Tipstreak perked up and gave a playful salute. "That's right! I'll be your chauffeur to Iacon, Doc! Don't you worry!"

Ratchet stared for a moment before groaning softly in dismay and shaking his head. Tipstreak reminded him of a certain wrecker who loved to scare the living daylights out of him when flying. But, seeing that it was either flying or walking, he had to reluctantly go with flying. "Alright, then. When do we depart?"


That little bonding moment between Ratchet and Megatron made me so happy :)

They are two of my most favorite characters in the show (besides Jackie) and Megatron deserves redemption!

Hope you guys are enjoying the book so far!

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