Chapter Ten | Detention

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I had people come up to me and congratulate me for punching the idiot. Apparently he wasn't a very likeable person. Well at least it's not a negative response.

I caught up with my sleep during my free period but I was still a little bit tired. I was on my way to detention after the last lesson when my phone vibrated. Please don't be anything difficult.

Don't skip detention with Jacob.

Wasn't planning on doing that anyway. 

I needed sleep, chemistry had been taxing in my brain. I walked into the classroom dedicated to detention. It was fairly empty. One guy was already asleep in the back with his hoodie over his head. I walked to the desk and gave my blue slip to the teacher in charge. He smiled in recognition of me.

"Good job earlier!" He said as he marked off the register. Obviously the job he referred to was the punch.

"Er... Thanks," I said politely, with a fake smile. I took a seat in the middle and settled my head against the desk. Jacob will be here soon.

The door opened and someone shuffled in. I looked up to see that it was surprisingly not Jacob. Instead it was Emily! She was looking down, fiddling with the strap of her bag. She visibly relaxed when she saw me. I gestured to her to take a seat next to me. Detention isn't that bad!

"So what did you do to get detention?" I asked out of curiosity. Emily in detention was unheard of.

"Oh, umm, I fell off to sleep in History..." She said whilst looking anywhere but at me. Why didn't I think of doing that! Oh well, there's always next time.

"Neat! I said bad word out loud!" I said a bit too proudly. It was a bit badass.

"Oh! Well-," she started.

"No talking!" The teacher interrupted.

I gave out an exaggerated sigh before putting my head down on the desk. Jacob needs to hurry up and get here so this teacher can leave.

Meanwhile, Emily pulled out some books and started working. The door opened once again and in strolled Jacob as if he owned the place. He handed in his slip and sat on the other side of me.

A few minutes the teacher got up and left. Before he left, he warned us that he'd be back but I knew the drill. You'll only pitch up at the end of the hour after you finish getting yourself something to eat.

"Ellalalalala..." Jacob said, continuing the 'la' sound. I lifted my head from the table and stared at him. Why does he have to be so annoying and why does he have so much energy?

"What!" I snapped. He paused and stared back at me until he finally said, "I'm bored."

"That's nice, now why don't you go to sleep," I even patted his desk, in hope he wouldn't decide to annoy me the whole hour. I then proceeded to put my head down on my desk and closed my eyes. I was somewhat lucky because he left me alone but was now annoying Emily over my head.

"What's a good girl like you doing here?" He started. The conversation, if you could call it that, turned into Emily glaring at Jacob whilst he laughed. I glanced in both direction at the scene that had unfolded whilst I was trying to sleep. Obviously I can sleep with Jacob laughing like that. Even the guy in the corner looked up before returning to sleep!

"Hey girls! Why don't we ditch this place and go do something fun?" Jacob said once he finally gathered some sort of composure.

"No," came Emily's sharp reply. Chill girl, I'm not going to ditch you! I was told not to leave either.

"Is the good girl too chickened to ditch?" Jacob egged on.

Before Emily could reply, I butted in with, "Nope, we're tired and your sort of fun involves moving."

"Ella, don't be like that! I just want to leave... And I want to eat..." Jacob continued to attempt to persuade me to leave but I stood my ground. Me too buddy but not today! I'm unfortunately under some strict instructions...

"Jacob go paint the town red, I'll cover for you. Just don't drag us along," I replied once he was done with his speech. 

"Fine! I'll leave you losers to rot in jail," he said as he strode out of the class. Drama queen!

"I'm free!" Jacob shouted into the empty corridor. Emily and I exchanged glances before laughing.

"At least now we won't be disturbed," I said to Emily once Jacob's footsteps were nowhere to be heard. Well I suppose I completed another task. I hope there's no more for today.

I couldn't go back to sleep because Jacob had truly disturbed me from sleeping. Instead I turned to Ella to see she was packing up her books. I was hungry so I grabbed a packet of Oreos out my bag for emergencies such as now.

"Want some?" I offered Emily.

"Thanks," she responded, as she took one.

We munched on my Oreos until Emily asked, "How come you didn't take them out earlier when Jacob was complaining he was hungry?"

"He would've eaten the whole packet, plus, I kind of forgot about them," I replied.

"Let's walk home together, it's kind of late..." Emily said.

Of course I agreed. We continued talking and eating Oreos until we ran out of them. Detention would be over soon. The teacher walked back in with minutes to spare before the end of detention.

"Where Jacob?" Was the first thing he said when he entered.

"He got a call a few minutes ago from his parents and he had to leave. I'm surprised you didn't see him," I lied.

"Oh okay," was his response. Everyone in town knew about Jacob's parents getting a divorce, hence he moved with his mum into my neighbourhood. The teachers tried not to provoke him when it came to that matter, especially, since Mr Collins told them so. Well I did say I would cover for him.

Finally he let us leave. Emily and I walked home and finished up my homework. I think I'll go Pokemon hunting in a bit. I better text Ashton.


I hate my naps being disturbed...

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