Chapter Twenty Four | W-what?

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I would've slept through a whole day if it wasn't to do with the fact my mum woke me in the afternoon. I wasn't ready for the world and I could do with a bit more sleep. My mum woke me to tell me she was going grocery shopping and ask if I wanted anything. Why didn't she ask me last night? I could've slept some more.

Eventually I felt hungry enough to get out of bed and have breakfast or should I say brunch. I poured myself some cereal and pondered on all the homework I had to do. Instead of diving into the pile of homework I had, I decided to procrastinate. Do you blame me?

I returned upstairs and looked around my room for something else to do aside from going back to sleep. I even went as far as emptying out my bag from the sleepover. Maybe I should clean my room?

I was about to start cleaning when I picked up another one of Emily's books. I should really return the other two books that I've finished. I just didn't feel like changing clothes and socialising. Maybe later.

Instead I picked up another book and started to read it.

I was going to be late. I was never late. I ran into the school building and straight to my classroom. I walked into class just as the bell went. I was flustered as a few people cast questioning looks in my direction.

I quickly took my seat in the front as the English teacher began class. The teacher pretty much hated everyone so the class was usually silent unless people were in the mood to cause trouble and by people I mean Hunter. I turned to see he was sleeping in the back of the class. No wonder we were actually getting work done.

We were doing Romeo and Juliet. Apparently today we would start a project which would count as 40% of our final grade this term. I hope I'd get a good partner. I needed to maintain my average A.

"Okay everyone! I've picked your partners for this next project. You have 3 months to perfect 2 scenes with your partner," the teacher dictated. The whole class groaned. I don't even know why they're acting surprised when this happened every time.

He read off a list of pairs. I internally groaned as I realised that I was paired with Hunter. As few girl glared in my direction from jealousy. I ignored them as I shuffled towards the back.

"Oh come and have a seat princess. I don't bite... hard," Hunter said with a smirk. I glared at him and sat down.

"What scene are we going to do and where are we going to practice?" I questioned.

"You can pick the scenes and at my house," Hunter said before putting his head down on the desk to sleep. Why didn't he take this seriously? He could spoil my perfect record! I needed to maintain my A grade.

"Where do you even live?" I enquired. He told me his address. OMG! He lived next door. How did I not notice?

"How long have you lived there?" I asked indifferent.

"Why?" He responded.

"I just want to know..." I replied.

"Since I was younger. Why?" his tone was curious.

"It's just that we're neighbours! You're the one who plays loud music on Sunday mornings! What's wrong with you? Don't you sleep?" I ranted. Sleep was very important to me.

"No, I don't sleep much and I already know that princess. Did you never look out your window or something?" He responded obviously bored. He was playing with his hoodie strings.

"Um, n-no?" I stuttered.

"Whatever," he said, before walking out of class. The teacher didn't even bother calling him back because he preferred him gone. I would usually agree if it wasn't for the fact that he was my partner for his project.

Hunter didn't show up to class for the rest of the week. I didn't see him at school at all but caught glimpses of him at his house on the weekend. I needed to get this project done. Why was he so irresponsible? My perfect record will be ruined if I don't get this done. Maybe I should go to his house? Nah, that would be awkward.

It was the following Wednesday that I saw him. I was wondering around during lunch when I literally ran into him.

"H-hunter." I stuttered. His arm snaked around my waist holding me in place.

"Hello princess, how can I help you today?" he smirked.

"I was looking for you," I blurted out.

"You were?" he said amused. His other hand started playing with a loose strand of hair.

"Um yeah, for the project?" It sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Oh I see." He tugged on my hair.

"Yes," I gulped. He pushed me against the closest wall, pressing his body against mine. I could feel abs!!

I suddenly found it a bit hard to breath. He leaned down, his face inches from mine. I stared into his icy blue eyes. His hand moved to my chin. He held me in place as he leaned closer and closer. He was only a breathe away. He stared into my eyes. His lips grazed mine.

He pulled away and started walking away.

W h a t ?

"My house after school princess," he shouted over his shoulder.

I was going to kill that-

I shut the book as I heard my phone go off. It was Emily. Why did she have to call when things were just getting interesting.

"Hello?" I answered.

"I need someone to talk to. Can you come over?" she asked. I'm a bit curious now...

"Now?" I questioned.

"Um yeah if you don't mind..."

"I need to shower but I'll be there soon!" I responded.

"Okay see you soon!"

"Bye," I replied before cutting the call.

What did she want to talk about so urgently?


Do you know your neighbours?

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