terms and conditions.

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Hi, youtube creator!
Thank you for joining us on TubeCon. We have the following terms and conditions, please click on the tick box at the end to make sure you agree to these.

I. Respect:
Please respect the rest of creators, if we notice any fight or argument, you'll be kicked out of TubeCon and someone else will take your place.

II. Physical appearance:
Please make sure you choose an idol who has a fair amount of gifs and photos.

III. Support the organization:
TubeCon needs your support as a creator! Please leave votes and comments.

IV. The selecting process:
There are some zones of TubeCon that can only be accesible for a few creators. When we get two peoples for the same slot, we'll close it and choose between the two.

V. Forms:
The more detailed and full you make your form to get in these VIP zones, the more likely it'll be to select you! 

☑ I agree to the terms and conditions

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro