Saving myself- 2

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if people knew that quiet and calming music helped to control yourself then would that be all they listen to
or would it still not make a difference in what happens
if people knew that secrets are not always a good thing would they still keep them
or would all secrets be vanquished without any type of trace
if people knew these things would people try to save themselves or wait on the cliff of dying and extinction just so they could pull the other down with them and so they could hear not only silence but someone else's screams other than the ones they keep in their own mind
the screams that only come out in the dark and you would think that the dark is only during the night but when the dark comes every single minute you realise that the voices are not screaming anymore because the darkness has consumed them as a whole and if they could scream their voices would be quite hoarse
so if people knew these things would anyone ever try to save each other

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