Chapter 16: Little

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(a/n: PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS IN THE 'before you read' PART OF THE BOOK BEFORE YOU READ THIS! Hate will not be tolerated :]) 

Was she a little? She couldn't possibly be a little, right? That was, like, impossible. 

Chan tested the waters, "Is my baby small right now?" 

Ahyoung looked at him, eagerly nodding, "Mhm!" 

Suddenly, everything made sense -- her behavior, her usual personality, her demeanor, all of it. She had now slipped into littlespace, as far as he knew, and it made her all the more adorable. 

"Me feels small," she cutely admitted, a small grin slowly spreading on her face.  

If Chan was not head over heels for her already, he was now. How could someone be so fucking endearing? She was already so darn cute, and now, with her being a little, the amount of cuteness had tripled up. And he had never wanted someone more than he wanted her now. 

He kneeled before her again, fondly looking at her as he tucked her stray locks of hair behind her ears, and she giggled, "Channie cutie." 

"You're the cutest, my baby," he cooed at her, "The cutest in the world." 

Ahyoung kept giggling, speaking in a singsong tone, "Thanskieee!" 

"Baby wants to go home?" Chan asked. 

She vehemently shook her head, and he asked again, "Then what does baby want to do?" 

"Baby wan' be with Channie," she leaped forward to take him in a hug, her arms barely wrapping around his wide form, and he chuckled, hugging her back. 

How did he get so lucky? Especially when he had wanted to be a caregiver for so long? He had never admitted to anyone -- not even Jisung -- how he was secretly into this stuff. It wasn't widely accepted, and therefore, he had kept his desires concealed. All he wanted was a little, and even though he was willing to sacrifice that want for Ahyoung, her being a little just resurfaced that desire, making him almost go nuts. He truly had the best luck. And the best little. 

And knowing how littles mostly slipped into such a headspace when they were with someone they trust or feel comfortable with, he felt grateful to know that she trusted him enough to slip before him. She had been stressed, and he was relieved to know that she had a way to calm herself down. 

"Channie!" Ahyoung cried, parting from his embrace, "Me wan' ice cream!" 

Chan lightly laughed, "As my baby wishes!" 

He correctly sat her in the car, with her legs no longer swinging in the air out of the side of the car, and then strapped the seatbelt around her. All this time, she hummed a song he didn't know the name of; yet, it sounded beautiful to him. 

He jogged over to his side of the car, and then sat in, igniting the car, "Baby wanna go slow or fast?" 

"Very very fast!" she zealously spoke, fists punching the air, "Me wan' fly!" 

"Reallyyy?" he stretched the word, and she nodded eagerly, so he spoke, "Okay, baby love, we'll fly." 

Chan laughed as she let out a little 'yay', and once he was out on the road, he accelerated the car -- not dangerous enough to harm her spirits -- and the car dashed through the road. Ahyoung cheered relentlessly, doe-eyes big and wide with enthusiasm. Chan spared her glances every now and then, feeling extremely, extremely joyous. 

Park Ahyoung was his definition of perfection. 

They reached an ice cream parlor, and he unbuckled himself and her, and she hopped out of the car, all stress having been relieved through this headspace. Chan reached for her hand, and she gladly wrapped her fingers around his, singing, "Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!" 

"You're so adorable," he chuckled, opening the door to the ice cream parlor. It was deserted, fortunately, and Chan asked her, "What flavor, baby love?" 

"Mmm..." she thought aloud, looking at the ice cream tubs displayed through the freezer. Spending about seven minutes thinking about the right choice, she turned to him, exclaiming, "Bubblegum!" 

"Then bubblegum it is!" Chan moved to pay the cashier, but she spoke up again, "Nu! Wait wait! Me wan' chocolate!" 


"But bubblegum..." she pouted, and he fished out the money from his wallet, speaking to the cashier, "One bubblegum and one chocolate." 

"Yayie!" Ahyoung clung to him, hugging him from the side, and Chan couldn't be happier. He wrapped his arm around her, holding her close, and as they were given the two ice cream cones, he took them both, thanking the person behind the counter. 

"Me wan'!" she made cute grabby hands for the ice cream, and Chan chuckled and spoke, "What is the magic word, baby?" 

"Pwease? Channie pwease?" 

"Good girl!" 

(a/n: i hope no one cringed? bec if you did, then i don't think this is the story for you :") 

YEAH THIS IS WHAT I WARNED Y'ALL ABOUT ON MY MESSAGE BOARD FOR CHAPTER 16, because littlespace isn't everyone's cup of tea, so yeah, i thought 90 percent of you would cringe and leave. i won't be surprised if y'all do tho, i won't judge you if you do :) 

but this is super cute to meeeeeeeeeeee!~ 

did you like this? 

thanks for reading! i love you!) 

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