Chapter 6

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We're am I? Everything was white...and I can't move...
I'm hungry...

"Ya...he Ya someone pushed him down the stairs... wasn't the best idea to were glasses yano?"

Who's voice was that? I've never heard it before...

"Yes, that would explain that but does not explain the marks on the neck."

" I don't know man, I found him like that. Listen, I only brought him here. Can I go?"

"Sine you are the...well for now. The only person that knows this boy you must stay. Now, do you know if he is abused at home? Maybe bulled at school? Depressed?"

"What? N-no! Look doc, I barely know the guy!"

"Then can you explain the situation you were brought. You said you saw it happen yes?"

It's kinda amusing to hear this stranger try to explain a lie. Let's see how this goes.

"Ya! Um...ok so...I was released early from class...and I was walking down the steps when I saw him fall"

"That doesn't make sense. It would have been difficult to see though people. And even if, how were you the only one to see him fall?"

"There was no one around..."

"So you skipped class."


"Well note that for later. So you skipped class and was walking down the steps when this boy fell. How did he fall?"

"He just fell. How else can someone fall doc. Come on, be smart"

Bythe tone in his voice, it seems he is getting annoyed. 'Ohh, heat is rising. This will be good~'

"First, if you read my name tag, it's Doctor Logan. Second, I know someone can fall, there called accidents. I'm saying how did he land. Maybe if you didn't skip half of your classes you would learn that"

'OHHHHHHHH, ROASTED!!!' I couldn't help but laugh. I finally have control of my body. It hurts... like someone ran me over then decided to back up just for the fun of it. Slowly I try to open my eyes but it seemed like I couldn't open them. Cloth? (Host?)

"Easy mark. My name is (Connor) Logan, I am your doctor for now. You were brought here from your school"

"O...w...ok? What happened?"

"I know you can't see right now but please stay calm. A 'friend' of yours brought you here, claiming that you fell. Do you remember?"

"W-what? Josh wouldn't lie.."

"It's not Josh..."

'That voice...why would a random stranger bring me here?'

"Who are you?"

"None of your concern dove"

'Dove? The hell?!'

"Heh, what is it little bird? Someone flustered?"


"If I may before you ask him to be the one, I need to remove the cloth."

"Got to go my white dove~"

"No, your not allowed to- HEY! GET BACK HERE!!"

Suddenly I heard shuffling and a door open and slam shut. I quickly move myself up and try to get this cloth off my eyes.

"No mark." A sigh before logan continued.

"I'm going to touch your face so I can remove the cloth." Just as he said that I felt the cold hands of someone cup my face and start to work on the cloth. I shivered at the touch but let him work.
Slowly the lights shine through making me wink. "Don't go to fast mark." Logan warns me. Slowly blinking my eyes open I glance around, A hospital room.

"From seeing your current had a fight at school yes? Bruises, cuts and even a...snake bite? Anyway. It seems someone got a good aim at you and you got a good scar on your eye now." He motions over to a mirror while he was scanning over some things on his clipboard.
' the world...happen?'
Glancing at the mirror like the doctor said, I see why the doctor thought that. Bruises on my legs, arm and stomic. Cuts over my cheek and arms...and my eye. It is a long and deep making it stand out more.

"You can have off tommarow with a pass so you don't get in trouble but I would suggest to rest and put ice on the bruises. You may leave once I'm done."

Logan starts to walk towards the door but I stop him "wait! Done with what? Who was that? What do I do with this?!" I motion to the scar. Logan pauses from walking and glances over his shoulder. "You show signs of panic. Please, breath in for four seconds. Hold for seven then out for eight." Doing as told I let my lungs fill with air then let it out for eight. "Good. Now all I know is you look like you got into a fight and were brought here by a student from the school. Never caught his name though... You will have to find this all out yourself. Good day."

And with that the doctor walks out with the door following.

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