Justin/Ghost bio

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DeathR1pper oc bio

Name: Justin Darkheart

Age: 17

Height: 6'4

Body tone: Lean and athletic

Gender: Male

Eye color: Green

Skin color: Pale

Hair color and length: Dark brown with black tips, the length is that it goes down to his shoulder, while he has bangs covering his right eye

Personality: Emotionless, brutal to people who he thinks deserve it for example Jacques, vigilant, cautious, and a bit sadistic

Siblings: Cy and Paige

Appearance: A black body suit, black gloves, a black trench coat and in combat uses a mask with a skull

Like this:


Martial arts: Karate, jiu jitsu, taekwondo, kalarippayattu, savate

Scars: Multiple on his arms, legs and back, a few on his chest and abs, and two over his left eye

Likes: His siblings, Weiss until she earns his respect, his weapons and silence

Dislikes: Bullies, being asked about his past, people annoying or hurting his siblings, Ozpin, Neptune, and Ironwood

Hates: CRDL, Jacques, Salem and her faction, Cinder, the White Fang, and Whitley

Aura color: Black

Semblance: Phasing, he can phase through attacks and through solid objects, regardless of density or thickness

Backstory: Justin grew up in a abusive household, his "loving" mother and "caring" uncle abusing him every day, his father been dead 5 months before he was born. Everyday, Justin's mentality began to change, as everyday he was bruised, cut, beaten or stabbed. Once he was 13, his "uncle"gave him two scars on his left eye, resulting of Justin snapping and cutting off his "uncle's" leg off, shocking and horrifying his "uncle" and "mother". He then ran away, having been on his own for 2 days before meeting Cy and Paige. However, once at the age of 15, Justin started sneaking out, before he started attacking the White Fang and earning his name "Ghost", due to his stealth skills and his semblance. Due to his current family being able to gain his trust, Justin has only slightly smiled for Paige, Cy and their parents.

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