Volume 1 Chapter 3

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Cy and Yang are now ready for the race.

"What will happen?" Cy asks.

"We'll go around the city and we'll come back here, who ever comes first will do whatever he/she wants to do with the loser." Yang responds.

"Okay." says Cy "Ready."

"Get set." says Yang and they are ready to blast off.

"Go!" they say at the same time and blast off.

(video time 2:31-3:53)


Cy and Yang race around the city, passing through cars, bikes and trucks, at relativistic high speeds. Yang went up a stair case that lead her to the top of a building, and Cy follows. Yang currently is at the lead, Cy is right now second, but he is keeping up with her. Cy and Yang are now going on very rough and dangerous rooftops, to the point where the average cyclist could fall, but Cy and yang are still able to continue. Cy and Yang then go down, back to the road. Cy and yang are in neck, but then Yang feels like she lost control and she falls down the bike and the bike crashes to a building.

(Song should be finished right here, maybe I'll fix this)

"Yang!" Cy goes back and goes to Yang "You alright?"

"Yes." Yang responds, Cy helps Yang up and they stare at each other's eyes.

"Hey!" says a guy and Cy and Yang step away and blush, they then look at the guy "Cy?"

"Hey Cobalt!" Cy responds to Cobalt "You immediately went from Beacon to here?" (nanomash oc)

"Yes." Cobalt responds "Mainly for your sister, she needs help on something she's making."

"Is Paige here?" Cy asks.

"Yes, she's looking through some necessary stuff right now." Cobalt responds.

"Cool." Cy responds "Oh, Yang this is Cobalt, Cobalt this is Yang."

"Nice to meet you Cobalt." says Yang.

"Nice to meet you too Yang." says Cobalt "Cy talks about you a lot."

"He does as well to you." says Yang "Saying that you're great friend and you deserve more recognition as an engineer."

"Okay I have to go and attend Paige." says Cobalt.

"Okay, but can you do for us a favor?" says Cy.

"Yes." Cobalt responds "What is it?"

"Yang's bike broke down." Cy points at Yang's crashed bike "Can you fix it?"

"Sure." Cobalt responds "Should take like 30 mins." Cobalt then brings the bike inside and begins to fix it and Paige came out with her buyings.

"Hey bro. Hey Yang." says Paige.

"Hey sis." Cy responds.

"Hey Paige." says Yang.

"I have news." says Paige "I was able to skip a year from Signal and go to Beacon!" Cy and Yang then congratulate her.

"But why didn't you come with me and Justin?" Cy asks.

"Do you know that counselor that hates me a lot for NO reason?" says Paige, Cy and Yang nod in response "Well the a cleaner found it by accident and the counselor is trying to hide the fact that she hid it and was trying to make sure I don't do well."

"As I say, they should fire her."says Cy, Yang nods in agreement.

"You three can go up ahead, I can finish this like in 15 minutes." says Cobalt to Cy, Yang and Paige.

"Actually can I help?" Paige asks.

"Sure." Cobalt responds, Paige hands Cy her buyings.

"Can you carry those for me?" Paige asks.

"Sure." Cy responds and he and Yang go back to Beacon, Paige then goes inside to help Cobalt.

Back to Beacon

Justin is reading a book, then four people took away his book, and Justin seems accustomed to it.

"Oh you want it? You want it?" says one of the bullies.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" says a kid "I heard of you guys before. Cardin, Sky, Russel and Dove."

"Oh okay." Cardin responds and throws the book away but Justin caught it "That guy seems too weak, but you seem like the perfect target." Cardin cracked his knuckles, Sky, Russel and Dove are ready as well "Why not beat you up?"

(Begin 0:33)


Cardin tries to punch the kid. The kid does a back flip kick in Cardin's face to counter the punch. Dove tries to punch, but the kid deflects the punch to Russel, then does a capoeira style kick at Dove, then does a flip kick at Sky. Cardin tries to throw several punches, the kid dodged the first one and counters the second with a high kick, a forward jab, a push kick to push Cardin a few centimeters away, and finishes by running and doing a drop kick at Cardin's face. Dove got up and runs to the kid, the kid then got Cardin by the neck and threw him to Dove. Sky tries to kick, but the kick is so bad it would make Ruby look like a MASTER martial artist, so the kid blocked the attack, pushed him back, and did a flying kick at Sky. Russell tries SEVERAL rapid punches, but NONE of them landed and the kid knocked him out with one punch.

(the song should end at video time 1:21)

"Hey, you alright?" the kid asks Justin.

"Yeah." Justin responds.

"My name is Tyler." Tyler introduces himself "What's your name?" (NocturneSonicx oc)

"Justin." Justin responds.

"Well Justin." says Tyler "See you around." says Tyler and he leaves.

Time skip at night (Also Cobalt was able to return the bike)

Cy and Justin have changed to get ready to sleep, Paige was already sleeping, Cy only has pajama trousers, no shirt though, showing his abs and muscles, and Justin also shirtless, it also shows his muscles and abs as well as his scars. Cy and Justin placed their beds next to Yang and Ruby.

"Hey Yang. Hey Ruby." says Cy.

"Hey Cy. Hey Justin." Yang responds and she sees Cy's abs and she looks away blushing hard.

"Hey Ruby what are you doing?" Cy asks Ruby with curiosity."

"Oh, just a letter to the gang back at Signal." Ruby responds "I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going." Yang then is able to build the courage and turns back around.

"Oh that's so cuuuuuute." says Yang.

"Yes." Cy agrees.

"Shut up you two!" Ruby then throws a pillow at Yang and Cy, Cy then falls down at his bed, and Justin giggles a little "i didn't get to take my friends with me to school! Its weird not knowing anyone here."

"What about Jaune?" says Yang "He's... nice! There you go! Plus one friend! That's a 100% increase!"

"Pretty sure Weiss counts as a negative friend. Back to zero." says Ruby.

"There isn't a negative friend." says Cy "You just made one friend and one enemy." Ruby throws another pillow at Cy.

"Ruby, this is your first day, these people are friends you never met yet." says Justin, they then hear a candle being lit and they see that girl with a bow.

"That girl!" says Ruby.

"Know her?" Cy asks.

"Not really." Ruby responds "She saw what happened this morning, but left before I could say anything."

"Well, now's your chance." says Yang and she grabs Ruby's arm.

"Wait! What are you doing!?" Ruby shouts to Yang and try to resit.

"Wanna come Justin?" Cy asks.

"Why not?" says Justin, and Cy and Justin follows Yang and Ruby.

"Hel-looooo! I believe you two may know each other?" says Yang to the girl with the bow.

"Aren't you the girl that exploded?" the girl asks Ruby.

"Uh, yeah..." says Ruby "My name's Ruby! But you can call me Crater... Actually just call me Ruby."

"Okay." says the girl still reading her book.

"What are you doing?" Yang whispers to Ruby.

"I don't know help me!" Ruby whispers back.

"Cy can you help?" Yang asks Cy, and he nods in response.

"Um... what's your name?" Cy asks the girl.

"Blake." Blake responds.

"Well, I'm Cy, this is Yang, and that is Justin." says Cy "Your bow is cool."

"Thanks." Blake responds.

"It goes great with your... pajamas." says Yang and Cy smiles awkwardly.

"Right." Blake responds.

"Why him?" Ruby whispers to Yang.

"He always had his way with girls." Yang whispers back.

"So um... nice night." says Justin.

"Yes, its lovely." Blake responds

As Cy, Yang, Ruby and Justin are talking to Blake.

Led goes to her sleeping spot and sees Blake.

Led in thought: Wow, she's so pretty, you know what, why not say hi to her? It'll not hurt.

Led then walks to Blake, as Weiss was going there and she barely hears what they're saying but then she hears a voice that she recognizes.

"What can possibly be worse?" once Led reaches the spot, she then sees Cy.

"NOT YOU!" says Led and Cy at the same time.

"What?" Yang looks confused.

"That's her! that's the girl I told you about!" Cy tells Yang.

"Maybe its because YOU'RE the one that started the whole thing the moment you bumped into me!" says Led.

"We're just fighting because you can't get over a simple accident! And you're the one that threw the punch first!" Cy responds.

"Jeez, what happened for you to be stupid? Did you hit your head?" Led asks and Cy looks like he has the face that he had a flashback, he then pushes Led to the ground "I did nothing and you just got butt hurt because of an insult." Cy then goes to his bed, grabs his jacket and goes outside, Yang then looks worried, she then follows Cy.

"I'll just go." says Ruby as she goes to her bed and sees someone she may recognize and goes there immediately.

"Anyway..." says Weiss and she looks at Justin's body and goes to the girl's toilet because of nose bleed.

Weiss in thought: Wow he was sexy... Wait what am I thinking? Am I in love? Naw.

Justin then goes to his bed, leaving only Led and Blake, Blake blushes when she sees Led.

"Hi." says Blake.

"Hi." Led responds "My name is Led."

"Blake." Blake responds.

"Nice book." says Led.

"Thanks." Blake responds "Would you like to come here? That place isn't the best spot."

"Okay." Led then goes and gets her stuff to stay next to Blake.


Cy leans at the edge and thinks about that night.

"Hey!" says Yang "You still remember that moment right?"

"Yes." Cy responds.

"Hey look, that's the hotel we stayed at." Yang points at a hotel.

"Yeah." Cy responds and he looks like he's about to cry.

"I was saving this right after the initiation, but why not now." says Yang "Follow me." as Yang walks away and Cy follows.

Back inside

Cy and Yang go to a place where their stuff is at.

"Keeping this a surprise was hard but..." Yang gets a dog "here's a gift I thought you would like." Yang then hands Cy the dog.

"Aw, thanks Yang." Cy thanks Yang.

"You're welcome." Yang responds.

"I see you named it Daisy." says Cy.

"You would have taken an eternity to come up with a name." Yang responds.

"True true." says Cy.

"Wanna sleep together? I think you'll be better." says Yang.

"If you want to sure." says Cy.

Back to the ballroom

Yang sleeps next to Cy and they both blush.

"Goodnight." says Yang.

"Goodnight." Cy responds, and they both close their eyes.

The end

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