Chapter 2:

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Nanjolno's POV:

"Nan-chan! Nan-chan! Wake up" I heard Kussun's voice waking me up. "Nggh five more minutes" I groan and turn around. "But your going to be late for work Nan-chan!" said Kussun. "Ok, I'll get up..." I said as I jump off the bed. I went to the bathroom to clean myself.

Kussun's POV:

'Teehee~ She really forgot its her and my day off today' I thought as I giggle. A few minutes, Nan-chan went out of the bathroom already change her clothes. "Nan-chan, you really forgot didn't you?" I questioned her while smiling. "Hmm?" said Nan-chan thinking a bit. "Ohh, its my day off right" she answered. "Yep, also mine too" I said. "But why did you wake me up!" she said as she pout. "Its because I want you to go out with me.."I said while having a cute face.

Nanjolno's POV:

'Really Kussun? In this 7:50 A.M?' I thought as I sigh. "Where do you want to go?" I ask her. "In the shopping mall! I wanna buy clothes" she said. "Fine..Lets go" I said. Kussun and me went out to go to the shopping mall. A few minutes later, we arrived. Kussun walk in the shopping mall happily like a kid. I giggled as I follow her. "What clothes do you want Kussun?" I ask her. "This!" she said as she showed me two sweater and at the middle is K and N.

Kussun's POV:

"I wanted to buy these two for us Nan-chan" I said while smiling. Nan-chan was blushing a bit. "Ok Kussun..Thats all you wanted to buy today?" she questioned me. "Yep" I answered her. We walked towards the cashier. I bought it quickly since a few customers only. After that, I went back to Nan-chan who was just at the DVD CDs station.

Nanjolno's POV:

"Nan-chan!" Kussun said as I turn my head and saw Kussun on her way here. "I'm done buying" she said with a smile on her face. "Ok, where should we go next?" I questioned her. "Well..I'm hungry..Lets go to a restaurant" she said. "But what restaurant?" I ask. "I know a restaurant" she said as she started holding my wrist and she started dragging me. Few minutes after, we arrived her destination. "Here we are!" she said as I looked at the title of the restaurant. "Majestic..Restaurant" I read the title a bit loud. "Yep, now lets go!" she said as she drag me again.

Kussun's POV:

As I drag Nan-chan, I ordered two seats one of their staff. The staff is a guy, he nods as he led us to two vacant seats. As we arrived, we sat down on the seats as we read the menu. "Nan-chan, what do you like?" I asked her. "Well..anything is ok for me" she said. "Ok, I'll take a squid soup, susshi, fried fish, ramen and 2 glasses of orange juice" I said to the waiter the orders. "Ok, please wait for a few minutes" he said as he head back to the counter. "Whose gonna pay the bills?" Nan-chan ask.

Nanjolno's POV:

" Nan-chan!" Kussun said with a smiled. I widen my eyes and said "Ueeh?! Why?" I questioned. "Its because I don't have much money left hehe.." she said. 'Really Kussun? Ughh..' I thought as I said "Ok..". Kussun smiles with happiness as the food were serve. We were eating as we talk random conversations. Another few minutes after, we went out and head to go home. "Kussun..did you had fun?" I ask her while I was blushing a bit. "Yep! I had so much fun! How about you Nan-chan?" she answered and asked me too.

Kussun's POV:

"Yeah, I had fun too" she said as she smiled. "Lets do this again sometime" I said. "Yeah..Lets do this sometime" she said. We reach to my house, "I'll better go now, bye Kussun" she said. "Nan-chan wait!" I said as I walked towards her and kissed her cheek. "See you tomorrow" I said with a smile. I saw her blushing as I giggle. "Also, here. The black sweater I bought with a letter N colored white on the middle" I said as I gave the one of the paper bags I brought. Nan-chan received it "Thanks Kussun" she said as she kissed my cheek. 'Wahh~ She kiss my cheek' I thought as I went in the house. I was fangirling and jumped to my sofa, cuddling the small pillow.

Nanjolno's POV:

I heard Kussun fangirling much 'She's too loud' I thought feeling a bit annoyed but its just normal. I went off to my home while carrying the paper bag she gave me. I remembered what I did to her infront of her house as I was blushing. 'W-Why did I kiss her on the cheek?! S-Stupid Nanjolno! Mou!!' I thought looking a bit stupid while walking. 'But its okay, she gave me a kiss as I gave her a kiss too. Hehe~' I thought and smile as I arrived my house.

The End

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