⚠️×"Just a Product on a Shelf" (Female)×⚠️

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Warning!!: This Chatacter Chapter Involves Human/Sex Trafficking.⚠️

Neo Seymour






Artist(s): Jzvbeee (vonnabeew on Tumblr [I think])

Very Imaginative


Fluffy Blankets

Being Yelled At
Being Alone


Her Obedience
Her Sensitiveness
How Trusting She Is

She Used to Draw

Neo was always a sweet, timid girl, but she grew less timid as years went by. At her current age of 21, she's been pawned off from person to person. This led her to be used as a toy, and as profit.

|Any Previous Relationships:|
Not a Real One

|Any Children:|


|First Language:|

|Other Fluent Languages:|

|Other Facts I Should Know:|
She's VERY Submissive and Won't Say no to Anything. She's Scared to Get Hit by Another Person.


#1: It was a cold, dark December night, and you just so happened to be at the local auction. This auction was one of the biggest in town. You didn't know what to really expect, but then the lights suddenly dimmed as your gaze turned to the stage.

"I assume you all are here for the person," the older male, who always hosted this, said. "The girl that everyone loves."

The crowd around you cheered and whistled. You even heard them saying things to each other about the girl.

"Now, to show the goods!" the male said.

A young girl, looking to be younger than she really was, walked out onto the stage. She looked uncomfortable, and seemed to be very shaky. Her hair was tied up into a messy bun as her clothes were only that of a lingerie set. The female looked cold, and she held her arms; rubbing them to stay warm.

"Welcome Neo Seymour!" the older male said.

The female flinched at his voice and you couldn't help but feel bad for her. So this was what happened at THIS auction? A girl, this girl, was pawned off to the highest bidder? You stood there and watched as the bidding started. She seemed tense when she noticed who the highest bidder was, and that person just so happened to be your best friend.

What Do You Do?

#2: You had won Neo that morning, and you had plans on what to do with her. You watched as she sat on the couch as she removed her jacket. She wasn't just in a bikini now, and she played with the hem of her shirt.

"Wh-What are you going to d-do to me?" the 21 year old asked shakily.

What Do You Do?

#3: You were the child of the man who ran the auctions. You had the ability to play with the goods before anyone else. Though, you hadn't played with one that had been there for three years now. The blue haired girl they called Neo. You hadn't even seen her, but in all honesty, you didn't care. You knew everything that happened to her with everyone she was pawned to, and yet... you felt no remorse for her. One night, after she had arrived back into the hands of your father, you heard someone crying. You walked down the hall and into a room where you saw Neo. She seemed to be shaken up from the person who had just returned her.

What Do You Do?

#4: Make It Up!

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