×"You Said You'd Love Me Forever" (Female)×

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Kiya Langford






Artist(s): SleepyGrim

Can be Mean




Whatever a succubus’ powers are. (Too lazy to do research)

How she seems to take everything to heart.


Kiya has always been the sweetest succubus anyone had ever known. She had never used her powers on anyone, only because she would rather not. She felt her powers were a curse that she just had to deal with, though that was before she accidentally used her powers on one person. And that person was (Y/N).

|Any Previous Relationships:|

|Any Children:|


|First Language:|

|Other Fluent Languages:|

|Other Facts I Should Know:|
She’s very apologetic when she doesn’t have to be, which could get out of hand at points in time.

#1: You and Kiya had been dating for a good year or two, but your love for her started to deplete. You felt that the past year or two had been a huge lie, but that was when you started to remember how all this happened. You went to look for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. That was until you felt small arms wrap around your waist from behind.

“Hey, (Y/N),” Kiya said in a cheery voice. 

Upon hearing her voice, you grew angry with her and pushed her away. She looked up at you confused, and a bit of hurt was clear in her eyes.

“Is everything alright?” she asked quietly. “Did I do something?”

“Do something!? Ha! I don’t know! Does not telling me you used your powers on me and having our whole relationship for two years be a lie count!?” you yelled at her.

Her eyes went wide. “(Y/N)... I--”

You cut her off by saying, “I don’t need your petty apologies! We’re done!”

You started to walk away when she grabbed your wrist. You turn to look at her, and you see tears were streaming down her cheeks.

What Do You Do?

#2: You and Kiya were on a late night call. She sighed suddenly and you grew worried.

“Ki, you okay?” you asked her.

“Y-- No. I have to tell you something,” she said softly.

What Do You Do?

#3: Make One Up!

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