WINNERS - Fan-Fiction

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🥇 1st place winner 🥇

Until the End of Time by CBMokedi

Title and book cover - 10/10

Blurb - 10/10

Plot - 10/10

Creative Expansion - 5/5

Narrative Seamlessness - 5/5

Fan Community Impact - 20/20

Writing Quality - 10/10

Character Growth and Evolution - 10/10

Story Flow - 5/5

Overall Impressions - 5/5

Overall Score - 80/80

I did not expect to be so invested in this story because I had never seen Supernatural. There is no reason I have not seen it, though. Nonetheless, this story was compelling and kept me interested.

The cover was simple but effective, and it was consistent with the overall theme of the story. The elements did not interfere with the book's name, making it easy to read. At first glance, I thought the title was not appropriate for the story, but after reading a portion of it, I see that it is.

The blurb contains enough information to make you want to read the book, but it does not overwhelm you. It contains just enough information to pique your interest without going into too much detail.

The entire concept of the story was fantastic. I initially assumed that I would not be able to enjoy it because I knew nothing about the show. Nonetheless, the author fulfilled her promise at the end of the blurb: this story does not require knowledge of the show Supernatural to enjoy it.

After reading the story, I did some research, and I believe that this narrative not only fits but also enhances the word from which it was inspired. It could easily be a world that can exist on its own.

In terms of writing style, I believe it was perfect. The first ten chapters I read did not give me the impression that the author was struggling with any particular passages or chapters. This is my impression of someone whose first language is not English. A native English speaker will most likely have a different opinion.

The author did an excellent job with her characters. There are characters that I really like, such as Kye and Sam, and characters that I am not sure if I like or dislike, which I enjoy. Characters, like humans, should not be perfect.

Each of them is a complex character with traumas, emotions, and internal struggles. Some of them express their inner turmoil, while others remain in denial about how they truly feel, which I believe adds a layer of humanity to them, particularly Michael.

As a reader, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I enjoyed the author's descriptions, and despite the large number of details, I never felt overwhelmed. The relationship between Michael and Kye was a great addition, as I had not considered it when I first started writing the book. The spicy part was great as well, and I think a more explicit scene wouldn't fit that chapter (I'm talking about the one from chapter Heaven and Earth). The constant change in timeline did not bother me; in fact, I believe it enhances the story and keeps you from getting bored while waiting for an explanation.

🥈 2nd place winner 🥈

The Mandalorian and The Jedi: Book one by MDjarin17

Title and book cover - 8/10

Blurb - 9/10

Plot - 5/5

Creative Expansion - 5/5

Narrative Seamlessness - 5/5

Fan Community Impact - 5/5

Writing Quality - 20/20

Character Growth and Evolution - 10/10

Story Flow - 5/5

Overall Impressions - 5/5

Overall Score - 77/80

I had a fantastic time reading this book. I have said it before, and I will say it again: I am not a fan of Star Wars either, but that did not stop me from enjoying this book. The cover of the book was appropriate for the story, though I believe I would have chosen something else. The title on the cover is a little difficult to read; this may not be a big deal for others, but people with poor vision may struggle.

The blurb was also good, though it was a little overwhelming with all of the details - this is just my preference, and it does not mean it is wrong or that you should change anything.

I enjoyed the plot, and while I had some minor issues with all of the new names, the story flow was excellent. Every description painted a vivid picture in my mind, and I did not feel the need to watch the movies to understand what was going on.

The original character is very well written, and I like how you made her strong while remaining sensible. She clearly has some trauma and has been through a lot, but I believe she will improve by the end of the story. She already does, either way.

I believe fans of the movies will enjoy this story, particularly the action scenes. The writing was clear, and I saw no grammar or punctuation errors. The story flowed smoothly, and I had no trouble reading it.

As a reader, I found the story very enjoyable. I was drawn to the action scenes because they were very descriptive and made me feel like I was watching a movie. I liked your original character because we could clearly see her development. It will not happen overnight; it will take some time for her to be different than she is now, but I believe this is what makes her human.

🥉 3rd place winner 🥉

She Belong to Me by sugararmy07

Title and book cover - 8/10

Blurb - 8/10

Plot - 4/5

Creative Expansion - 4/5

Narrative Seamlessness - 4/5

Fan Community Impact - 5/5

Writing Quality - 17/20

Character Growth and Evolution - 8/10

Story Flow - 3/5

Overall Impressions - 3/5

Overall Score - 64/80

The cover was simple and nice, and the title was readable; it is a nice cover for someone who likes Jeon Jungkook; it may not appeal to a larger audience, but it fits the story and will attract the exact type of people who would actually appreciate it.

The blurb was of adequate length and contained sufficient details. However, you should pay closer attention to the text's flow. It was not wrong, but it lacked the natural flow.

The story was interesting and very sweet, and we got to see some of his struggles, which was a plus for me. I also liked the relationship he had with his father, as many characters have a difficult relationship with their parents, so it was a nice change of pace.

I believe that fans of Jeon Jungkook will be delighted to read this book, and that the story will leave a positive impression on them.

In terms of writing quality, there are a few things the author should work on: the grammar was good, there were a few minor typos here and there, but they were not too bad; sometimes you forget to include some words in your phrases, so you need to pay a little more attention when editing the story.

One thing you should pay more attention to is the fluency of your story. You should use sentences and paragraphs that are of reasonable length. If it is too long, the reader may become confused, but if you write short sentences, as you did, it may appear incomplete.

As a reader, I enjoyed the story, but I believe you should provide more information about how your main character appears. I know his fans already know this, but you might be able to attract more readers if you provide enough details and context for people who have never heard about him to enjoy the book as well.

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