WINNERS - YA Romance

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🥇 1st place winner 🥇

Breaking his Rules by itz_ema

Title and book cover - 9/10

Blurb - 9/10

Plot - 5/5

Creativity and originality - 20/20

Character development - 20/20

Story flow - 5/5

Attention to details - 15/15

Grammar - 10/10

Overall impression - 4/5

Total score - 97/100

The cover was a little bit too simple for my preference, but I liked the broken glass in the background. You gave it a very nice title and I think it is suitable to the story.

It was a short blurb, but it had everything I wanted to know. The most important part? It hooked me instantly. 

The entire story was great, and I liked the change of dynamics. Usually, in YA books (or at least the ones I've read), the good girl falls in love with the bad boy. Here, it's the opposite. Your characters are amazing, and I like how they communicate with each other. The described passages aren't to be overlooked either.

All in all, the book is great and if you are into Young Adult stories, this one surely falls into this category. I wouldn't see myself picking up and reading such a story because I'm not that attracted to this genre. Nevertheless, the story is very nice, and I'm glad I had the chance to read it.

You should keep on writing. I think you're very good at that.

🥇 1st place winner 🥇

Lost in the Fray by AsiaAlexandria

Title and book cover - 9/10

Blurb - 9/10

Plot - 5/5

Creativity and originality - 20/20

Character development - 20/20

Story flow - 5/5

Attention to details - 15/15

Grammar - 10/10

Overall impression - 4/5

Total score 97/100

This book was as good as the other one. I didn't give it a full mark, even if I liked the title, because I'm not into such covers. I think they are a little bit childish. You shouldn't take this to heart; the cover surely is someone's cup of tea.

The blurb was good, and it gave me everything I wanted to know. Someone who might stumble upon your book will know exactly if this story is suitable for them or not - and this is the most important part (in my opinion) when it comes to blurbs.

Great characters and plot, with no grammar or punctuation mistakes. Your characters felt real, and you can even put yourself in their shoes. 

This is solely my reader opinion, but even if this book is good, I don't think I would pick it up from a pile of books because it's just not appealing to me.

Still, congratulations for completing the book.

🥈 2nd place winner 🥈

Sweet Flames by Miss_Eros

Title and book cover - 9/10

Blurb - 8/10

Plot - 5/5

Creativity and originality - 20/20

Character development - 20/20

Story flow - 5/5

Attention to details - 15/15

Grammar - 10/10

Overall impression - 4/5

Total score - 96/100

I like the title very much, but not the cover. It's not because it's simple, but because the text isn't centered. Still, it fits the story perfectly.

Using an excerpt from your book for the blurb isn't bad. Probably a brief description of the overall story would have been better. But it's catchy and it gives the reader some details about what this story might be about.

The author created some nice characters (from my point of view), and you can even empathize with them some times. The pace was kept throughout the story, helping with the flow of the text. I didn't feel like the story was going to fast or too slow. The chapters were a nice length and they are very easy to read.

🥉 3rd place winner🥉

The Cupid Complex (Original Version) by 4everSherlocked

Title and book cover - 9/10

Blurb - 8/10

Plot - 5/5

Creativity and originality - 20/20

Character development - 20/20

Story flow - 5/5

Attention to details - 15/15

Grammar - 9/10

Overall impression - 4/5

Total score - 95/100

This story has a nice cover, maybe not exactly to my taste, but definitely an interesting one. I title is unique - I've never encountered it before.

The blurb has everything I search for in one, but still, I feel like there is something missing. I've read it multiple times and I still don't know what you can add to make it better. But don't get discouraged, it's only my opinion.

The plot is great, truly. Unique as well. I enjoyed the chapters I've read, even if K-pop isn't really my thing. There were minor punctuation mistakes, but those commas can be easily overlooked so don't dwell too much on it.

You have very nice ideas, and you should not stop writing. Maybe you can write a novel as well, with your own characters. I really encourage you to continue writing.

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