Chapter 5

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"I will not!" Lilith yelled back
"You will not back talk me, guards! Take her back to the dungeons!" The shiny umbreon shouted
"yes my king..." one of the guards said bowing his head then the rest of the guards did the same and took Lilith away back to the dark loony place.

They threw Lilith into the cage and walked away with one of the guards standing in front of the cage, Lilith sighed and closed her eyes then there was a bang, Lilith rushed open her eyes and there was an umbreon, the umbreon that Lilith had seen before, white fur, light grey rings and light grey eyes
"Hurry" The umbreon said unlocking the cage with his claw
"Wh-why are you helping me?" Lilith asked
"Cause, I felt sorry for you, my father wants my brother to marry you
"Your father?" Lilith asked confused
"Yes, my father, he rejected me, and made me a slave" the umbreon replied
"Oh..." Lilith said
Words were coming from upstairs
"Hurry!" The umbreon said pulling Lilith by the ribbon with his tail
"Stop right there!" A guard shouted
The umbreon helping Lilith growled and shot a shadow ball at the umbreon then disappeared with Lilith
"Grrr, oh no, what's the king going to say if we've lost the girl, oh no!" The guard said to himself.

"You should be safe beyond here" The umbreon said running off
"Wait, I never go your name" Lilith said
"It's Blaise" the umbreon replied running off
"Blaise, Huh" Lilith said repeating the name to herself
"Wait!" Lilith shouted but the umbreon was gone
Lilith sighed and started walking back to the village she was taken from.

When she re entered the village, it was empty
"Maybe they've moved away?" Lilith asked herself out loud
"Or maybe they've abandoned you?" A voice on the distant asked
"Who's there?" Lilith growled
"Oh, come on, don't act like that" the voice replied
"I said WHO'S THERE" Lilith growled even more angry now
"Geez, no need to be harsh" the voice said coming out of the shadows who revealed to be a vaporeon
"What do you want?" Lilith asked growling
"Geez, I'm just looking for treasure
Lilith still growling walked away and saw Thorn in his cave tending to the natural things he did when Lilith was there, Lilith walked away from the vaporeon and entered Thorn's cave
"Thorn?" She asked
"Lilith, is that you? Where have you been?" The asked
"Long story short, where is everyone?" Lilith asked
"All moves away, there's apparently a bigger more advanced village that everyone's moving to" Thorn replied
"Oh" Lilith said
"Cheer up" Thorn said
"I'm going for a walk" Lilith said
"Ok, don't get lost again" Thorn replied as he watched Lilith leave.

Why is this book so popular? O.o

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