11. Egg

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Age: 17
Sex: F
Birthdate: 1/9/XX
Abilities: Strength and Manipulation
Special Info: May be the most powerful clone. Trained to serve under Captors.
Escape: Stolen by Gilbert and Amaya Greene a few days after birth. Taken to adoption center. Found drugged a few months ago. Subject has been rehabilitated.

Age: 18
Sex: F
Birthdate: 6/7/XX
Abilities: Steals energy from anything living
Special Info: 2nd successfully creates clone
Escape: Stolen by Gilbert and Amaya Greene a few days after birth. Taken to adoption center. Retrieved by Vice Captor shortly after Subject 1.

A feeling of numbness swept all over my body. I read through the pages two more times.

I'd been wrong. Anne May wasn't the last clone, she was the second. Darcy Reed was younger than both Anne and me. I also found out that Darcy was a druggie. According to the number of papers in the folder, there were only three surviving clones.

A hundred questions filled my head. For example, why were we created with abilities? How did we get here without anyone getting suspicious? Isn't anyone looking for us?

The metal door opened. I looked up from the folder and saw Michael standing in the doorway.

"Doctor Davenport says he would like to meet with you. He wants to answer any questions you have about the folder," he explained.

I simply got up and followed him out. We made a bunch of random turns through the hallways until we entered a small office. Compared to the rest of the rooms in this lab, the office actually looked comfortable and safe.

"Come in, Tanner," Doctor Davenport welcomed me. Michael shut the door and stood quietly in front of it.

I sat in a chair across from him and a large wooden desk filled with papers.

"I understand how confused you must feel after reading the folder. For now, I'm allowing you to ask me anything you want," he said. "The only condition: You only get five minutes." He grabbed an egg timer and set it to five minutes.

The ticking of another clock behind me made me anxious. I tried to shake it off, reminding myself that there's no time to waste.

"From the folder, I noticed that Anne May and Darcy were sent to adoption centers. So... why'd my parents choose to keep me?" I asked.

"Amaya and Gilbert had a miscarriage. They were supposed to have a boy. After stealing all three of you, they knew they had to send some of you away to decrease the chances of them getting caught."

"Were we the only survivors?"

"Yes. There were only three of you, unfortunately."

"I read about Darcy being a Vice Captor.. what even is a Captor?"

"Finally you ask! A Captor's job is to hunt down anything that gets away from the lab. Since we've been harvesting clones, their main job is to bring back the clones and prevent them from escaping."

I broke a sweat. So it was Darcy who took me... My mind flashed back to the girl with the pink streaks and sweet doe eyes inviting me to a drink. A drink... She'd drugged my drink.

I shook my head. There's not enough time to think about that now.

"Why do we have abilities?"

"We're not just making copies of people," I could tell the Doctor was ecstatic to talk about this topic. "You see, we're reforming the human race. Clones with special abilities will ultimately result in generations of clones or humans stronger than they've ever been before!"

He guffawed, clearly amused. He side-eyed the timer, seeing only 30 seconds left.

"What exactly are you planning to do with your experimentation?" I had to ask.

A corner of his mouth went up. "We want to test the possibility of a clone having more than one power. I suppose you could say, we're planning on breeding you guys."

The timer rang, as if on cue.

"I'm not some animal for you to play with!" I shouted as I jumped out of my chair and slammed my fists onto the table, sending a pen rolling off. "None of us are!"

The old men leaned back, unfazed. "Your time is up, Tanner. This Q&A is over."

My blood rushed, and anger swept through my veins. I was seconds away from punching the guy's face.

He waved me away. "Michael, call the Captors," he ordered nonchalantly.

"Yes, sir." Michael called someone on a walker talkie and the doors burst open.

A trio of heavily armored SWAT-style people stomped in, and I backed up. There was no window in this room either. That's when I realized I had no way out. Unless...

I swerved past one of the Captors only to get tackled by the other one. I hit the ground hard. One of the Captors held me in place while the other one yanked my hands behind my back.

I looked up at the evil man behind the desk and offered my last words of retaliation. "You're inhumane! A complete mad man! You can't do this to us." I writhed under the Captors' weight.

Doctor Davenport only smiled and said, "My boy, you're not even human. You're merely a clone, a copy of a real human."

"Darcy..." I heard someone whisper in awe.

I twisted my head to the doorway, just in time to hear the echo of heels clicking in the hallway. It was then that a woman with shoulder-length hair, adorned with electric pink streaks came in. She was wearing a black-military jacket opened at the top to expose her deep cleavage line. She also sported matching black pants, knee-high leather boots and lipstick that was a dangerously dark shade of purple.

"Darcy?" I breathed out.

The woman approached me with a stride of confidence and presence. She knelt down next to me.

"It's nice to see you again, Tanner." She gave a sexy smile. "I'm the Vice Captor. And I'm sorry, you leave me no choice but to inject this into you." She frowned as she pulled a medium-sized needle out of her pocket.

Everything went blurry, I never even felt her stab it into me. I saw her stand up and look back at me, but then the other Captors blocked the view. Drowsiness overtook me. I fell into a deep sleep.

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